
Middle and senior police officer style record | Wang Gang: To be a soldier is to be the best soldier

author:Hebei Armed Police
Middle and senior police officer style record | Wang Gang: To be a soldier is to be the best soldier

From penultimate to positive first

He slept in the morning and at night, diligently

Just to be the best soldier

In more than ten years, more than 10,000 archives have been sorted out

He is careful and discreet, with zero mistakes

He joined the army at the age of 18 and lived up to Shaohua

18 years of military service, do not forget the original intention

He was in an ordinary post

Highlight your original intention with extraordinary achievements

He is the protagonist of today

Baoding Detachment Third-Class Police Officer - Wang Gang

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Middle and senior police officer style record | Wang Gang: To be a soldier is to be the best soldier

Wang Gang

Wang Gang, the third-level sergeant major of the Baoding Detachment, adheres to the work concept of "doing one line, loving one line, drilling one line", and is proficient in the operation of the system such as soldiers and equipment. In 2011, he won the "Third Prize for Outstanding Non-Commissioned Officer Talents" of the Armed Police Force, and was awarded the third class of personal merit twice.

Let's listen to his statement together

Hello everyone, I'm Wang Gang. Today I would like to use 3 numbers to talk about my personal growth.

The first number: is "1", this 1, is the 1 from the penultimate number to the first positive number.

I come from a small village in Anhui, my father is a soldier, and I have been full of curiosity and yearning for the army since I was a child. In the winter of 2003, I came to the army with a dream. When I first arrived at the recruit company, because of my outstanding performance, I soon became a deputy squad leader of the recruits, but the life after the company was very different from my imagination, training and duty were boring and tedious, and I was very uncomfortable.

Not long after, in a military competition, I was ranked last to last. After seeing the results, I hid in the corner and shed tears. When I told my mother about my situation in the army, my mother asked me back: "You think about it, why did you go to the army in the first place?" Late at night, I lost sleep, lay in bed, and pondered the words repeatedly.

Didn't I become a soldier just to be the best soldier! So I decided to pack up and start training again. Self-pressurize during the day, and use the rest time to learn computers and compare rules and regulations at night.

Many comrades-in-arms saw me desperately trying so hard, and they all advised me: "You should be leisurely, don't be so desperate." "I also know that high-intensity training is hard, but my goal is to 'be the best soldier'.

Middle and senior police officer style record | Wang Gang: To be a soldier is to be the best soldier

A year later, in the training of the pre-commissioned command non-commissioned officers, I ranked first with a score close to full marks in comprehensive subjects, and only I knew in my heart what this first place meant to me, and it became the most critical number for the first step in my military career.

The second number: "0", is the "0" with zero errors.

In 2009, due to my outstanding performance, I was recommended to the detachment as a confidential officer and soldier archivist. The first time I participated in the military strength review, in the face of strange and complicated reports and strength data, I was suddenly confused, and in a hurry, I was criticized by the leader for not being accurate enough because the reported data was not accurate, that is, at that moment, I realized the importance of rigorous work. In the days that followed, I carefully summed up the lessons learned, carefully studied every detail, and learned in the middle of learning and learning in the middle of doing.

Middle and senior police officer style record | Wang Gang: To be a soldier is to be the best soldier

I have successively assisted in the transfer of 6 retired non-commissioned officers, handled the discharge of more than 10,000 officers and soldiers, and handled more than 15,000 various documents, achieving "zero mistakes".

The third number: "18", this 18 is the 18 years of the military service, but also the true color of not changing the soldiers, keeping in mind the original intention of joining the army at the age of 18.

In 2019, when I was about to become a senior non-commissioned officer, a phone call from my hometown thousands of miles away broke the busy life of the army: "Your mother was hospitalized, afraid of disturbing your work, so she didn't tell you." "The call from my hometown is like a boulder, weighing heavily on my heart. Since coming to the army, she has only been home for a dozen days every year, and the years and the burden of life have left a deep mark on her face.

Middle and senior police officer style record | Wang Gang: To be a soldier is to be the best soldier

"Rest assured, work, I still have it at home." My wife's words made me feel even more ashamed. Since marriage, the children need to be taken care of, the old man is not in good health, and these burdens are all on her alone.

Faced with the contradiction between family and work, I did not know how to choose for a while. A sentence from my mother woke me up: "Think about what you thought when you first joined the army when you were 18 years old." "My mother's words were like an empowerment, waking me up in confusion.

I am well aware that the achievements of my work are inseparable from the understanding and support of my family, and even more inseparable from the trust and cultivation of the troops. Only by doing a good job, doing every little thing around the officers and men, doing a good job in major matters, and serving the soldiers diligently and sincerely is what I should do most.

Finally, I would like to tell you that I am a non-commissioned officer staff officer who grew up as a soldier archivist, and I only do the most ordinary things in ordinary posts with the strength of "being down-to-earth". This is the most precious wealth of my life, and it will also inspire me not to forget my original intention, work hard, and contribute my strength to the big family of the army.

Wang Gang in my eyes

Director of the Political Work Department Song Liyong:

Greatness comes from the ordinary, and the ordinary makes greatness. Comrade Wang Gang has been in the army for many years, rooted in ordinary posts, based on ordinary posts, dedicated to ordinary posts, identity and posts have changed several times, although no earth-shattering major events have been made, but every small and ordinary thing to do the finest extreme, in the work reflected in the "hardship, research, love, dedication, gratitude, perseverance, loyalty" is his most beautiful business card.

Yuan Hongtao, deputy director of the Political Work Department:

As wang gang's old section chief, I think that "rigorous work, down-to-earth and hard work" is the most intuitive impression since I worked with Comrade Wang Gang. In his work, he is conscientious, professional quality is excellent, dare to show the sword to difficulties, after countless personnel files but no mistakes, is a veritable "living computer" around us. In life, he treats people kindly, treats his comrades-in-arms meticulously, and exudes the personality charm of being an old squad leader all the time.

Human Resources Section Warrior Xu Quance:

As a police officer, Comrade Wang Gang is more sincere about himself, serious about his work, and true to his friendship in battle, and has always been an example for me to learn and look up to. In the face of his comrades-in-arms, he is modest and cautious, approachable; In the face of his family, he gave up his small home and took care of everyone; In the face of difficulties, he has the courage to challenge and dare to endure hardships; In the face of work, he worked hard and conscientiously, and did every small thing well with ordinary and solid work, not living up to his youth and living up to Shaohua.

This is the story of Wang Gang, an excellent police officer who has devoted himself to the military for 18 years and made extraordinary achievements in ordinary posts. It is precisely because there are many police officers who are silently dedicated like Wang Gang that they have gathered a mighty force to realize the dream of a strong army. The "Hebei Armed Police" WeChat public account will continue to follow up and report their stories, so stay tuned!

Unit: Corps Media Center

Finishing: Wang Ding, Li Xiao

Author: Wang Gang, Wang Shasha

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