
Ming Dynasty Shen Du (paragraph) Xiao Kai "Ruiying Qilin Song"

author:Home for calligraphy lovers

Mingren painting Qilin Shen Duhuan, 273x61 cm, collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei.

Ming Dynasty Shen Du (paragraph) Xiao Kai "Ruiying Qilin Song"

This painting depicts the Qilin of Zheng He's tribute to the State of Ge when he went to the West in 1414, and was prefaced by Shen Du in the twelfth year of Yongle by the Confucian Lang Hanlin Academy of the Ming Dynasty, and painted by court painters and copied this preface on the painting. In the upper part of the original painting, there is "Preface to the Ode to the Ruiying Qilin", which is written from the left edge to the right edge, a total of twenty-four lines. The unicorn in the picture should be a Somali reticulated giraffe.

Ming Dynasty Shen Du (paragraph) Xiao Kai "Ruiying Qilin Song"
Ming Dynasty Shen Du (paragraph) Xiao Kai "Ruiying Qilin Song"
Ming Dynasty Shen Du (paragraph) Xiao Kai "Ruiying Qilin Song"

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Huai Ren Ji Wang Xi Zhi Sheng Sect Preface Post ¥70 Purchase

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