
Hollywood's six major banning events: the film emperor is tragic after the film, and the big director has no face to give

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In recent years, the domestic entertainment industry is a very popular word.

No matter how beautiful the big star, as long as it is considered wrong, whether it is law or morality, it is almost a direct farewell to the literary and artistic career.

In Hollywood, it is also common for stars to be banned for various reasons.

It is because of different environments that there are different reasons for banning.

For example, here are six more typical cases.

Hollywood's six major banning events: the film emperor is tragic after the film, and the big director has no face to give

(1) Ingrid Bergman

Those who have seen "Casablanca" must know this legendary Swedish actress.

She won Oscars in 1945 and 1957. But in fact, after making "Love on the Edge of the Volcano" in 1950, she once said goodbye to Hollywood.

Legend has it that she fell in love with Roberto Rossellini, the director of "Love on the Edge of the Volcano", and suffered criticism in the United States, so that Hollywood studios did not dare to use her.

Rossellini was a pioneer of neorealist cinema in Italy, the 1st Cannes Palme d'Or, which he won with Rome, the Undefended City. It was also after watching this divine work that Ingrid Bergman took the initiative to contact him to seek cooperation, and the result was that the two got on well and directly had children.

But Ingrid Bergman was already married to a dentist at the time, and this proper derailment made her goddess image collapse in an instant, and public opinion strongly condemned her, and the Hollywood bosses were certainly not stupid, and there was a good chance that acting for her would be boycotted.

She could only stay in Italy to shoot and became Rossellini's royal heroine.

However, the mercurial Rossellini was not satisfied with the goddess and cheated on an Indian screenwriter. Ingrid Bergman made such a great sacrifice in exchange for such a result, and returned to Hollywood in grief.

Fortunately, the pressure of public opinion came down at that time, and she was able to participate in the "True and False Princess" released in 1956, and won the Oscar for this film the following year.

Hollywood's six major banning events: the film emperor is tragic after the film, and the big director has no face to give

(2) Roman Polanski

Strictly speaking, it is not banned by Hollywood, but there is no way to stay in Hollywood to make films.

Because his example was very special, and even if he stayed in the United States at that time, he would have been banned, so he was listed.

There are generally two things that speak of Roman Polanski, one is "The Pianist" and the other is the murder of his wife, Sharon Tate, by the Manson family.

But what forced him to leave Hollywood was that in 1977, he was accused of having an unspeakable relationship with a 13-year-old girl who, instead of going to trial, fled to Europe.

To this day, he does not dare to enter the United States.

But the European side still gave the Polish-Jewish-French director a chance, so much so that he could go to the Oscar stage with a "Pianist" for the first time, and even won the best director. It seems that with the passage of time, Hollywood has not embarrassed him, and he is very welcome to go back to filming.

Of course, he is not stupid, as soon as he returns to the United States, the police will arrest him for trial, and Hollywood does not have much support for art films anyway, so it is better to stay comfortable in Europe.

With the rise of global feminism, Polanski is now a bit of a hangout in Europe. Last year, he won the French local award for "I Accuse", which connotated his own encounters, and was met with fierce protests from the female community.

I am afraid that he will not be able to return his innocence in this life, and all kinds of controversies have been imprinted in his film career.

Hollywood's six major banning events: the film emperor is tragic after the film, and the big director has no face to give

(3) Mel Gibson

Strictly speaking, it can only be regarded as "semi-blocked".

Because he just didn't have to be a director, but he could still act.

In 2006, he was drunk driving again and cursing the Jews. This incident was fanned by the media and became a turning point in his career.

Polanski's film about Jews in "The Pianist" breaks the mold and is labeled a racist for insulting Jews.

As a result, "Revelation", which was released in December, was greatly discounted at the box office, and he did not have the opportunity to direct for the next 10 years, until the return of "Hacksaw Ridge" in 2016.

The return is due to his frequent public confessions, but the tough guy director has also lost a period of golden time to export more good films, and in today's market where it is not a big IP or a superhero, even if it has been unblocked, it is difficult to find a good project.

