
Deng Xiaoping's second wife, Jin Weiying: Li Tieying's mother, was killed while recuperating in the Soviet Union

author:Meritorious history

In the winter of 1972, before his comeback, Deng Xiaoping came to Ruijin and other places in Jiangxi to revisit his hometown, and he said to his entourage: "At that time, the secretary of your county party committee was a woman. ”

The secretary of the county party committee is talking about Jin Weiying.

In 1938, the organization decided to send Jin Weiying to the Soviet Union for medical treatment and study, and when she left, her son Li Tieying was not yet two years old, and not long after, she died in the fire of the Germans.

For a long time after that, no one knew where she came from, where she came from, and whether there was anyone else in the family.

It was not until 1987 that Li Tieying, who missed his mother, found his mother's long-lost family, also his uncle Jin Shuiding, who learned more about his mother from his mouth.

Deng Xiaoping's second wife, Jin Weiying: Li Tieying's mother, was killed while recuperating in the Soviet Union

Li Tieying

Lead the whole family to do the revolution

In 1904, Jin Weiying was born in Daishan Island, Zhejiang, although she was a girl, but her father Jin Ronggui and mother Yu Aying loved the child very much and named her "Aiqing".

In that era when women rarely could read, Jin Weiying was able to graduate from normal school.

When Jin Weiying graduated as a teacher at Dinghai Girls' Primary School, his younger brother Jin Shuiding remembered very well how proud his parents were: "I didn't expect that there was a female husband in our family!" ”

But at this time, they did not realize that Jin Weiying's thinking had undergone earth-shaking changes, and they were only happy for the "Golden Gate Dragon Girl".

In 1926, Jin Weiying secretly joined the Communist Party of China, and her thinking of "educating and saving the country" also changed, and only a revolution could change the fate of all the suffering women in China.

Together with her comrades, she founded the Dinghai County Federation of Trade Unions and joined the workers in the struggle against the capitalists.

Deng Xiaoping's second wife, Jin Weiying: Li Tieying's mother, was killed while recuperating in the Soviet Union

Kim Wei-young

In addition, Jin Weiying is most widely known in the local area is to lead the fishermen and salt people to fight against hegemony and eliminate evil, and is known as the "Dinghai Female General".

Daishan is famous for its fish and salt, but the local salt people's life is extremely difficult, because all the hard-working salt is bought by the local government at a polar price, and then they can sell it for a higher price.

The salt people did not resist, but those who resisted were either directly beheaded or hung up by skin cramps, frightening the rest of the people from resisting.

After hearing about the dissatisfaction of the local people, Jin Weiying said:

"Because it is unfair, we have to fight, we have to fight for our own interests, in the past, the struggle of the Salt People Brothers was always suppressed, and that was because of the weakness of the situation, if everyone got up to fight, they would not lose."

He also gave the example of a chopstick that breaks as soon as it is broken, and a bunch of chopsticks that is constantly struggling, teaching everyone to unite and concentrate on fighting for the interests they deserve!

Deng Xiaoping's second wife, Jin Weiying: Li Tieying's mother, was killed while recuperating in the Soviet Union

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Kim's revolutionary ideas not only influenced the local workers, but her family also became revolutionaries or revolutionary masses under her influence.

Jin Ronggui was working in a citizens' guest house, which was not allowed to stay overnight, so some CCP leaders would always choose to live here, and it almost became a secret stronghold of the party organization.

In the early days of Jin Weiying's workers' movement, the workers were cautious and did not dare to casually ignore her.

In order to reassure them, Jin Weiying let his younger brother Jin Shuiding take the lead in joining and set an example for the workers.

At that time, when organizing the salt people to carry out the movement, Jin Weiying was also the backbone of the local salt people who met through his brother.

In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek openly launched the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup, and When Jin Weiying received the news, he fled to other places in a hurry.

However, her family was implicated, and there was no place to stay in Dinghai, and she could only return to her hometown in Zhenhai.

After Jin Weiying fled to Ningbo, she was caught by the local Kuomintang reactionaries, and her family lost her family and beat a golden Buddha to give away, before successfully releasing her on bail.

Deng Xiaoping's second wife, Jin Weiying: Li Tieying's mother, was killed while recuperating in the Soviet Union

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Under the influence of Jin Weiying, the whole family knew very well that only revolution could save China, when Jin Weiying said: "I am going to Shanghai to find the party organization and continue to do the revolution!" ”

Even though Jin Ronggui didn't give up, he personally sent his daughter out of the door and said to her: "Good job!" We are all at home waiting for you to come back. ”

After coming to Shanghai, Jin Weiying also called his brother Jin Shuiding and his mother Yu Aying to Shanghai and asked them to do what they could.

