
The prescriptions recorded in Sun Simiao's "A Thousand Golden Fangs" have been handed down by successive generations of physicians, collected by the people, imported from the Western Regions, India and other places, including ancient and modern Chinese and foreign medical prescriptions

author:Qi ecliptic

The prescriptions recorded in Sun Simiao's "Qianjin Fang" have been handed down by successive generations of physicians, collected by the people, imported from the western regions, India and other places, including ancient and modern Chinese and foreign medical prescriptions, and the prescriptions collected are compound, unilateral, and folk herbs. Such as Zhongjing's ephedra soup, Guizhi soup, Huatuo's mica round square, Wang Qiao's fitness party, Qizhou's Rong Yaofang, Changshan's Taishou ma pouring wine and so on. It is recorded that Chinese herbal medicines such as white-headed ong, bitter ginseng seed, and huanglian are used to treat dysentery, malaria is treated with Changshan shu lacquer, and tapeworm disease is treated with betel nut. These drugs have been used to this day and have been proven by modern science as effective methods.

Sun Simiao is not only good at cutting the prescriptions of his predecessors, but also developed many prescriptions that have been fulfilled in accordance with the principle of formulas, such as the famous rhinoceros yellow soup, purple snow, solo live parasitic soup, small life soup, reed stem soup, warm bile soup, warm spleen soup, magnetic Zhu pill, pillow scatter, parking pill, etc. These prescriptions with outstanding efficacy are still widely used in clinical practice.

The medicine of Sun's formula has unique features, and among the formulas included in "Qianjin Fang", the medicinal taste is nearly 100 flavors, and the less is a taste. Most are adapted to complex diseases, which are compounds synthesized by several parties; The less is the main drug for the pathogen, which is a unilateral formula for directly pounding the nest. Some compounds are composed of the main drug for the pathogen and other prescription drugs for symptomatic treatment, such as Changshan and Shu lacquer for the treatment of malaria, and other symptomatic drugs for the symptoms of virtual, real, cold and heat; The treatment of dysentery is based on the cold, heat, virtuality and reality of dysentery, coupled with the cooperation of appropriate prescription drugs, this clinical treatment of specific therapy combined with holistic therapy is a major creation to improve clinical efficacy. Some compounds are the ancient side, the experience side, the unilateral side into one, the rigor of the ancient side, the flexibility of the experience side, the special effects of the unilateral side, such as the treatment of hot and poisonous diarrhea of the three yellow white head soup is on the basis of the Zhongjing white head soup, plus cohosh, rhino horn detoxification, bitter ginseng, pomegranate peel, mulberry parasitic treatment of diarrhea, mugwort, licorice and pain relief. Among the compounds created by Sun, there is also a significant feature that there are more prescriptions for both up and down, surface, cold and heat, diarrhea, and astringency. Such as parking pills, huanglian and dried ginger, cold and hot used together; In the warm spleen soup, ginseng, appendages, dried ginger and rhubarb, cold and hot are used together, and both attack and supplement; In the solitary parasitic soup, a large number of anti-wind, dampness, and cold dispersal medicines are used at the same time, ginseng, poria, angelica, peony, rehmannia, Sichuan root to benefit qi and blood, eucommia, ox knee to supplement the liver and kidneys, and attack and supplement. #TCM # #中药 #

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The prescriptions recorded in Sun Simiao's "A Thousand Golden Fangs" have been handed down by successive generations of physicians, collected by the people, imported from the Western Regions, India and other places, including ancient and modern Chinese and foreign medical prescriptions
The prescriptions recorded in Sun Simiao's "A Thousand Golden Fangs" have been handed down by successive generations of physicians, collected by the people, imported from the Western Regions, India and other places, including ancient and modern Chinese and foreign medical prescriptions
The prescriptions recorded in Sun Simiao's "A Thousand Golden Fangs" have been handed down by successive generations of physicians, collected by the people, imported from the Western Regions, India and other places, including ancient and modern Chinese and foreign medical prescriptions

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