
3 kinds of medicines should not be "eaten alone", corresponding to supplement 3 kinds of nutrients, long-term medicine people should understand


Uncle Li was recently diagnosed with carotid artery plaques, and the doctor prescribed him a course of aspirin to take. In order to avoid Uncle Li's panic, the doctor also specially told him: "Plaques and blood clots are not the same, take medicine well, and you can recover from meditation." ”

But this sentence seems to have become Uncle Li's "reliance", thinking that aspirin is a miracle drug, as long as you eat it on time every day.

Many friends may have a similar concept to Uncle Li, thinking that taking medicine can "cure all diseases", as long as they take medicine, there will be nothing. But in fact, the follow-up side effects of some drugs may have an impact on physical health, and it is important to "check and fill in the gaps" through nutritional supplementation.

3 kinds of medicines should not be "eaten alone", corresponding to supplement 3 kinds of nutrients, long-term medicine people should understand

Patients taking these 3 drugs need to supplement 3 nutrients accordingly

(1) Take aspirin - regular vitamin C supplementation

Aspirin has a very good effect in alleviating cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. However, according to research published in Life Times, aspirin contains acidic pharmacological components such as "salicylic acid." These acidic components are metabolized by the liver to produce acid substances, which affect the pH of body fluids.

In simple terms, long-term use of aspirin, the body's dehydration efficiency will increase, and the vitamin C dissolved in body fluids will also be lost in large quantities.

Therefore, friends who often eat aspirin and regularly supplement vitamin C are conducive to maintaining nutritional balance and preventing a series of diseases such as scurvy and inflammation of the body. Fruits such as oranges and winter dates, as well as various types of vegetables, are good choices for vitamin C supplementation.

3 kinds of medicines should not be "eaten alone", corresponding to supplement 3 kinds of nutrients, long-term medicine people should understand

(2) Take painkillers - regular iron supplementation

Common pain medications, such as ibuprofen, indomethacin, etc., generally contain anesthetic irritating ingredients. This ingredient can suppress people's pain sensations, thereby playing a pain-relieving effect.

But at the same time, these components in the stomach and intestines, will also cause damage to the mucous membrane, mucosal tissue damage, iron ions will be in a state of slow loss, a long time, the body iron deficiency may lead to fatigue and weakness, chronic anemia and other situations.

Therefore, while taking painkillers, it is also necessary to eat more iron-containing foods, such as animal offal, spinach, etc. The daily diet should be less oil and less salt, so as to reduce the burden of gastrointestinal digestion.

3 kinds of medicines should not be "eaten alone", corresponding to supplement 3 kinds of nutrients, long-term medicine people should understand

(3) Take hypoglycemic drugs - regular supplementation of vitamin B

At present, the most common hypoglycemic drugs are metformin drugs, metformin drug components, some of which will be combined with calcium, when the patient takes hypoglycemic drugs, and then into the intestine, the drug components and calcium in the intestinal mucosa combine with each other, will lead to a decline in the absorption efficiency of calcium in the intestine.

Calcium in the intestine is an important way for the body to absorb vitamin B, calcium absorption efficiency decreases, and the level of vitamin B in the body will also decline.

Lack of vitamin B, mild loss of appetite, insomnia and dreams; In severe cases, vision decreases, skin hair dries up, and the body's immunity decreases. This is also the main reason why friends who have taken metformin for a long time will frequently feel weak and sickly.

The way to supplement the B vitamin group is also very simple, such as deep-sea fish, animal offal, and common foods such as eggs and milk, which are all good choices. All in all, patients taking corresponding drugs should do a good job of daily diet adjustment and key nutritional intake after medication, so that the condition can be better faster and the health can be maintained more completely.

On the other hand, in addition to the need to make dietary adjustments after taking drugs, the cycle of taking some drugs should not be too long, and if you take some drugs for a long time, it will also bring hidden dangers to health.

3 kinds of medicines should not be "eaten alone", corresponding to supplement 3 kinds of nutrients, long-term medicine people should understand

The 2 types of drugs can not be taken for a long time, and taking them has no effect and seek medical treatment in time

The first: anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs

For example, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, etc., this type of drug has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, while playing a rapid role, the irritation to the stomach and intestines is also very large. Not suitable for long-term use.

If such drugs are taken for a long time, it may cause damage to the digestive tract or bleeding, and may induce liver and kidney type diseases. In general, anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs taken for more than 5 days still have no effect, stop the drug in time, and seek the help of a professional doctor.

The second type: short-acting antihypertensive drugs

The main role of short-acting antihypertensive drugs is to help patients with hypertension stabilize their condition in emergency situations where blood pressure is out of control. Compared with long-acting antihypertensive drugs, short-acting antihypertensive drugs have a faster effect and a more significant antihypertensive effect.

But after all, it is an emergency drug, if taken for a long time, too strong drug components, may lead to a decrease in blood pressure too low, and even short-term hypotension and other symptoms of hidden dangers, thereby increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. According to the doctor's requirements, taking the right antihypertensive drugs on time and in response is the right choice.

All in all, although taking medicine is a common way to treat diseases, medicine cannot be eaten indiscriminately. Scientific and rational medication is a necessary behavior to improve their health in the process of treatment, and I hope to remember it.


[1]: "Often eat aspirin to supplement vitamin C", Life Times, 2018-5-26

[2]: Which medicines must not be taken for a long time? It is recommended that all friends who have taken medication for a long time read the "Health Community," 2022-5-4