In 1931, Gu Shunzhang, the head of the Central Special Branch, defected, the Kuomintang hunted down the Communist Party according to the information he gave, and a large number of backbone cadres fled Shanghai under the arrangement of the Central Committee, and Jin Weiying was the same.

Before she left, the marriage date of her brother Jin Shuiding had been set, but unfortunately she did not have the opportunity to participate.

Before parting, Jin Weiying choked and said to his brother:

"I want to go to a new place to work, your wedding sister can't attend, I prepared 20 yuan for your wedding." In the future, I will often write to me and send money to my family. It's just that you have to take care of your parents. ”

At this point, none of them had imagined that this would be the last time they would meet.

Heroic female secretary

In July 1931, Jin Weiying met Deng Xiaoping on the way to the Central Soviet District, and the two set off from Shanghai together, after all kinds of hardships, and finally arrived in Ruijin, Jiangxi Province, more than two months later.

Along the way, these two excellent men and women supported each other and helped each other, and both of them secretly had feelings for each other, and soon entered the palace of marriage.

Deng Xiaoping's second wife, Jin Weiying: Li Tieying's mother, was killed while recuperating in the Soviet Union

Deng Xiaoping and Jin Weiying

When he first came to the Central Soviet Region, Jin Weiying was the minister of the Women's Department of the Ruijin County CPC Committee, while Deng Xiaoping was the secretary of the Ruijin County CPC Committee.

Soon after, Jin Weiying was transferred to the yudu county party committee, and at the age of 27, she became one of the two female county party secretaries in the early days of the CCP.

The secretary of the county party committee is a very important position, and there are extremely high requirements for work experience and political level, which is enough to see the importance and trust of the central government.

Six months after Jin Weiying was transferred away, Deng Xiaoping was also transferred to Huichang as the secretary of the county party committee, and the two were getting farther and farther apart, living a life of gathering less and leaving more.

In October 1931, Jin Weiying went to Yudu to take up his post, and the local villagers heard that the new county party secretary was a woman, and they all thought that it would be an older and experienced female comrade.

To everyone's surprise, the new county party secretary would be so young and handsome, smiling with crooked eyes, especially radiant.

Deng Xiaoping's second wife, Jin Weiying: Li Tieying's mother, was killed while recuperating in the Soviet Union

Kim Wei-young

Everyone thought that such a young secretary must have no experience, but Jin Weiying's vigorous style of behavior made everyone convinced.

After taking office, she first carried out a drastic reorganization of the original county leadership group, dismissed some cadres who had done nothing, and promoted a number of outstanding cadres.

The subsequent work of women and the expansion of reds were a piece of cake for Jin Weiying, and these tasks were done very well.

At that time, although the development of the Central Soviet Area was at its peak, in this red area, there were still many villages and strongholds occupied by the enemy, and there were often tug-of-war guerrilla warfare.

The villagers in these white strongholds are living in the depths of the sea, and the enemies do not regard them as people at all, and kill people for fun if they are not happy.

They also deceived the public and smeared the Communist Party in a brazen manner, leaving those villagers to endure their oppression in order to survive. They even sneaked up on the local government and assassinated revolutionary cadres.

Deng Xiaoping's second wife, Jin Weiying: Li Tieying's mother, was killed while recuperating in the Soviet Union

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When the Kuomintang attacked the Soviet zone, these reactionaries, who usually refused to come out, opened the gate one after another and ran to the rear of the Communist Party to make trouble.

In short, it was the tumor in the Soviet area that was very unfavorable to the consolidation of the Communist Party's political power in this area, and after Jin Weiying learned of it, he secretly resolved in the letter to eliminate all the white strongholds here through his own efforts.

Later, Chairman Mao ordered: "All units of the Red Army must destroy the white earthen fences scattered in the counties!" ”

Jin Weiying strictly obeyed Chairman Mao's orders, and there were a number of remnants of landlords in the north of Yudu, who were lawless after occupying a village and harassing the red areas from time to time.

On December 3, 1931, Jin Weiying led the local people and cooperated with the Red Independent 16th Regiment to eliminate all the remnants of this group of arrogant landlords and return peace to the local villagers.

Afterwards, Jin Weiying took the initiative to come to this area to help the villagers "fight the local tycoons and divide the fields", and successfully turned this place into part of the red area.

During the Spring Festival of 1932, the central government demanded:

"Everyone mobilized unanimously and actively participated in the revolutionary war to seize Ganzhou and develop cross-strait work in Ganzhou."
Deng Xiaoping's second wife, Jin Weiying: Li Tieying's mother, was killed while recuperating in the Soviet Union

Ruins of the Ruijin Soviet

The harsh war environment places extremely high demands on individuals' military skills, especially for some leading cadres.

