
7 key points to growing a good broccoli: time, variety, fertilization, watering, and achieving high yields

author:Old plum grows vegetables

The nutritional value of broccoli is not to be said, not only the nutrient content is high, but also the nutrients contained are relatively comprehensive. Ranked No. 1 among all vegetables. When planting broccoli, it is easy to have a low yield, and it is easy to have a situation of doing half the work. But if you plant broccoli well, you will find that broccoli is one of the vegetables with a very high input-output ratio. Today I will share with you the 7 key points of planting good broccoli.

7 key points to growing a good broccoli: time, variety, fertilization, watering, and achieving high yields

1. Planting time

Broccoli is a cool vegetable and the best growing temperature is 15 to 21 degrees. The best planting season should be spring or autumn.

2. Selection of varieties

Many people's cognition of broccoli is the relatively large broccoli sold in the supermarket. In fact, there are many varieties of broccoli, and I have planted a large one myself. This year, I also planted that little head. That is to say, this variety produces small broccoli. Therefore, you can choose the variety that suits you according to your situation

3. Planting method

Seedlings are first planted and then transplanted is a more efficient planting method. If it is planted in the spring, the seedlings should be started 4 to 6 weeks before the end of the frost period, and the external temperature at that time reaches above zero degrees Celsius.

If planting is carried out in autumn, seedlings are started 4 to 6 weeks before the end of summer, and it is better to use a nursery box when nursery. When the broccoli seedlings grow to about 10 cm tall, they can be transplanted.

7 key points to growing a good broccoli: time, variety, fertilization, watering, and achieving high yields

4. The size of the container

Broccoli can be planted directly in the vegetable patch or in pots. If you want broccoli to yield high, planting them in larger pots is a better way to do so. Especially for friends who are just starting to learn Chinese cuisine. Because you can choose a better soil, when watering, there is water discharged from the drainage hole under the pot, and each time it is watered through.

5. Fertilize

Broccoli affects the yield of planting fertilizer, and without enough fertilizer its yield cannot go up. In the early stage of the use of nitrogen fertilizer, when he gradually began to flower, it is necessary to stop the use of nitrogen fertilizer to phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

6. Water

For spring and autumn in most areas, watering about every 2-3 days can meet the growth needs of broccoli. In the summer, due to the hot weather and the rapid evaporation rate of water, it needs to be watered every day, and if necessary, it needs to be watered 1-2 times a day.

In addition, if the temperature exceeds 35 degrees in the summer, it is best to shade and cool the broccoli, which is more conducive to the growth of broccoli. If the heat continues, broccoli will speed up the rate of aging flowering.

7. Illumination

Due to the different environments of each person's vegetable garden, the lighting conditions are also different. For broccoli, direct sunlight of more than 6 hours a day is most beneficial to its growth. Since broccoli is a cool-loving crop, direct sunlight in the morning is best.

7 key points to growing a good broccoli: time, variety, fertilization, watering, and achieving high yields

If it is grown in containers, it is even simpler. Move your container with the sun so that it receives enough direct sunlight for the day.

The above is the whole content of this issue of old plum planting vegetables, I am old Li, thank you for watching friends, I hope that this issue of content can be helpful to your planting. If you have any comments or suggestions, you are welcome to leave me a message below and we will discuss it together. Interested friends can also search: old Li vegetables, to view my other videos and articles, thank you for your support.

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