
After the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less ginger and mung beans, eat more of these 3 things, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

author:Chef Jiang Yizhou
After the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less ginger and mung beans, eat more of these 3 things, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire. Hello, hello everyone, I am Chef Jiang Yizhou, today is the time to share the food with you, are you ready?
After the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less ginger and mung beans, eat more of these 3 things, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

Today is July 16th, even if it is officially in the sky. After three volts, the summer season of high temperature and rain has officially arrived. It was not today that it rained all day in the north, and friends who did not go to work stayed at home and blew the air conditioner all day, and listened to the sound of rain all day! Although it is raining now, it will not affect the hot climate the next day!

After the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less ginger and mung beans, eat more of these 3 things, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

Summer itself is a hot and rainy season, and if it doesn't rain, the outside world is like a sauna. At this time, we should pay attention to the diet, many friends know "winter disease summer cure", then this year is no exception, in addition to eating less cold and cold food, we must also remember to eat less ginger and mung beans.

After the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less ginger and mung beans, eat more of these 3 things, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

Although it is said that eating ginger in the summer does not require a doctor's prescription, ginger is a cool ingredient, and for friends with a bad spleen and stomach, eating more ginger is not good for our body. Although mung beans are clear and detoxifying, they can quench heat and thirst, but they are also not suitable for friends with poor physique to eat more.

After the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less ginger and mung beans, eat more of these 3 things, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

So after entering the volt day, which 3 more should be eaten? Without further ado, let's share the dry goods directly with you. Next, I will give you these three delicious recipes.

NO.1 Tofu

Tofu is the most common soy food in our daily life, it is rich in soy isoflavones and amino acids and other nutrients, itself belongs to the cool ingredients, raw cold mix or hot stir-fry are good and delicious Oh.

Recommended recipe: Minced meat, egg and tofu

Ingredients: Egg, tofu, pork belly, soy sauce, soy sauce, sugar, salt, cooking oil.

1. First prepare two fresh mother eggs into a bowl and stir well with chopsticks. A box of fresh lactone tofu is folded upside down on a plate, then cut it diagonally into thick thin slices with a kitchen knife.

After the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less ginger and mung beans, eat more of these 3 things, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

2. Drizzle the prepared egg liquid directly on top of the tofu, and seal a layer of plastic wrap on the top of the friend who has the conditions. Use a toothpick to put a few small holes in it and steam for eight minutes in a pot of water.

After the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less ginger and mung beans, eat more of these 3 things, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

3 or 2 dollars of pork belly a piece to cut it into thick thin slices, and finally chop it into a bowl for later. Cut the green onion into small green onions, cut the ginger into thin slices and finally dice them into a bowl. Heat the wok in cooking oil, heat the oil and stir-fry the prepared pork belly.

After the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less ginger and mung beans, eat more of these 3 things, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

4. Then add the green onion and ginger to remove the fish, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, fine salt, sugar to taste. Add two scoops of water to it. Bring it to a boil over high heat. After the water boils, it flows into a spoonful of water starch, sprinkle a little green onion and turn off the heat.

After the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less ginger and mung beans, eat more of these 3 things, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

5. Steamed egg tofu, we give it to slowly take out. Then pour the boiled sauce directly on top and eat it. The egg tofu made by this method is nutritious and delicious.

After the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less ginger and mung beans, eat more of these 3 things, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

NO.2 Flower clams

In the summer, the most popular food for seaside people is flower clams! Flower clam belongs to the seafood in the coldest ingredients, summer eat more it does not grow fat, itself is rich in amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids, it is recommended that you eat less crab and squid, you can eat more of it.

Recommended recipe: Flower clam vermicelli stew

Ingredients: flower clams, vermicelli, shallots, ginger, garlic, cooking oil, coriander.

1. First prepare 500 grams of fresh clams and wash them in water, then add a small handful of sea salt to it and put in the right amount of water to let it spit sand for half an hour. The clam vermicelli that comes out of this pot will not choke on the teeth when drunk.

After the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less ginger and mung beans, eat more of these 3 things, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

2. A small amount of vermicelli soaked it in water for half an hour in advance and soaked it thoroughly. This reduces the time spent cooking. Cut each green onion into green onions, cut a piece of ginger into thin slices and then cut into small cubes and put them in a bowl for later. The garlic is patted and chopped.

After the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less ginger and mung beans, eat more of these 3 things, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

3. Heat the wok and add cooking oil, after the oil is hot, put the prepared green onion and ginger into it and stir-fry until fragrant. Then add a spoonful of very fresh soy sauce. Sauté over high heat to create a fragrant flavor. Then add 800 ml of water to it, cover and bring to a boil over high heat. Bring the water to a boil and place the dried vermicelli and soaked clams in a pot.

4. Stir with a spoon and add a little salt to taste. Cook for three minutes on high heat to remove, sprinkle a little minced garlic and coriander on top to taste, and you can eat it. The flower clam vermicelli made by this method is original and unsatisfied!

After the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less ginger and mung beans, eat more of these 3 things, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

NO.3 Duck meat

Duck meat belongs to the bird class and lives in the water for a long time. The meat quality belongs to the cold ingredients, and eating more duck meat in summer can cool off the heat without fire. If you like meat but are worried about getting on fire, don't forget to buy some duck meat to eat.

Recommended recipe: Beer duck

Ingredients: duck, beer, ginger onion, star anise, cinnamon leaves, cooking oil.

1. First prepare a fresh duck meat and chop it into small pieces, then put it in clean water to rinse it. Cut the onion and ginger into thin slices and place in a bowl.

After the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less ginger and mung beans, eat more of these 3 things, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

2. Put the right amount of cooking oil in the wok, heat the oil and put the prepared duck meat in it and sauté it over high heat to remove the grease. Then add the shallots and ginger, star anise, cinnamon and fragrant leaves and stir-fry over high heat for one minute. Add light soy sauce and old soy sauce to the color. Pour in another bottle of pure grain beer.

After the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less ginger and mung beans, eat more of these 3 things, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

3. Season with a pinch of salt, cover and bring to a boil over high heat. Bring water to a boil, turn to medium heat and simmer slowly for 25 minutes. Sprinkle on top and add a little green onion to the pot!

After the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less ginger and mung beans, eat more of these 3 things, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

Well, that's all there is to it. Do you know which three ingredients you should eat in the summer? Feel free to share it with us in the comments section. We'll see you next time.

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