
【Kochi Prefecture Famous Building Tour|#海之艺廊 (海のギャラリー)】 In fact, there are many architectural works ✨ designed by #famous architects in Kochi Prefecture, such as #Tadao Ando's design

author:Japan Sakuraen Travel Agency

【Kochi Kenchiku Pilgrimage |#海之艺廊 (Sea Gallery)】

In fact, there are many #知名建筑师设计 architectural works ✨ in Kochi Prefecture, such as #安藤忠雄 designed by yokokura-san nature forest museum and #隈研吾 designed by the "Cloud Library", "Cloud Library", etc

There is also a first-class architect representing Japan, and the first female architect to be awarded the Architectural Society of Japan, "#林雅子" in ✨ the Ryukushi area


Kōchi Tosa Shimizu City "Kaino-kan (Gallery of the Sea)"

It is located right next 🐾 to the walkway to "#龙串海岸"

以 #砗磲贝(Shakogai)之意象所设计的建筑

The unique "#折板构造的屋顶" is its biggest feature ✨👀

👉In 2003, he was selected as one of the "#日本近代建筑运动100选"

👉Designated as "#日本有形文化财" in 2018

It is also one of the few #贝壳展示馆 🐚 in Japan

About 3,000 kinds of shells from Japan and abroad are exhibited, with a total of 80,000 pieces

There are also shells of the popular "#日本三宝" among collectors

"Otome Treasure (Otome Dakara)", "Japan Treasure (Nippon Dakara)", "Teramachi Treasure (Teramachi Dakara)"

After admiring the various shell collections in the Dream Exhibition Hall, I remember to visit #龙串海岸 and look out over the vast sea view and the amazing scenery of 😊 nature

🔍 #海之艺廊 (Sea Gallery)

✧ Tosa Shimizu City Ryukushi 23-8

✧ 9:00-16:00 (July and August until 17:00)

✧ Kochi Southwest Transportation Bus. Get off at Ryoko Station and walk for about 2 minutes; From The Kochi Expressway Shimanju-cho Chuo IC, the journey takes about 120 minutes

【Kochi Prefecture Famous Building Tour|#海之艺廊 (海のギャラリー)】 In fact, there are many architectural works ✨ designed by #famous architects in Kochi Prefecture, such as #Tadao Ando's design
【Kochi Prefecture Famous Building Tour|#海之艺廊 (海のギャラリー)】 In fact, there are many architectural works ✨ designed by #famous architects in Kochi Prefecture, such as #Tadao Ando's design
【Kochi Prefecture Famous Building Tour|#海之艺廊 (海のギャラリー)】 In fact, there are many architectural works ✨ designed by #famous architects in Kochi Prefecture, such as #Tadao Ando's design
【Kochi Prefecture Famous Building Tour|#海之艺廊 (海のギャラリー)】 In fact, there are many architectural works ✨ designed by #famous architects in Kochi Prefecture, such as #Tadao Ando's design

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