
Jin Jing taught Sha Yi to be a man! Suspected of deducting wages for poor attitude towards assistants? Afterwards came forward to explain the clarification of the map

author:Hi no fun
Jin Jing taught Sha Yi to be a man! Suspected of deducting wages for poor attitude towards assistants? Afterwards came forward to explain the clarification of the map
Confession is the easiest to win the understanding of others. - Hanwell

In the face of the Internet, many things have become irrefutable, and the direction of public opinion and people's concerns are uncontrollable factors. At this time, calm down, understand what the other party says, put yourself in the shoes of the other party, and things may have a different turnaround.

Jin Jing taught Sha Yi to be a man! Suspected of deducting wages for poor attitude towards assistants? Afterwards came forward to explain the clarification of the map

The incident of Jin Jing fermented very quickly, and at the beginning everyone saw a harsh boss, but after understanding the matter in the follow-up, people gradually saw the origin of the matter. Looking at this from a wider perspective may be constantly a simple one-sided mistake between two people.

Jin Jing taught Sha Yi to be a man?

For Jin Jing, many people's impression is funny and lively, very terrier, and his popularity is also very good.

Jin Jing taught Sha Yi to be a man! Suspected of deducting wages for poor attitude towards assistants? Afterwards came forward to explain the clarification of the map

In "Ace to Ace", one link is that one person's parents come to the scene, but Jin Jing's parents can't come to the scene because of physical reasons, and only write a letter to Jin Jing.

Quietly laughing at the scene, while spitting out and reading the letter, people at the scene rarely echoed and joked next to it.

Jin Jing taught Sha Yi to be a man! Suspected of deducting wages for poor attitude towards assistants? Afterwards came forward to explain the clarification of the map
Resident guests Shen Teng and Jia Ling sighed at the side: "This is the comedian has always maintained the belief, no matter what kind of occasion, I hope that everyone will see that comedians are funny, it must be very uncomfortable at this time, but she does not want everyone to be affected by this emotion." ”

Over the years, Jin Jing has developed very quickly in the entertainment industry, and her infectious smile has made many people very happy to see her. At the same time, she also participates in various programs, in which she has a flexible mind and quick thinking, and there must be no awkward atmosphere in the place where she is present.

Jin Jing taught Sha Yi to be a man! Suspected of deducting wages for poor attitude towards assistants? Afterwards came forward to explain the clarification of the map

He is featured in the flying guests of popular variety shows. But just when her career was in full swing, she was suddenly exposed to two faces before and after her.

After seeing this news, many netizens pulled out some of the previous programs that Jin Jing participated in. In "Run Bar Brothers", Jin Jing kept talking about Sha Yi after the game began, and Sha Yi did not turn his face at that time.

Jin Jing taught Sha Yi to be a man! Suspected of deducting wages for poor attitude towards assistants? Afterwards came forward to explain the clarification of the map

Li Xiang, who was on the side, asked Jin Jing, "Are you teaching him to do things?" Jin Jing's answer was surprising, "I am teaching him to be a man." As soon as the words came out, she probably felt unstable herself and didn't say a word again.

With this clip, people began to wonder if what was said online was true.

Jin Jing taught Sha Yi to be a man! Suspected of deducting wages for poor attitude towards assistants? Afterwards came forward to explain the clarification of the map

I learned about a female star Sun Xiaoxiao who has a very bad temper and is very bad to her assistant. In one show, Sun Xiaoxiao's assistant talked about the difficult times when she was her assistant when she first graduated.

Because he did not have a lot of work experience and did not have a strong background, the assistant was very obedient to Sun Xiaoxiao in the early years, and completed one unreasonable and even some tricky things for him.

Jin Jing taught Sha Yi to be a man! Suspected of deducting wages for poor attitude towards assistants? Afterwards came forward to explain the clarification of the map

Because he forgot to bring something to Sun Xiaoxiao once, Sun Xiaoxiao was furious and left his assistant at a highway service station, letting him think of a way to go back by himself.

For the sake of Sun Xiaoxiao's good reputation, the little assistant often helps the actors in the same group to bring some things, but he did not expect that Sun Xiaoxiao saw a big scolding of the little assistant after he split his head and covered his face, and the little assistant felt aggrieved, but he could not defend himself.

