
Today is officially ambushed, ginger and rice are a perfect match, drink 1 cup every morning, comfortable for 40 days

author:Lily Food Talk
Today is officially ambushed, ginger and rice are a perfect match, drink 1 cup every morning, comfortable for 40 days

On July 16th, it began to enter the first volt day, the three volts were divided into first, middle and last volts, up to 40 days of high temperature and sweltering climate, but also very humid. Hot days many people like to eat some cold drinks, ice cream and a variety of raw and cold food, which is actually very unhealthy, the hotter the three volt days, although the body surface is very hot, but the body is wet and cold, this time to eat less cold drinks, especially cold female friends, three volt days should pay more attention to the body.

Today is officially ambushed, ginger and rice are a perfect match, drink 1 cup every morning, comfortable for 40 days

Coupled with staying in the air-conditioned room for a long time, you can usually eat more cold and damp food, and pay attention to heat prevention and cooling. As the saying goes, "eat turnips in winter and eat ginger in summer", ginger is the food that drives away the cold, eating it in summer is very suitable, ginger eating methods are also many, usually you can cook, brew ginger tea and so on. Ginger and rice is a very good combination, stir-fried after brewing ginger rice tea to drink, fragrant and slightly spicy, thirst quenching cold and dampness, very good for the body. At the beginning of today's ambush, we must learn to avoid mouth, ginger and rice are a perfect match, drink 1 cup a day, and live safely.

Today is officially ambushed, ginger and rice are a perfect match, drink 1 cup every morning, comfortable for 40 days

【Home-style ginger rice tea】

Ingredients: Ginger, rice

Today is officially ambushed, ginger and rice are a perfect match, drink 1 cup every morning, comfortable for 40 days

1, the right amount of rice, choose the rice you usually eat at home, a piece of ginger, choose ginger, spicy effect is better ginger taste more intense.

Today is officially ambushed, ginger and rice are a perfect match, drink 1 cup every morning, comfortable for 40 days

2, rice with ordinary rice can be, wash it, ginger wash with skin cut together into strips for use, do not cut into thin wires.

Today is officially ambushed, ginger and rice are a perfect match, drink 1 cup every morning, comfortable for 40 days

3: In a dry pot, sauté the rice until the water is dry.

Today is officially ambushed, ginger and rice are a perfect match, drink 1 cup every morning, comfortable for 40 days

4: Continue sautéing until the rice is white.

Today is officially ambushed, ginger and rice are a perfect match, drink 1 cup every morning, comfortable for 40 days

5: The rice is slightly yellowed, add ginger strips and sauté together.

Today is officially ambushed, ginger and rice are a perfect match, drink 1 cup every morning, comfortable for 40 days

6, the process of sautéing should pay attention to the heat, do not fry the paste pot. Stir-fry for more than 20 minutes over low heat.

Today is officially ambushed, ginger and rice are a perfect match, drink 1 cup every morning, comfortable for 40 days

7: Sauté until the rice turns golden, and the ginger is almost dry.

Today is officially ambushed, ginger and rice are a perfect match, drink 1 cup every morning, comfortable for 40 days

Fried ginger rice tea out of the pot at room temperature to cool, with a sealed plastic bag packaged well, put into the refrigerator refrigeration, usually eat with the eating, take the tea in the morning to drink, drive the cold stomach also get wet, three volt days to drink is more appropriate, special people, once do a good job of ginger rice tea, even drink a summer is not a problem Oh, it is recommended to drink better in the morning every day, drink ginger tea at night is easy to catch fire. Simple and delicious methods to share with you, you can favorite can be stored to try Oh.

Lily Food Talk Tips:

1, rice to choose ordinary rice, it is recommended to simply clean it, some people are accustomed to direct frying without washing.

2, when frying rice and ginger, the whole process is dry frying, no need to put a drop of water and oil.

3, this ginger rice tea is recommended to drink better in the morning, ginger choose ginger to fry the brewed ginger flavor is more intense.

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