
The leaves are oversized with tiger-tailed orchid whale fins, and one leaf is enough to see

author:Flower cultivation exchange

There are many varieties of tiger tail orchids, which can be matched with different styles of pots, and the leaves are long and short, and even the leaves are stick-shaped. If you prefer large-leaved plants, be sure to check out whalefin Sansevieria.

The leaves are oversized with tiger-tailed orchid whale fins, and one leaf is enough to see

Now we can buy goby whale fins from the Internet or from larger gardening shops, which are more special varieties and the leaves look like whale fins.

Most of the whale finned tigertail orchids that can be bought in the market have only one leaf, and as long as they are properly maintained in the later stage, they will continue to produce some new leaves at the bottom of the rhizome, and even grow some small side buds.

The leaves are oversized with tiger-tailed orchid whale fins, and one leaf is enough to see

Above is whale fin brocade Whalefin Sansevieria Variegata

In addition to the common green leaves of the tiger tail orchid whale fin, there are also varieties with golden yellow spotted brocade on the leaves (whale fin brocade Wallfin Sansevieria Variegata), which is more expensive and more ornamental.

1. Temperature

No matter what kind of tiger tail orchid, the maintenance method is the same, their biggest disadvantage is not hardy, to avoid frost, the temperature is kept above 15 degrees is the best (the best growth temperature of 20 to 30 degrees), at low temperatures must be controlled water, especially the temperature is below 10 degrees, it is necessary to keep the soil dry.

The leaves are oversized with tiger-tailed orchid whale fins, and one leaf is enough to see

If the temperature is below 4 degrees, frostbite is prone. Once there is frost, frostbite is bound to occur.

2. Water

Tiger tail orchid is a lazy plant, usually can not be watered frequently, if the soil has been wet, and often can not dry, it is easy to rot roots.

The leaves are oversized with tiger-tailed orchid whale fins, and one leaf is enough to see

Watering the tiger tail orchid does not have to be too careful, occasionally forget to water is not too much of a problem, if raised in indoor shade, you can wait until the soil is completely dry before watering, generally half a month to a month to water once a month.

If it is raised in a place with more scattered light, the potting soil dries up particularly quickly, and the soil should be kept dry and watered thoroughly during the growing season.

The leaves are oversized with tiger-tailed orchid whale fins, and one leaf is enough to see

3. Illumination

To avoid exposure to the sun, there are more than 3 to 5 hours of scattered light every day, and some of the leaves will be sunburned if the light is too strong, especially the species such as Whalefin Sansevieria Variegata.

The leaves are oversized with tiger-tailed orchid whale fins, and one leaf is enough to see

The leaves of the tiger tail orchid are waxed, and if they are overstretched, they will only be damaged, and diseases and insect pests will be easier to invade.

4. Soil and fertilization

The conservation of tiger tail orchid should also provide it with some loose and well-drained soil, in the ordinary soil can add 20% to 30% of the river sand or perlite, can be appropriately mixed with some coarse coconut shells, bark, etc. to increase the drainage and permeability of the soil.

If it is a tiger tail orchid that has just been planted, do not plant it in too large pots at once, especially in the shade of the balcony room, the environment ventilation and light transmission is relatively poor, its growth will be relatively slow, if it is changed to too large pots, the soil is often in a wet state, there is a risk of causing rotten roots.

The leaves are oversized with tiger-tailed orchid whale fins, and one leaf is enough to see

Raising tiger tail orchid does not need frequent fertilization, generally in the spring and summer everyone more than two or three weeks to give a general type of water-soluble fertilizer or to guanye fertilizer, the concentration is half of the usual can be.

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