
What should I do if the weather is hot, I am tired, and I always have a low appetite?

author:Panoramic viewpoint

Recently, the weather across the country is hot, and many netizens have said that they are tired and can't eat! What should I do when summer comes and I always lose my appetite? Experts teach you three tricks to save your appetite!

What should I do if the weather is hot, I am tired, and I always have a low appetite?

Experts said that the loss of appetite is mainly caused by two reasons, one is to sweat too much, resulting in a large loss of water, vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and other minerals in the body, which will reduce appetite. The other is that in a high temperature environment, the blood flow in the human body is redistributed, the peripheral skin blood vessels are dilated, and the abdominal blood vessels are contracted, causing the secretion of digestive enzymes and digestive juices in the human body to decrease, which will aggravate the loss of appetite. Therefore, if you want to solve the lack of appetite, you still have to start from the source of food!

What should I do if the weather is hot, I am tired, and I always have a low appetite?

First, eat refreshing vegetables and fruits. For example, pumpkin, yam, watermelon, peach, etc., nutritious and refreshing, but also increase appetite. The second is to supplement with sufficient protein. Appetite is prone to insufficient protein intake, you can try to cook chicken, fish and shrimp and other ingredients lightly, put some vinegar to taste, appetizing and degreasing. The third is to drink more soups of beans and cereals. For example, mung bean soup is the most classic summer drink, as well as light rice porridge, green tea, oolong tea, etc. are all good choices!

What should I do if the weather is hot, I am tired, and I always have a low appetite?

There are also Chinese medicine health experts said that in the hot season, the human body senses natural changes, the body 'yang' floats on the surface of the body to dissipate heat, the yang in the internal organs is not full, so the digestive ability declines, indicating loss of appetite, and some are still very greedy. The weather is particularly hot, and people can become irritable and do not want to eat hot food when faced with it. This is a very normal situation, to clear the heat of the summer, enhance the appetite for the purpose, in the emphasis on diet at the same time, do not be too salty, too sweet, should eat more with heat and vitality, thirst quenching food.

What should I do if the weather is hot, I am tired, and I always have a low appetite?

The first attention is to avoid the heat, minimize the time exposed to the outdoors, try not to be exposed to the sun and high temperature environment for a long time, and do not exercise vigorously in the high temperature. Pay attention to replenishing water in time when it is hot the next day, which will reduce the loss of body fluids. If you really have a low appetite, you can be advised to eat some lighter foods. Third appropriate indoor exercise, the amount of exercise is reduced will slow down the metabolic rate, so that the gastrointestinal peristalsis slower, due to the reduction of energy consumption, the human body is not easy to produce hunger, resulting in poor appetite. In the fourth summer, it is not advisable to overeat, especially at night. "Diet is moderate", "nothing is excessive". Especially the gastrointestinal digestion ability of the elderly and children is not strong, and the summer is worse, eating too much, digestion can easily damage the spleen and stomach, resulting in other stomach diseases. Fifth, finally, usually avoid high temperatures, eat some appetizing foods, keep a happy mood, and properly consume salt!