
August duck foot wood yellow leaves? Most of them are 3 reasons, and the experience of people who have come over must still be believed

author:Sister Rong's flower language

Duck foot wood is called goosefoot wood, mainly because the leaves resemble duck feet and goose paws. And the merchant also gave it a commercial name, called Bafang Lai cai, which means to attract wealth into the treasure, so flower friends love it.

August duck foot wood yellow leaves? Most of them are 3 reasons, and the experience of people who have come over must still be believed

Raise duck foot wood in August, if the maintenance is not good, it is easy to appear yellow leaves and fall leaves. In fact, in the past, Rong Jie's duck foot wood will also appear in this situation, Rong Jie summed up, most of them are caused by 3 reasons, now to share with flower friends. I also hope that the duck foot wood of the flower friends will grow better.

The first reason: the reason for watering

Duck foot wood likes a humid environment, but it is also more drought tolerant, especially afraid of waterlogging, so when watering duck foot wood, you need to pay attention to some. If the soil is too dry, duck foot wood is prone to yellowing leaves.

August duck foot wood yellow leaves? Most of them are 3 reasons, and the experience of people who have come over must still be believed

If the soil is too wet, long-term water is prone to rotten roots, in this case, duck foot wood is also prone to yellowing leaves, and even leaves fall.

Watering: When watering the duck foot wood in August, you need to dry the soil, and then water it once, so as not to let the pots have long-term water accumulation.

And to water the duck foot wood, it is best to use slightly acidic water, such as rainwater. If alkaline water is used for a long time, it is easy to appear soil compaction, resulting in the impermeable root of the duck's foot, which is also prone to yellow leaves.

August duck foot wood yellow leaves? Most of them are 3 reasons, and the experience of people who have come over must still be believed

There is also watering the duck's foot wood, which needs to be watered in the morning or evening, because it is still very hot at noon in August, and it is easy to appear stuffy after noon watering.

In addition, there is often rain in August, once the duck foot wood pot soil is waterlogged, it is easy to rot the root situation, so if the duck foot wood rain is serious, but also in time to pour out the water, and then put it in a well ventilated and irritable place, so that the pot soil quickly dry, will not appear rotten root situation.

August duck foot wood yellow leaves? Most of them are 3 reasons, and the experience of people who have come over must still be believed

Water spray: Duck foot wood likes moist air, and yellow leaves are easy to appear when the air is too dry. Especially after the autumn in August, the air will be relatively dry in some places.

In this case, it is necessary to spray water around the leaves of the duck's foot and the flowerpot to make the environment where the duck's foot wood is located more humid, so that it will be conducive to the growth of the duck's foot wood and will not appear yellow leaves.

August duck foot wood yellow leaves? Most of them are 3 reasons, and the experience of people who have come over must still be believed

The second reason: the reason for fertilization

Duck foot wood prefers a warm environment and is more afraid of the cold, and the temperature in August is suitable for the growth of duck foot wood. Therefore, during the growth period of duck foot wood, if it is often not fertilized and lacks nutrition, duck foot wood is prone to yellow leaves. However, if too much fertilizer is applied, or raw fertilizer is used, duck foot wood is prone to fertilizer and root burning, so that duck foot wood is prone to yellow leaves and fallen leaves.

To fertilize the duck foot wood in August, you need to use the method of applying thin fertilizer, do not apply too much fertilizer at one time, do not use too much fertilizer, and do not use raw fertilizer. Generally speaking, every 10 to 15 days or so, a thin liquid fertilizer is applied.

August duck foot wood yellow leaves? Most of them are 3 reasons, and the experience of people who have come over must still be believed

If the growth of duckfoot wood is slow, it can be used to use Huaduoduo Ten, because the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content of Huaduoduo Ten is 3:1:1, and this fertilizer helps duckfoot wood grow.

There are also some flower lovers who do not like duck foot wood to grow fast, but like shorter duck foot wood, so to fertilize duck foot wood, you need to use fertilizer with a balanced nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content, such as flower more than one or nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ternary fertilizer.

If it is too much fertilization, resulting in rotten roots and yellow leaves of the duck foot wood, it is necessary to turn the pot of the duck foot wood, take the duck foot wood out of the pot, and then cut off the rotten root system and re-pot. When fertilizing in the future, be sure to apply thin fertilizer to prevent the occurrence of fertilizer damage and burning roots. Moreover, do not fertilize for a short period of time after potting, and you need to wait until the duck foot wood grows vigorously before fertilizing.

August duck foot wood yellow leaves? Most of them are 3 reasons, and the experience of people who have come over must still be believed

The third reason: poor ventilation

After entering August, although the autumn festival has passed, it is still easy to appear stuffy. Once the ventilation is not good, it is easy to have high temperature and high humidity, and the duck foot wood that occurs in this situation is prone to yellow leaves and fallen leaves.

In August, duck foot wood, especially indoor duck foot wood, must do a good job of ventilation management, generally in the morning or evening when the window ventilation, because in August, although the noon temperature will be high, but the morning and evening temperature will be significantly reduced a lot. Normal window ventilation is not only conducive to the health of the family, but also very good for the growth of duck foot wood.

August duck foot wood yellow leaves? Most of them are 3 reasons, and the experience of people who have come over must still be believed

There are also some flower lovers who use hanging flower trellises to raise duck foot wood in the flower rack, which is also very good for the ventilation of duck foot wood.

Then there are some flower friends, the duck foot wood in the corridor, so that although it is conducive to the ventilation of the duck foot wood, but it will be easy to be moved away, losing the duck foot wood itself is also painful. Second, it will affect the traffic, after all, the corridor is a public walking place, not our family flower factory, so it is not recommended to put it in the corridor.

August duck foot wood yellow leaves? Most of them are 3 reasons, and the experience of people who have come over must still be believed


August duck foot wood yellow leaves fall leaves? In fact, it is mainly the above 3 reasons, that is, the reason for watering, the soil is too dry, the soil is too wet, and the air is dry. Too much fertilization caused by fertilization, as well as poor ventilation, are prone to yellow leaves and fallen leaves. Then there are duck foot wood like to scatter light environment, if the sun is too strong, easy to appear sunburn yellow leaves, so need to pay attention to some appropriately. Do you have yellow leaves in your duck-foot wood? How did you raise it?

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