
If a cheetah is encountered in the wild, can adult humans escape? How strong is the cheetah?

author:Starry Sky Origins

Do you know? Cheetahs are the fastest animals in the world. So when humans encounter cheetahs in the wild, can humans beat them? After all, running must not be able to escape, if humans can not beat cheetahs, using traditional tricks: one climbing a tree, two pretending to be dead, and can they escape a disaster?

Let's take a look!

If a cheetah is encountered in the wild, can adult humans escape? How strong is the cheetah?

Before that, we must first have some understanding of the basic "killing techniques" of cheetahs. Cheetahs are a member of the carnivorous cat family, there are currently five subspecies in the world, the largest weight is the North African subspecies, generally weighing about 90 pounds, while the remaining four subspecies weigh a little less, about 70 pounds, and the males are generally larger than the females.

Running speed is extremely fast, accelerating 100 kilometers in only 2.7 seconds, at this time they can step up to nearly 7 meters away, is a veritable "fastest animal" on land. Its natural habitat is the temperate savannah.

If a cheetah is encountered in the wild, can adult humans escape? How strong is the cheetah?

As cats, one of the characteristics they have is flexibility, catching prey often uses ambush methods, first slowly approaching the enemy, and then quickly launching a fierce attack, with a lightning speed to cover the ears and steal the bell, quickly pounce on the prey, with claws to hold the fur of the prey, and bite to the throat of the prey, so that it suffocates to death. The main prey is the slightly smaller but more flexible antelope.

If a cheetah is encountered in the wild, can adult humans escape? How strong is the cheetah?

So what about the true strength of the cheetah?

As the saying goes, no one is perfect. Cheetahs are no exception. Over millions of years of evolution, although they have the fastest speed on land, at the same time, they have also had a negative impact on their combat effectiveness.

If a cheetah is encountered in the wild, can adult humans escape? How strong is the cheetah?

Because they need to hunt antelope, which is also very fast, the size of the cheetah has a significant "slender" characteristic. Many friends are easy to confuse cheetahs with leopards, mainly because the color of their fur is very similar. If you make a comparison in terms of body shape, it is easy to distinguish them.

If a cheetah is encountered in the wild, can adult humans escape? How strong is the cheetah?

Significant differences between leopards and cheetahs.

In pursuit of speed, cheetahs have long and slender limbs, about 0.8 meters shoulder height, compared to leopards, the skull is slightly smaller, there are tear marks under the eyes, the call is like a cat, and it is an "agile player".

If a cheetah is encountered in the wild, can adult humans escape? How strong is the cheetah?

Leopards are completely different, often weigh about 2 times the size of cheetahs, about 150 pounds, thick limbs, shoulder height of only about 0.6 meters, the head is large and round, and the biggest difference with cheetah fur spots is that the leopard's black spots are hollow, so there is also a nickname for "golden leopard".

Because the leopard skull is large and round, the bite force is also very amazing, and it can easily bite off the thigh bone of the animal, so the leopard's prey is often a larger wildebeest and other ungulates, which is a "power player".

If a cheetah is encountered in the wild, can adult humans escape? How strong is the cheetah?

And as the saying goes, in the face of absolute power, all moves are flower racks", this sentence is used on cheetahs and leopards, which can be said to be very appropriate. In the wild, when leopards meet cheetahs, cheetahs often only have to run, and if cheetahs are accidentally attacked by leopards, then they will only be killed.

If a cheetah is encountered in the wild, can adult humans escape? How strong is the cheetah?

So can humans beat the cheetah?

In fact, from the above analysis, we can basically see that the main killing technique of cheetahs is "ambush", and its strength is limited in frontal conflicts. Therefore, among many carnivores, cheetahs are really considered to be the level of "five scum of war". Compared to other predators, their data are "youthful": slender bodies, low bites, small heads and short teeth.

These characteristics also make their attack power very limited. In the African savannah, almost any predator can bully them, even hyenas, wild dogs and other animals.

If a cheetah is encountered in the wild, can adult humans escape? How strong is the cheetah?

Therefore, the cheetah's personality is also relatively gentle and timid. So when they see humans, in their eyes is a behemoth that does not know how effective it is, and the size is two or three times larger than themselves, and the cheetah who has long been accustomed to the "oppressive life" in the African steppe, "escape" is their instinctive reaction, which is why in the ancient Egyptian period, the cheetah was usually a pet that was kept by people.

Most of them will symbolically "cat bark" a few times, if the enemy is still unmoved, then the cheetah will usually leave in mourning, unless you provoke their cubs, so that they feel that their lives are threatened, then they have a chance to fight back. Cheetahs are also good at climbing trees, so humans climbing trees and pretending to be dead mean almost nothing to cheetahs.

If a cheetah is encountered in the wild, can adult humans escape? How strong is the cheetah?

So when cheetahs and humans move, can humans beat them?

If it was a young male, then humans would be much more likely to kill cheetahs. Although humans do not have sharp teeth and sharp claws, after all, human size and strength will be above the cheetah, and killing them is almost no problem. After all, cheetahs are also wild cat carnivores, but don't really think of them as a "big cat" because they are relatively weak in combat and call like cats.

If a cheetah is encountered in the wild, can adult humans escape? How strong is the cheetah?

The cases of leopard killings in the wild are also mostly caused by leopards and jaguars known as "crocodile killers". They are the beasts of prey in the true sense of the word.

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