
"If you don't harvest wheat, just look at Xiaoman", Xiaoman on May 20, what is the saying? Check it out

author:Popular science of agriculture and agriculture
Introduction: "If you don't harvest wheat, just look at Xiaoman", Xiaoman on May 20, what is the saying? Check it out

May 20 will enter the small full solar term, small full is the eighth solar term in the 24 solar terms of the mainland lunar calendar, but also the second solar term of summer, generally in the Gregorian calendar between May 20 and 22 of the year, this year fell on May 20.

After entering the small full season, the heavy rain in the south began to increase, and the precipitation was frequent, while the north has not yet entered the official flood season, and the rainy weather is less or even no rain, this "full" does not refer to precipitation, but refers to the fullness of wheat.

Of course, this refers to the perennial year, and if there is a bad year, the flood season in the north may also come early. The resulting rains and strong winds can cause losses or even failure of summer crops such as wheat, which are about to enter the ripe harvest period.

For example, this year's flood season in Henan seems to have come early, and Xiaoman has officially entered the flood season before it arrives. According to the predictions of some institutions, the overall climate in Henan this year will deviate, and the precipitation in the middle and lower reaches of the Hanjiang River, the main stream of the Huai River, the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, and the Zhangwei River in the Haihe River basin will be 2-5 percent higher than normal during the flood season, and the flood control situation will be grim.

In addition, in the early morning of May 15, strong winds blew in Zhengzhou, Luoyang and other places in Henan, and the wind strength reached more than 10 in some areas. After dawn, many local wheat farmers went to the fields to see that the strong wind had blown the wheat fields "flat", and most of them were lodging.

"If you don't harvest wheat, just look at Xiaoman", Xiaoman on May 20, what is the saying? Check it out

We know that it is May, which is the time for wheat filling, and it is time to have enough light to make the kernels fuller and more ripe. However, once it falls at this time, it will inevitably cause a reduction in yield and difficulty in harvesting, bringing great losses to farmers.

"If you don't harvest wheat, just look at Xiaoman", Xiaoman on May 20, what is the saying? Check it out

In short, the "demon wind" blowing in Henan this night can make the peasants miserable, the wheat in the field has fallen, and the reduction of yield is unavoidable, and even low-lying, and there is a lot of stagnant water and may face the risk of extinction.

Last year's "bad rain" caused wheat mildew and germination, and this year it was blown down by strong winds, and wheat farmers suffered natural disasters when the wheat was about to mature for two consecutive years, which can make farmers miserable, too difficult!

On May 20th, it will enter the Xiaoman solar term, and there is a saying in the folk that "the wheat is not harvested, just look at the Xiaoman", what does it mean, what is the omen? In fact, our ancestors summed up a set of judgment methods for us thousands of years ago to see if it is accurate:

"If you don't harvest wheat, just look at Xiaoman", Xiaoman on May 20, what is the saying? Check it out

First, the small fire is full of south wind, and the hard work is empty

This agricultural proverb means that before and after the Xiaoman solar term, the most afraid of blowing the south wind, the south wind blows from the warm sea, carrying a lot of water vapor. In this way, the high temperature and low temperature in the field are combined with the wind, which is dry and hot wind.

Hot and dry air will adversely affect the ears of wheat during the grain filling stage, it may be that the wheat plants will mature early, the wheat grains will also become shriveled, and the grain weight will also decrease, resulting in a decrease in yield, and the farmers have worked hard for a year in vain, and the hope of a good harvest has been disappointed.

Second, the south wind rose in Xiaoman, and all the barley and wheat fell to the ground

Through long-term observation, the ancients found that if the south wind rises before and after the Xiaoman solar term, then it indicates that both wheat and barley will lodging in that year, making half a year's hard work empty.

"If you don't harvest wheat, just look at Xiaoman", Xiaoman on May 20, what is the saying? Check it out

Third, the small full wind, the tree head should be empty

This agricultural proverb is not difficult to understand, to the effect that if a strong wind blows around the time of the small full solar term, the fruits on the fruit trees may be affected, or even blown off, bringing greater losses to the fruit farmers.

In general, before and after the small full solar term, summer crops are afraid of wind, which is easy to cause lodging, thereby reducing yield.

The strong wind in Henan can hurt the farmers this night, and the wheat will be harvested in half a month, and at this time there will be lodging, and the farmers will have to worry about the yield.

"If you don't harvest wheat, just look at Xiaoman", Xiaoman on May 20, what is the saying? Check it out

Do you think you'll get a good harvest this year?
