
Syrian Vatan News Agency: The first Chinese-language film produced by Chinese actor Jackie Chan to shoot in Syria, "Operation Homeland," will be released in Syria on the damaged side of Damascus

author:Cut the salary and pass the fire

Syrian Vatan News Agency: The first Chinese-language film produced by Chinese actor Jackie Chan to shoot in Syria, "Home Action", will be released in Syria, filmed in the Hajar Asvad Palestinian refugee camp on the damaged side of Damascus!

Thanks also to China for its just stance on Syria and Yemen!

Syrian Vatan News Agency: The first Chinese-language film produced by Chinese actor Jackie Chan to shoot in Syria, "Operation Homeland," will be released in Syria on the damaged side of Damascus
Syrian Vatan News Agency: The first Chinese-language film produced by Chinese actor Jackie Chan to shoot in Syria, "Operation Homeland," will be released in Syria on the damaged side of Damascus
Syrian Vatan News Agency: The first Chinese-language film produced by Chinese actor Jackie Chan to shoot in Syria, "Operation Homeland," will be released in Syria on the damaged side of Damascus

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