
#Summer Wars #Hot weather, feel burned by this hot day every day and feel irritable to death. I'm always annoyed every day, and I don't know what to bother. Today suddenly came a small courtyard at the back door

author:Gentle lamb o4

#Summer Wars #Hot weather, feel burned by this hot day every day and feel irritable to death. I'm always annoyed every day, and I don't know what to bother.

Today suddenly came a cat in the courtyard of the back door, this cat was wrapped in a yellow and white furry coat, very cute, the cat jumped in the flowers and trees, felt a bright eye, it seemed that the irritability suddenly disappeared at this moment, the animals had spirituality, the cat in the play saw me suddenly stop, stared at me with its round eyes, as if to say to me: "Hey, hello." Don't bother with this place it's cool. Indeed, the small courtyard in the early morning is when the flowers and grass are fresh, the sunflowers that are about to bloom are fresh, and the beauty is like a clear spring, cool to the heart.

The mentality is right, people will not be so tired, in the hot days, do not bother with trivialities, just laugh through, just like cats in the hot weather to find their own happiness, set the mind to find their own fun in life, a lot of pain, many diseases, many troubles are all free to think about it, so let the body move, focus on a thing, you will be less irritable, you will be relaxed and cheerful, and finally wish friends to throw away their irritability, like sunflowers, facing the sun, living a good hot breathless three-volt day.

#Summer Wars #Hot weather, feel burned by this hot day every day and feel irritable to death. I'm always annoyed every day, and I don't know what to bother. Today suddenly came a small courtyard at the back door
#Summer Wars #Hot weather, feel burned by this hot day every day and feel irritable to death. I'm always annoyed every day, and I don't know what to bother. Today suddenly came a small courtyard at the back door
#Summer Wars #Hot weather, feel burned by this hot day every day and feel irritable to death. I'm always annoyed every day, and I don't know what to bother. Today suddenly came a small courtyard at the back door

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