
"Drought and flood on the eighth day of April", today on the eighth day of April, there will be many floods in this summer? Here comes the answer

author:Popular science of agriculture and agriculture
Introduction: "The eighth day of April is set for drought and flood", today is the eighth day of April, and there are many floods in this summer? Here comes the answer

Today is May 15 of the Gregorian calendar, the eighth day of the fourth month of the first month of the lunar calendar. In traditional folklore, today is very important, not only on the International Day of Families, but also on the traditional Buddhist festival "Bathing Buddha Festival". In addition, today is also the "opening day", and the "opening day" in the yellow calendar is an auspicious day, suitable for all kinds of positive activities and affairs. For example, like getting married, traveling, etc.

"Drought and flood on the eighth day of April", today on the eighth day of April, there will be many floods in this summer? Here comes the answer

The Buddha Bathing Festival is an important festival in Buddhism, established in honor of the Buddha Shakyamuni and established in 623 BC.

The Buddha Bathing Festival is a festival full of peace, festivity, and religious overtones. On this day, people go to the temple to "bathe in the Buddha", which means to wash away dust and troubles, and pray for inner purity and good fortune. They will also go to release animals to accumulate good karma and pray for good luck. This custom embodies Buddhism's respect and love for life. Through a series of customs and rituals, people not only express their admiration and gratitude to the Buddha, but also express their yearning and pursuit of a better life.

"Drought and flood on the eighth day of April", today on the eighth day of April, there will be many floods in this summer? Here comes the answer

"Drought and flood on the eighth day of the fourth lunar month", the ancients would also predict the next weather conditions through the weather conditions on the eighth day of the fourth lunar month. So, what are the signs of a sunny day, rain, and wind? Let's take a look at what the agricultural proverbs left by our ancestors say!

"Drought and flood on the eighth day of April", today on the eighth day of April, there will be many floods in this summer? Here comes the answer

1. What is the sign of rain on the eighth day of the fourth month?

1. On the eighth day of April, the dog is hot and the cow dies

This agricultural proverb means that if the eighth day of the fourth lunar month is a rainy day, then it indicates that it will be very hot when the dog days come to that year, and even the old cows can't stand the heat.

2. On April 8, it rained and the waterwheel mouth was broken

This agricultural proverb is relatively easy to understand, to the effect that if it rains on the eighth day of the fourth lunar month, then it indicates that there will be a drought in the future.

"Drought and flood on the eighth day of April", today on the eighth day of April, there will be many floods in this summer? Here comes the answer

2. What is the sign of a sunny day on the eighth day of the fourth month?

1. On April 8, it was sunny, playing drums and singing peace

This agricultural proverb means that if the eighth day of the fourth lunar month is a sunny day, then it means that the rainfall will be more even, the crops will grow well, and the grain will be harvested.

2. The eighth day of April is sunny, and there is no shortage of rain this summer

This agricultural proverb means that if it does not rain on the eighth day of the fourth lunar month and it is a sunny day, then it means that there is no shortage of rain in the summer and the rain is more abundant. Of course, it is also necessary to guard against floods caused by excessive and frequent rainfall.

"Drought and flood on the eighth day of April", today on the eighth day of April, there will be many floods in this summer? Here comes the answer

3. What is the sign of wind on the eighth day of the fourth month?

1. The north wind blows on April 8, and the rain is sufficient

This agricultural proverb is not difficult to understand, to the effect that if the north wind blows on the eighth day of the fourth month, then there will be more rain in the following days.

This is because the warm current from the south and the cold air from the north meet to produce rainfall. Of course, the warm current is not so strong now, and the rainfall is not concentrated in the north, but in the south.

2. On April 8, I was afraid that the south wind would blow

This agricultural proverb means that on the eighth day of the fourth lunar month, the south wind is most afraid of blowing, because, according to the long-term observation of the ancients, the south wind blows on this day, which often indicates that the weather may change extremely, affecting the growth of crops. This will lead to a reduction in crop yields due to disasters, bringing large losses to farmers, and is a weather condition that farmers are more worried about.

3. The south wind blows on April 8, and ten flushes dry nine flushes

This agricultural proverb literally means that if the wind blows mainly from the south on the eighth day of the fourth lunar month, then the following summer may be relatively dry.

Today is the eighth day of the fourth month, is it windy for you? However, there are places where the wind is blowing more today.

For example, today (May 15) at about 1-2 o'clock in the morning, Zhengzhou, Henan Province and other places in the mainland suffered a rare strong wind attack, from the wind strength point of view, some stations have reached 12 winds, which is really not small!

"Drought and flood on the eighth day of April", today on the eighth day of April, there will be many floods in this summer? Here comes the answer

Such strong winds will inevitably cause corresponding losses, for example, strong winds will cause lodging of top-heavy wheat, which will not only affect the yield, but also be difficult to harvest, adding additional costs.

"Drought and flood on the eighth day of April", today on the eighth day of April, there will be many floods in this summer? Here comes the answer
"Drought and flood on the eighth day of April", today on the eighth day of April, there will be many floods in this summer? Here comes the answer

High winds not only cause losses in agricultural production, but also bring danger to people's daily lives. Take today's Henan gale as an example, a street lamp in Zhenping County, Henan Province, collapsed in the gale, hitting a passer-by on a bicycle. It is understood that the passer-by who was hit by the street lamp has no vital signs.

In addition, at 6:35 a.m. this morning, the yellow warning signal for gale was adjusted to a blue warning signal for gale force, which still needs special attention.

Today, on the eighth day of April, it is a sunny day on our side, what is the weather like over there? Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks for reading.


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