
Listen, the summer rain is coming

author:Impression of Huangpi
Listen, the summer rain is coming
Listen, the summer rain is coming

Text | Small stones

Listen! Summer rain is coming!

At night, the rain began to pour down. Sometimes relaxed, sometimes urgent, not hurried, stirring people's nerves between fast and slow. Before the first rain came, the weather was unusually hot, and only the air conditioner hanging on the floor was buzzing non-stop, as if it was stronger than the summer rain, and people were firmly tied to the room shrouded in cool breeze.

After a few moments of rainfall, the hot and dry atmosphere gradually subsides, and a trace of coolness slowly fills the space. Open the window, take a deep breath of cool air, the silhouette of the light reflected in the blisters, light or dark, slightly shaking. In the opposite window, there is a figure against the backdrop, also breathing against the air. Although the spaces are very different, the expectations for summer rain in each other's hearts are the same.

The rain kept falling, and the songbirds had long been dormant, enjoying the coolness in the hot and dry air. When the rain stopped for a while, the calls of the songbirds gradually rose and fell, cheerfully and in unison. In the pond outside the community, the sound of frogs has long been endless, which is an ode to the rain and a return to the summer night, the intertwining of heat and cool, the fusion of quiet and dry, like the double heaven of ice and fire, let people and animal communities will be complex and elusive on summer nights, especially in the night when summer rain pours.

Listen, the summer rain is coming

The night is dark, especially the rainy night sky, showing a black pressure, the starry sky has long been hidden behind the thick clouds, and everything seems empty and calm. There is only the sound of raindrops hitting the corner of the wall, the rhythm is rapid and orderly, gentle and chaptery, like a symphony ensemble, into the earring heart, let people quietly listen to the rain, knock on people's hearts.

There are no fences, no bamboo forests, and no wide ponds around the community, only a small puddle lurking outside the community. The low terrain of the water depression has become a collection place for rainwater and a typhoon shelter for frogs. In the summer when the sky is clear, the puddles dry up to the bottom, and there is no shadow of the frog, only when the summer rain is torrential and the water gathers into a depression, the frogs will inevitably croak, which makes people admire their ability to withstand drought and lurk.

In the countryside, I like to hear the sound of summer rain hitting bamboo forests and fences. Rain and bamboo may be natural neighbors, and the echoes of each other present a pleasant and crisp harmony, showing a regular organization in the chaos, and the response should be harmonized and matched, urging the owner to listen to their thoughts. The summer rain is lingering, there is little autumn rain melancholy, and there is a hint of untamed in the bright, it is passionate, and it is strong and bold. The summer rain at midnight, the future of the detention brigade is dazed, there is no spring rain as expensive as oil, and there are some expectations hidden in the sleep.

Listen, the summer rain is coming

After the summer rain, the sky is clear, and the night sky gradually shows a clear white color, just like the twilight before the sky shines, the gloomy depression dissipates, and a trace of clarity is slightly set in the sky. Stars and dots of light are projected from the window, adding a touch of silence to the night. Late at night, the rain stopped, the lights turned off intermittently, and people who had been tired for a long day gradually rested. Listening quietly, the remaining water droplets of the eaves are ticking the ground, the rhythm is slow, the intensity is slow, the sound is weak, but it is still gradually orderly, and the unique ticking sound is crisply transmitted to the night sky.

Thoughts gradually trance, summer rain has long stopped, groggy and inattentive fell into the dream. A child is running wild on a country road, just to catch up with the thick cumulonimbus clouds overhead. The clouds are chubby and thick, and the brakes are lovely, and they seem particularly abrupt in the clear air, and the curiosity of children is sometimes stronger than that of cow's bile. He leaned back and looked up, looking carefully at this black cloud that was very different from other clouds, and there was no heart to avoid or escape, only the courage to never move his eyes between the eyes.

Fantasizing that a douyun can jump above the clouds, wave the "golden hoop stick" in his hand, and compete with Goku. The clouds blew up, and the bean-sized raindrops crackled and hit the ground, instantly enveloping people in it, and in a moment the children were poured into the "soup chicken". Tears mixed with rain, the hero's dream shattered, the raindrops fell, hitting the head, the pain was painful, and the eyes were already blurred.

Listen, the summer rain is coming

When I woke up from the dream, it was already bright outside the window. The rain-washed windowsills are clean and bright, and through the windows you can see puddles of water, of varying shades, playing in the reflections of the sky. The birds get up early and scurry through the air handsomely, leaving behind a graceful silhouette and chirping for companionship. The songbirds sang and did not rest for a moment, cheering and rejoicing in this early morning through the rain. The air is fresh, crisp and clear, take a deep breath and refresh.

Tuotuo, strong, rough and heroic, pouring like a note, imposing like a rainbow as if it were the true color of summer rain, reading summer rain in countless words, are describing its hard character. In fact, the summer rain is gentle and affectionate, just like the rain of this night, like a woman holding an oil-paper umbrella in the rain alley, walking in style, carrying a touch of acacia, holding a trace of concern, stirring people's heartstrings in a light ticking sound, clear and pleasant, and endless.

The author of this article XiaoShi authorized impression Huangpi to publish

About the author Of Little Stone, a lover of literature, likes to stack words in his spare time and enjoy the joy of writing.

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