Jin Jing taught Sha Yi to be a man! Suspected of deducting wages for poor attitude towards assistants? Afterwards came forward to explain the clarification of the map

This time Jin Jing was exposed to have a bad temper, people easily associated with Sun Xiaoxiao's assistant, is the economy also so moody, often do some excessive behavior, embarrass the little assistant?

At this time, public opinion was flying all over the place, and among the many miscellaneous information, it was difficult for people to discern which was the real Jin Jing.

Jin Jing taught Sha Yi to be a man! Suspected of deducting wages for poor attitude towards assistants? Afterwards came forward to explain the clarification of the map

Suspected of having a poor attitude towards the assistant withholding wages

Things fermented faster and faster, groundless speculation and all kinds of black materials were buckled on Jin Jing's body, Jin Jing saw this situation, and immediately posted on the social platform to explain himself.

She explained on the social platform that she learned about the situation, and for a moment she was very angry and very eager to explain. Because she hates this misunderstanding, her goal in life is to become an angel of happiness.

Jin Jing taught Sha Yi to be a man! Suspected of deducting wages for poor attitude towards assistants? Afterwards came forward to explain the clarification of the map

As soon as this remark came out, fans who were originally hesitant immediately commented on the following side, supporting Jin Jing and saying, "How can my sister have a bad temper." ”

However, Jin Jing's answer stirred up a thousand waves. Jin Jing said that she never scolded her assistant for making mistakes, and deducted 1,000 at a time, which was much more effective than scolding people. Fans are very surprised, let Jin Jing not talk nonsense, netizens will believe.

Jin Jing taught Sha Yi to be a man! Suspected of deducting wages for poor attitude towards assistants? Afterwards came forward to explain the clarification of the map

But Jin Jing replied again that this matter was true, and after deducting about 5,000, he rarely made mistakes again, which was a very good and simple way.

For a time, netizens blew up the pot, made a mistake to deduct 1000, how many times a year to deduct, is Jin Jing's assistant's salary enough to be deducted? If you deduct more, do you still need to give Jin Jing money?

Jin Jing taught Sha Yi to be a man! Suspected of deducting wages for poor attitude towards assistants? Afterwards came forward to explain the clarification of the map

Seeing that things were moving in an extreme direction, Jin Jing came out again to explain. The little assistant has made a total of about five mistakes from work to now, and has deducted a total of 5,000 yuan.

And the little assistant's salary is 8,000 per month, sometimes the work is less, only seven days a month is busy, and the rest of the time is on vacation. At this point, netizens began to become confused. Many netizens are still very sympathetic to Jin Jing's little assistant.

Jin Jing taught Sha Yi to be a man! Suspected of deducting wages for poor attitude towards assistants? Afterwards came forward to explain the clarification of the map

Afterwards, she came forward to explain the picture to clarify, she showed that she deducted the little assistant's money at the end of the year, five times back to the little assistant, the little assistant posted Jin Jing's chat records with himself and the transfer certificate.

Many netizens said that Jin Jing is already a good boss. Have their own way of managing the staff, and deduct money if they make mistakes, so that the two people will not have any verbal conflicts, but they can be well punished.

Jin Jing taught Sha Yi to be a man! Suspected of deducting wages for poor attitude towards assistants? Afterwards came forward to explain the clarification of the map

And the little assistant may only work seven days a month, but he can also get a salary of 8,000 yuan, which is already a very high income in the life of ordinary people. Such a treatment, such a salary, what is there to complain about.

But there are also those who question it, arguing that the economy should choose the right way and that the number of fines should be based on Law F.

Jin Jing taught Sha Yi to be a man! Suspected of deducting wages for poor attitude towards assistants? Afterwards came forward to explain the clarification of the map

At the same time, jin Jing's salary to the little assistant is through WeChat, is it in line with mainland law, and is such a salary still taxed?

Netizens continue to talk about it, and under the divergence of opinions, it is difficult to judge Jin Jing's right or wrong. And the little assistant is still working for Jin Jing, maybe the little assistant doesn't care anymore.

Jin Jing taught Sha Yi to be a man! Suspected of deducting wages for poor attitude towards assistants? Afterwards came forward to explain the clarification of the map


Public figures appearing in front of the public is often a positive image, and once someone breaks the news about them, it will definitely lead to unwarranted speculation from many people.

In this case of Jin Jing, the matter of the little assistant and Jin Jing was spread to the gods, but no one knew the detailed process. It wasn't until it was clarified that things became clearer, and perhaps we should put ourselves in the shoes of ourselves and understand them before discussing them.

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