
Chinese medicine golden soup has a good effect on the treatment of pyelonephritis "for reference only" [source] "Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Secret Recipe" [composition] money grass, danpi, zelan, danshen, red peony, rhubarb. [Usage.]

author:Wang Jianfei, Guang'anmen South District, Beijing

TCM Golden Soup has a good effect on the treatment of pyelonephritis "For reference only"

【Source】The Secret Recipes of Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine

【Composition】 Money grass, danpi, zelan, salvia, red peony, rhubarb.

【Directions】 Decoction, 1 dose per day, 2 times a day.

【Function】Activate blood and dissolve stasis.

【Solution】The cause is diffuse inflammatory infiltration in the kidneys and swelling of the kidney parenchyma of different sizes, which may be the essence of what Chinese medicine calls "stasis". Therefore, the formula uses danpi, zelan, salvia, red peony, rhubarb to activate blood stasis, and has a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. More money grass is wet. Synergistic drugs can improve the disorders of microcirculation, dilate blood vessels, increase kidney blood flow, and improve the nutritional status of local lesions. This formula is not easy to form resistance, and the antibacterial spectrum is wide, so it is multi-effective.


【Addition and subtraction】 Bladder damp heat type, plus zhimu, yellow cedar, qu wheat, flat storage, talc; Hepatobiliary damp and hot type, plus gentian grass, skullcap, chai hu, citrus shell, yellow cedar; Hyper-hearted type, plus guide red scatter; Spleen and kidney weakness type, plus tonic in the qi soup; Kidney yang deficiency type, plus gold-dried kidney qi pills; Kidney yin deficiency, add silk seeds, dry lotus grass, turtle board, raw land.

【Efficacy】30 cases were treated, 27 cases were cured, 2 cases were effective, and 1 case was ineffective.

Chinese medicine golden soup has a good effect on the treatment of pyelonephritis "for reference only" [source] "Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Secret Recipe" [composition] money grass, danpi, zelan, danshen, red peony, rhubarb. [Usage.]
Chinese medicine golden soup has a good effect on the treatment of pyelonephritis "for reference only" [source] "Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Secret Recipe" [composition] money grass, danpi, zelan, danshen, red peony, rhubarb. [Usage.]
Chinese medicine golden soup has a good effect on the treatment of pyelonephritis "for reference only" [source] "Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Secret Recipe" [composition] money grass, danpi, zelan, danshen, red peony, rhubarb. [Usage.]

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