
Duck foot wood is very easy to raise, simple to do 5 aspects, grow luxuriant

author:Small courtyard for raising flowers

Duck foot wood is very easy to raise, simple to do 5 aspects, grow luxuriant

Duckfoot wood is a very beautiful ornamental plant, raised at home fresh and natural, beautiful and generous. Moreover, this plant is very easy to raise, so you don't have to worry about serving like other flowers, and you can grow even if you have no experience in raising flowers. Family potted duckfoot wood, only need to do 5 aspects of maintenance for it, the plant can grow luxuriantly.

Duck foot wood is very easy to raise, simple to do 5 aspects, grow luxuriant

Planting soil requirements

Duck foot wood does not have strict requirements for growing soil, even if it uses ordinary garden soil, it can grow vigorously. It's just that the potting soil is too sticky and has poor permeability, which is easy to produce stagnant water, resulting in root rot. Often this soil nutrient is also scarce, and it is easy to appear compacted after a period of nourishment.

Duck foot wood is very easy to raise, simple to do 5 aspects, grow luxuriant

Family potted duck foot wood, it is best to also use loose and breathable cultivation soil for it, you can use saprophyll soil, garden soil, river sand, cinder particles, according to the ratio of 3:3:2:2 to prepare nutrient soil, used to plant duck's foot wood, both loose and breathable, but also contains nutrients, can make the plant grow more vigorous.

Keep the potting soil slightly moist

Duck foot wood branches and leaves are luxuriant, water evaporation is more, and it is very water-loving, in the process of maintenance can not let it be too dry, otherwise there will be leaves rolling, yellowing and other phenomena.

Duck foot wood is very easy to raise, simple to do 5 aspects, grow luxuriant

If it is winter, in the indoor closed environment, the temperature is low, you can appropriately reduce watering, and you cannot let the potting soil be too wet for a long time.

In other seasons, when the plant grows at its peak, it is necessary to ensure sufficient moisture to allow the plant to grow luxuriantly. Especially in spring, plants will sprout a large number of new branches and leaves, and the demand for water is more, and every time the potting soil dries, it will be watered in time.

Usually, as long as there is no stagnant water in the pot, it does not matter if the soil is slightly moist, but the duck's foot wood maintained in the open air also drains the stagnant water in the pot as soon as possible after heavy rain, and the root system is prone to rotten roots and yellow leaves soaked in water for a long time.

Duck foot wood is very easy to raise, simple to do 5 aspects, grow luxuriant

Don't lack fertilizer during the growing period

Under the condition of sufficient water and fertilizer supply, duck foot wood grows very fast, and can grow a large number of new branches and leaves in a year. If you want to have a vigorous potted plant, it is very necessary to fertilize it regularly, only if the nutrient supply is sufficient, the plant can grow luxuriantly.

If it is a duck's foot wood pot raised in the yard, you can use more fermented and rotten organic fertilizer. Like sheep manure, chicken manure, bean cake, etc., bury some in the pot every month, which can not only provide the nutrients needed for the growth of the plant, but also make the soil soft and breathable, which is more conducive to the growth of the plant.

Duck foot wood is very easy to raise, simple to do 5 aspects, grow luxuriant

Duck foot wood raised indoors is not suitable for using too much organic fertilizer, otherwise it will produce peculiar smell. You can directly use multi-element compound fertilizer to it, once a month during the growing season, or regularly water some plant nutrient solution, which can make the plant grow rapidly.

Accept more light

Duckfoot wood is very adaptable to the environment and can grow even in places where there is no sunlight at all, but in the case of long-term lack of light, the growth of the plant will be affected, the branches will grow slender, the leaves will be yellow, and there will be a lack of vitality.

Duck foot wood is very easy to raise, simple to do 5 aspects, grow luxuriant

Family potted duck foot wood, do not put it in a place where the sun cannot be seen for a long time, often move out to bask in the sun, so that the plant can fully carry out photosynthesis, its branches and leaves will grow more luxuriant, and the leaves will become thick green and shiny.

Go for pruning regularly

Raising duck foot wood should also often be pruned and shaped, plants under the action of water and fertilizer, branches grow very fast, long time without pruning, will become messy, affect the ornamental effect, and too many branches too messy, but also consume nutrients, affect growth.

Duck foot wood is very easy to raise, simple to do 5 aspects, grow luxuriant

Regularly cut those long branches that grow too tall and too long, and cut the branches that are too dense, so that the entire canopy is dense, reducing nutrient consumption at the same time, but also increasing the ventilation and light transmission between the branches and leaves, so that the plants and leaves grow more vigorously.

If you want to know more about flower raising, please pay attention to the flower raising courtyard and share your flower raising experience with you every day! (Some of the pictures in the article come from the Internet, if there is infringement, please contact to delete)

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