
Who are the "four ugly women" in history? Although the appearance is ugly, the ending is happier than the other

author:Shoveling history officer
Who are the "four ugly women" in history? Although the appearance is ugly, the ending is happier than the other

Presumably, everyone is very familiar with the "four beauties", they are famous for their beauty, and because of their beauty, they have become the political tools of the magnates, and their fate is tragic.

But on the contrary, the ugly and ugly "four ugly women" who are rejected by people have a very happy ending, so who are these ugly women?

The first: the second concubine of the Yellow Emperor--- concubine

The concubine was the head of the "Four Ugly Women" and married the Yellow Emperor as a concubine, but not only managed the Yellow Emperor's harem in an orderly manner, but also the official position and even the mirror were invented by the grandmother.

At that time, the incident of "snatching marriage" in the ancient period was extremely serious, everyone only valued appearance and ignored the most important morality, and the Yellow Emperor deliberately selected his mother as his second concubine in order to stop "robbing marriage".

Although the mother-in-law was as fat as a boulder and her skin was as black as charcoal, she had a gentle temperament and noble moral character, and the Yellow Emperor hoped to set an example and guide people to marry their wives and put morality first.

Who are the "four ugly women" in history? Although the appearance is ugly, the ending is happier than the other

The Yellow Emperor trusted her mother very much and gave her the right to manage the harem, and the mother-in-law also lived up to the expectations of the yellow emperor to manage the harem in an orderly manner.

Not only that, the Yellow Emperor also gave her the official position of "Square Phase Style" to let her manage large-scale activities such as sacrifices, and her appearance was also imitated by people as a mask to exorcise evil spirits.

Although the mother-in-law was ugly, she had a husband who trusted her and allowed her to take up an official position.

Of course, the grandmother herself is also capable, otherwise how can she gain the trust of the Yellow Emperor, and the love of the people, and is believed by the people of later generations as a god who can drive away evil spirits.

Second place: Queen Qi Xuan--- Zhong Wuyan

Speaking of Zhong Wuyan, you will think of the sentence "There is something about Zhong Wuyan, nothing about Summer Yingchun", but this is actually a fabrication, and Zhong Wuyan's name is also, but because Zhong Wuyan's real name cannot be recognized, it tacitly acknowledges the widely circulated name of Zhong Wuyan.

Who are the "four ugly women" in history? Although the appearance is ugly, the ending is happier than the other

Zhong Wuyan was born in the Warring States period, and in ancient times, women married very early, but Zhong Wuyan did not marry until he was forty years old.

Although Zhong Wuyan did not look good, her hair was sparse, her forehead was sunken, and her age was high, she was not a child of the prince and did not marry, and many people laughed at Zhong Wuyan's desire to marry into the prince's family as wishful thinking.

However, they did not expect that when King Qi Xuan first came to power, his life was luxurious, the imperial court was also very corrupt, the country was in turmoil, and the people's hearts were fluctuating, so This clock Wuyan risked being killed by King Qi Xuan to enter the palace for advice.

Zhong Wuyan pointed out the mistakes of King Qi Xuan one by one, and King Qi Xuan suddenly realized.

King Qi Xuan was touched by Zhong Wuyan's righteousness, and for the sake of the country willing to risk death, he also advised him, in order to show his remorse and so that Zhong Wuyan could always point out his mistakes, King Qi Xuan established Zhong Wuyan as his queen.

Who are the "four ugly women" in history? Although the appearance is ugly, the ending is happier than the other

The ugly woman of the world retreated after becoming a nation.

Zhong Wuyan, who became the queen, not only always advised King Qi Xuan but also made many useful suggestions, which can be said to be a great credit to The Stability of King Qi Xuan during the period.

Although she was ugly and not good at singing and dancing, she was well read and virtuous, which also allowed her to receive useful advice from King Xuan of Qi's trust to be adopted and to use her political talents to the fullest.

Because of her contributions, the ministers and people of the State of Qi loved her very much, and the history books also gave her a very good evaluation. This ugly woman who was ridiculed by others realized her ambitions by herself.

Third place: Meng Guang, wife of the Magi ---

Although Meng Guang, who is an ugly woman, is also disliked by the world, there are also people who want to marry her in her family, and many people want to help Meng Guang as a matchmaker, but Meng Guang still refuses.

Who are the "four ugly women" in history? Although the appearance is ugly, the ending is happier than the other

Originally, Meng Guang's appearance was not easy to get married, and she dragged it out to her thirties.

Meng Guang's family is rich, and her parents have given her a good education, so although she is fat and ugly, she is as powerful as a cow, but she is a talented girl who is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

She did not want to marry and did not look up to the sky because of her family's wealth, but wanted to find someone who was not coveting her family wealth but who was of high moral character who shared her interests, and this person she also found was the famous scholar Liang Hong.

Although Liang Hong's family was poor, he was extremely erudite and very kind-hearted, and he was a famous scholar with extremely high moral character. Such a celebrity admired him, but Liang Hong did not agree to any of them.

On the contrary, when he heard that Meng Guang wanted to marry him, he took the initiative to ask for marriage. This made many people wonder why such a noble celebrity went back to marry the ugly Meng Guang.

Who are the "four ugly women" in history? Although the appearance is ugly, the ending is happier than the other

Meng Guang is ugly in appearance but noble in character, and is also very compatible with Liang Hong's three views. Meng Guang is also willing to give up a glorious and rich life for his sweetheart and live in seclusion with Liang Hong.

The two are extremely affectionate after living in the mountains and forests, and although the days are plain and only coarse tea and light rice, they are as thin as flowing water and are worth slowly tasting.

Fourth place: talented --- Nguyen daughter

Nguyen's daughter is the daughter of a famous scholar, and she was influenced by her parents to be studious since childhood, so she has a wide range of knowledge and talent.

But such a talented woman is still tired by the appearance of her fat body and prominent eyes, because her husband xu yun was treated coldly at the beginning of her marriage.

But her appearance could only hinder her for a while, and her talent not only impressed her husband, but also saved the lives of her two sons.

Who are the "four ugly women" in history? Although the appearance is ugly, the ending is happier than the other

She did not sit still when she was treated coldly by her husband, but told her husband about his mistake of only valuing beauty and ignoring virtue, and Xu Yun was ashamed to know that he had made a mistake.

Since then, Xu Yun has put aside his prejudices and seen the talent and noble virtues of Nguyen, and gradually fell in love with her. Since then, Nguyen's daughter and Xu Yunqin and Ming have been very affectionate.

Nguyen's daughter has seen people and can always make many suggestions that can help Xu Yun, and Xu Yun also trusts his wife very much. He also reminded and offered advice in time when Xu Yun was in danger to help Xu Yun avoid disasters.

Xu Yun also sensed his wife's talent because of this pile of things, and trusted her even more.

After Xu Yun's death, he used his own insight to predict the coming of the disaster in advance, came up with a way to avoid the disaster, and saved the lives of his two sons.

Who are the "four ugly women" in history? Although the appearance is ugly, the ending is happier than the other

Such a talented woman can not only make the family harmonious but also protect the family in times of crisis, which can be described as talented.


Although these "four ugly women" are ugly in appearance, each of them has been disliked by the world because of their appearance, but these "ugly women" can each have a happy ending and are deeply loved by the people.

It is not difficult to see from this that appearance will never be the only criterion for determining a person's future, as long as the moral character is high, it will naturally win the appreciation and respect of others.

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