Jin Weiying knew that this was her shortcoming, but in order not to drag her feet, she would get up early every morning to train, practice riding on the country road, and riding a horse to shoot a gun.

In May 1932, Jin Weiying participated in regular combat for the first time, she came to the front line to fight with the enemy, bullets flew over her cheeks, and she was directly killed by Huangquan at a slight deviation.

The guards advised her to be careful of her safety, but Jin Weiying sternly refused: "Don't say so much!" Now the situation is urgent, I don't play in the front who plays in the front! ”

Jin Weiying's work in the Central Soviet District is very smooth, but the emotional life is not so satisfactory in comparison.

Although she and her husband Deng Xiaoping gathered less and separated more, they had a good relationship, but after Deng Xiaoping was attacked by Wang Ming's line in 1933 and suffered unfair blows and criticism, the two were forced to divorce.

Jin Weiying was transferred to the Central Organization Department as section chief, and in 1934 he married Li Weihan, the head of the Organization Department.

Deng Xiaoping's second wife, Jin Weiying: Li Tieying's mother, was killed while recuperating in the Soviet Union

Lee Vihan

Not long after the marriage, the arduous twenty-five thousand mile long march also began.

Travel to the USSR

Jin Weiying participated in the Long March with the Central Red Army and was one of the 30 female Red Army troops who arrived in northern Shaanxi.

There was no passage in the front, and hundreds of thousands of Kuomintang people chased and blocked it, and bombs fell from the sky from time to time. Climbing snow-capped mountains over meadows, nibbling on tree bark and eating belts, Jin Weiying overcame these difficulties with a strong will.

In 1936, the second year after arriving in Yan'an, Jin Weiying gave birth to a son, Li Tieying.

Both Li Weihan and Jin Weiying loved the child very much, and gave the child a nickname "Luo Xiaojin", "Luo" is Li Weihan's original surname, and "Jin" represents Jin Weiying.

Because of the Long March, many comrades' bodies collapsed, they were plagued by many diseases, and there was a lack of sufficient conditions for treatment in the country.

Deng Xiaoping's second wife, Jin Weiying: Li Tieying's mother, was killed while recuperating in the Soviet Union

Li Tieying

In the spring of 1938, the organization sent these comrades to the Soviet Union, on the one hand, to recuperate from illness, and on the other hand, to learn some advanced cultural knowledge.

Before leaving, Jin Weiying hugged Li Tieying and cried and cried, she was very reluctant to have a son who was not yet two years old, she had experienced too many life and death in her life.

"Mom will think of you every day." After saying that, Jin Weiying put her son down, turned her head and left with red eyes, did not dare to look back at her son who was crying and tearing her heart and lungs, she was afraid that she would not be able to leave after seeing it.

After coming to the Soviet Union, Jin Weiying studied very seriously, and her physical condition gradually improved, and she was very much looking forward to returning to China.

After the victory of the revolution, he took his son back to his hometown to meet his parents, which was the biggest wish in Jin Weiying's heart.

However, in the second half of 1939, Jin Weiying suddenly fell ill, and doctors could not find the cause.

In February 1940, Deng Yingchao, who accompanied Zhou Enlai to moscow for treatment, came to visit Jin Weiying in a nursing home before returning to China, when she was already very ill, but she still could not find the cause.

Deng Xiaoping's second wife, Jin Weiying: Li Tieying's mother, was killed while recuperating in the Soviet Union

Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao

After the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet Union, the news of Jin Weiying was completely lost at home, and Li Weihan was very anxious and asked people to inquire in the Soviet Union, but there was still no news.

Later, a comrade who returned from Moscow said that German planes bombed the nursing home where Kim Wei-young was located, and she died.

After Li Weihan learned about it, he wanted to find her family, only to find that no one knew her hometown and relatives, and the trustees still found nothing after checking several times.

At this time, Jin Weiying's family is also struggling to find her whereabouts.

When working in the Central Soviet District, Jin Weiying was very worried about his parents and brother who were far away from home, so he often wrote letters to his family. Worried that her parents would not have a good life at home, she saved money and often sent money and some old clothes to the house.

But with the start of the Long March, Jin Weiying's contact with her family was also forced to be interrupted, and after the second cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communists, she resumed contact with her family.

After going to the Soviet Union, Kim Wei-young's contact with his family was again broken.

Deng Xiaoping's second wife, Jin Weiying: Li Tieying's mother, was killed while recuperating in the Soviet Union

Stone statue of Kim Wei-young

In 1938, Kim Young-gyu, who missed his daughter, fell seriously ill and died, and before he died, he told his son: "You must find your sister!" ”

After liberation, Jin Shuiding watched teams of PLA passing by on the street, and no matter how he inquired, he never got news of his sister.

It wasn't until 1987, when the siblings, who had been separated for decades, were finally reunited in a different way.

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