
#Punch Card Challenge Bureau #Squid is a seafood product, belongs to the seafood category, has high nutritional value, is rich in protein and trace elements, and has a certain effect on bone health and prevention of anemia. But high blood lipids, sea

author:Rational science popularizer

#Punch Card Challenge Bureau #Squid is a seafood product, belongs to the seafood category, has high nutritional value, is rich in protein and trace elements, and has a certain effect on bone health and prevention of anemia. However, people with high blood lipids, seafood allergies, and high uric acid still eat less or not.

Squid cut into cross flower knife stir-fry, very aesthetic sense, you can fry fungus, fried green peppers, fried onions, color and flavor are complete.

Squid contains high-quality protein, low calories and more nutrients, dieters can increase the amount of food, which, contains unsaturated fatty acids, can promote the consumption of fat. In my free time, I learn some nutrition knowledge to help myself and my family's health.

#Punch Card Challenge Bureau #Squid is a seafood product, belongs to the seafood category, has high nutritional value, is rich in protein and trace elements, and has a certain effect on bone health and prevention of anemia. But high blood lipids, sea
#Punch Card Challenge Bureau #Squid is a seafood product, belongs to the seafood category, has high nutritional value, is rich in protein and trace elements, and has a certain effect on bone health and prevention of anemia. But high blood lipids, sea
#Punch Card Challenge Bureau #Squid is a seafood product, belongs to the seafood category, has high nutritional value, is rich in protein and trace elements, and has a certain effect on bone health and prevention of anemia. But high blood lipids, sea
#Punch Card Challenge Bureau #Squid is a seafood product, belongs to the seafood category, has high nutritional value, is rich in protein and trace elements, and has a certain effect on bone health and prevention of anemia. But high blood lipids, sea

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