Hollywood's six major banning events: the film emperor is tragic after the film, and the big director has no face to give

(4) Woody Allen

If the feminist is fierce, no matter whether you are the heavenly king Lao Tzu can pull down the horse.

Even the legendary romance film director Woody Allen, with the use of "me too" under the trend, because he was accused of sexually assaulting his 7-year-old adopted daughter, it was his adopted daughter himself who accused him.

Although Woody Allen firmly denies it, it is difficult to have evidence to directly hammer, there is no need to flee to Europe like Polanski, but because the incident has caused a huge public opinion storm, Amazon canceled the cooperation with him, and the film "A Rainy Day in New York" that is ready to be released has been tragically hidden.

Almost only the star of this movie has given a little more face, including Greta Gerweger, Natalie Portman, Colin Firth and other awards season regulars who have publicly stated that they will no longer work with Woody Allen.

What else can he do?

It can only be followed by Polanski to go to Europe to make films. After the release of "Rifkin's Film Festival" last year, he had no new film plans.

Probably in the future, this will become a classic case of late festival insecurity.

Hollywood's six major banning events: the film emperor is tragic after the film, and the big director has no face to give

(5) Kevin Spacey

Also affected by the "me too" movement, Kevin Spacey, a top actor whose acting skills have reached the level of god, has been accused of sexual harassment by multiple men.

Woody Allen's one-man opening was enough to keep him banned, not to mention that Kevin Spacey's side was repeatedly accused by multiple people. There were more than 15 people before and after.

Under tremendous pressure from public opinion, he announced his coming out and apologized, which is equivalent to acquiescing to the fact that there was indeed misconduct.

If it is innocent, why will it be repeatedly reported?

After being banned, he participated in the "Billions of Youth Club" in 2018, but this is a bad film in itself, and the reputation is extremely poor, but it did not cause any storms. Released in the same year, Jiang Wen's Chinese film "Evil Does Not Pressure the Righteous" originally had his role, and the result was estimated to be worried about the impact, and his scenes were deleted before the release.

Maybe you don't want to concede defeat, or maybe you want to earn some pension. Kevin Spacey did not give up, he posted a weird short film on the Internet, and even won a lot of praise (purely for acting), after all, "House of Cards" without him is a direct mess, a mess.

This year he already has plans for a comeback in Europe, and is expected to star in the Italian film "The Man Who Painted God".

However, it is only a hope for the time being.

Hollywood's six major banning events: the film emperor is tragic after the film, and the big director has no face to give

(6) Johnny Depp

More or less because of the "me too" movement.

The divorce and tearing incident with ex-wife Amber Hield, which began in 2016, directly caused the "Captain Jack" with the top salary in Hollywood to fall off the edge of the cliff at the peak.

The two sides had already reconciled, but Johnny Depp made the wrong decision to rush for revenge.

In 2019, because Amber Hield published an article to continue to talk about his domestic violence, he sued his ex-wife in a rage, and then sued a British media in court, and successive lawsuits did not win him back his reputation, but because he lost the lawsuit, he was hammered into the label of a domestic violence man.

Hollywood's ban on him began last year, first with "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 3" producer Warner firing him at all costs, and then Disney refusing to invite him to return to the reboot of "Pirates of the Caribbean".

This year, the North American release of "Minamata Disease" starring him was postponed, which was considered to be the filmmaker's concern for him, and the snow hid the film.

On the contrary, Amber Hield can still continue to play the queen of the sea in "Aquaman 2", and Depp really lost his wife and folded the army this time. Under the influence of "me too", Hollywood will not easily open the knife to female actors to avoid criticism.

Depp, even if he has the support of iron fans, and even other stars have openly supported him, it is difficult to recover the defeat.

Fortunately, there have been cases of being able to return after being banned. If you can find the state and talent of acting in the future, it may not be possible to turn over.

Hollywood's six major banning events: the film emperor is tragic after the film, and the big director has no face to give
Hollywood's six major banning events: the film emperor is tragic after the film, and the big director has no face to give

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