
Children who eat vitamin D vs children who eat vitamin AD, the gap between the two is not small, don't eat wrong

author:Gestation Island

After the baby is born, in addition to the basic breast milk or milk powder diet every day, as the baby grows, some nutrients must also begin to be replenished. Among the many nutrients, vitamin D is more familiar to many mothers.

All mothers who have done homework know that children should supplement vitamin D after birth, but many novice mothers have made difficulties in choosing, because there are not only various brands of vitamin D on the market, but even next to it, there is also its half-brother - vitamin AD, which directly brings many mothers to the difficulty of choosing.

Children who eat vitamin D vs children who eat vitamin AD, the gap between the two is not small, don't eat wrong

Before the baby was born, the mother moved the multiple nutrients back home

Le Le is a pregnant mother after 00, originally just graduated from college, but did not expect to check out the pregnancy, although the marriage related matters are relatively hasty, but fortunately it is also relatively smooth, just like this, after graduating from Le Le University, she directly at home and lived a life of fetal protection.

Pregnancy life is naturally boring, Le Le will go online to look at some pregnancy and parenting knowledge, suddenly see some people say that after the baby is born to eat vitamin D, and then to their own people who have had a production experience to inquire, really need, so Le Le hurried to the pharmacy, planning to give vitamin D to the baby to prepare.

However, after coming out of the pharmacy, Lele held a large bag of drugs in his hand, it turned out that Lele did not escape the brainwashing of the pharmacy staff, in addition to vitamin D, a series of things like cod liver oil, vitamin AD, DHA and so on were bought.

Children who eat vitamin D vs children who eat vitamin AD, the gap between the two is not small, don't eat wrong

However, as for what is good for the baby to eat these things, and what is the difference between these nutrients, Lele is still silly and unclear.

Indeed, there are many confused mothers like Lele in life, who have listened to the doctor's instructions or have seen that other people's babies are eating after birth, so they blindly follow the trend. This is not OK, only by understanding the relationship and difference between each other, in order to give the baby better nutritional supplements.

Vitamin D and vitamin AD are only one word apart, and the effects are very different

For vitamin D, presumably many people are not strangers, the main role of vitamin D is to promote the absorption and utilization of calcium in the human body, to put it bluntly, vitamin D will be related to the baby's bone growth and development, but because the human body can not synthesize vitamin D independently, so additional supplementation is very necessary.

Children who eat vitamin D vs children who eat vitamin AD, the gap between the two is not small, don't eat wrong

Unlike vitamin D, vitamin AD is a hybrid formulation, which is vitamin A + vitamin D. For vitamin A, people do not know so much, in fact, vitamin A has a great positive effect in promoting immune function, preventing night blindness, preventing anemia and so on.

It can be seen that vitamin D and vitamin AD need to be supplemented for children. Especially in countries where children have a high probability of vitamin A and D deficiency, supplementation is very important for children's development.

The gap between children who supplement vitamin AD and children with vitamin D is not small when they grow up

There is a gap in vision

Vitamin A can promote vision development, mainly can promote the integrity of upper eyelid cells, reduce the probability of myopia; Children who only supplement with vitamin D will naturally have shortcomings in their vision.

Children who eat vitamin D vs children who eat vitamin AD, the gap between the two is not small, don't eat wrong

There is a gap in the skin

Vitamin A can make the skin more elastic, look supple and smooth, reduce the appearance of eczema and other skin problems, but only children who supplement vitamin D may have a much worse skin condition;

There is a gap in height

Vitamin D can promote the absorption of calcium, while vitamin A can promote the differentiation of bone cells, to a certain extent, there is also the effect of making children grow taller, the two prongs, the height of the child is not too bad.

Children who eat vitamin D vs children who eat vitamin AD, the gap between the two is not small, don't eat wrong

How exactly should I choose vitamin AD and vitamin D? Judging by feeding style

For many mothers are struggling with the question: should I supplement vitamin D or vitamin AD? In fact, the biggest difference between the two is the vitamin A component inside. Even some mothers feel that since they can't be sure, it will never hurt to add two people together.

But in fact, simply supplementing vitamin D is bound to cause vitamin A deficiency, and the two mixed supplements, the content of vitamin D will exceed the standard, so if you want to be a safer way to supplement, you may wish to judge according to the baby's feeding pattern.

Children who eat vitamin D vs children who eat vitamin AD, the gap between the two is not small, don't eat wrong
  • Like breastfeeding babies: vitamin AD supplementation is recommended;
  • Formula-fed babies: just supplement the vitamin D deficiency in formula;
  • Mixed-feeding babies: Supplementation can only be done in turn through vitamin D and vitamin AD.

Kojima would like to say:

In fact, whether to supplement the baby with vitamin D or AD, unilaterally is meaningless, to distinguish according to the child's actual situation, different babies will have different recommendations.

Children who eat vitamin D vs children who eat vitamin AD, the gap between the two is not small, don't eat wrong

Therefore, for new mothers, before giving their babies nutritional supplements, they should want to do more homework, combined with the actual situation of the child, and tailor a nutritional supplement plan.