
Break the deadlock of promotion: the unit attaches importance to potential training, and talents stand out!

author:Fortune Nanning 1L3


The traditional promotion model seems to be a towering wall, blocking those young people who are vigorous and full of potential, and leaving the opportunity for promotion only to those old qualifications that have been precipitated over the years. In this distant era, it seems that only by waiting for the accumulation of years can we get a glimmer of life.

Break the deadlock of promotion: the unit attaches importance to potential training, and talents stand out!

From "Seniority First" to "Ability First"

This model is like a wall, hindering the development of the unit. Because seniority does not bring innovation and vitality, but makes the unit fall into a talent desert. Young employees fumbled in front of this wall, struggling to catch a glimpse of the sun, only to hit their heads and bleed.

The wind has shifted. This is no longer an era of only looking at old qualifications, but an era of pursuing strength. Employers are starting to re-examine the capabilities of their employees and no longer blindly worship age and seniority. This transformation is like a breath of fresh air, washing away the old ideas of the past and opening a new window for employees.

Break the deadlock of promotion: the unit attaches importance to potential training, and talents stand out!

The arrival of this new era has made people start to be hopeful for the future. Young employees no longer have to be bound to the model of the past, and they have the opportunity to use their own strength to change their destiny. As a result, the unit has gained more dynamism and innovation. This change is destined to bring a new storm to the entire unit.

It's a fascinating transformation, an era of rejoicing. However, this is only the beginning, perhaps more daunting, but also more exciting. As the times change, we will continue to explore and explore more possibilities.

The rise of multiple evaluation systems

In the past, the evaluation system of the unit was like a monotonous ruler, which could only measure the ability of employees on one side, and ignored their colorful other talents. This limitation is like putting on a pair of colored glasses, only seeing the gray in front of you, and ignoring the colorful surroundings.

Break the deadlock of promotion: the unit attaches importance to potential training, and talents stand out!

However, with the change of the times, this single evaluation model can no longer meet the needs of the unit. Because today's work is no longer a simple mechanical repetitive work, but requires teamwork, innovative thinking and other comprehensive demonstration of ability. If the evaluation criteria of the past are still used, it is like using a ruler to measure a polyhedron, which is simply overkill and wastes the potential of employees.

The rise of the pluralistic evaluation system is like a revolution that emancipates the mind, breaking the shackles of the past and opening a new door for employees. Employees are now no longer limited to a single skill and performance, but can demonstrate their abilities in a variety of fields. This kind of change not only makes employees more energetic and passionate, but also brings more possibilities and opportunities to the unit.

A selection mechanism that breaks nepotism

In the past, the promotion mechanism of the unit was like a cage, squeezing those who are really capable in the corner, and leaving the opportunity for promotion only to those who have connections and backgrounds. This injustice is like a sharp knife, ruthlessly severing employees' dreams and efforts, making brain drain an inevitable outcome.

Break the deadlock of promotion: the unit attaches importance to potential training, and talents stand out!

However, the current unit has begun to transform, breaking the stereotypes of the past and establishing a fair and just selection mechanism. This change is like a movement to emancipate the mind, allowing employees to regain confidence and hope. Because they know that as long as they are capable, they have the opportunity to stand out, without relying on anyone's connections and background.

The advent of this new era has made people re-examine what is truly valuable. It is no longer those who have connections that take precedence, but those who are truly capable stand on the cusp. This fair and just selection mechanism not only makes employees feel fair and just, but also brings more vitality and innovation to the unit.

It is a new beginning, a time of hope and possibility. This is just the beginning, and there is still a long way to go, and there are still many challenges and difficulties to face. We believe that as long as we work together and work together, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and move towards the other side of success.

Pay attention to potential and training

In the past, unit promotions often only looked at the immediate achievements and performance, while ignoring the potential and growth space of employees. This practice is like burying a seed in the ground without giving it enough sunlight and water, which eventually leads to the withering and loss of talent.

However, the current employers have realized this and have begun to pay attention to the potential and development of employees. This transformation is like flooding the seeds with plenty of water and sunlight so that they can thrive and bloom into beautiful flowers. Because they know that only by providing employees with sufficient training and development opportunities can they stimulate their potential and bring more surprises and gains to the unit.

Break the deadlock of promotion: the unit attaches importance to potential training, and talents stand out!

The advent of this new era has opened a new door for employees to showcase their talents and abilities. As a result, the unit has gained more vitality and innovation, laying a solid foundation for future development. This culture of valuing potential and nurturing not only contributes to the personal growth of employees, but also injects a steady stream of impetus into the long-term development of the unit.

However, although the situation has changed, there are still some challenges and difficulties. Because the cultivation of talents takes time and energy, and the unit is also facing a variety of competition and pressure. It is precisely this kind of challenge and difficulty that can motivate us to continue to progress and grow to meet the challenges of the future.


This is an era of hope and opportunity, a new era full of expectations. Let's explore more stories about valuing potential and nurturing together, and inject more vitality and motivation into future development.