
Eating watermelon, is it a blood sugar rise or a lower blood sugar? You might as well find out earlier

author:Armor nurse
It is often said that life without watermelon is incomplete, but summer without watermelon is also sad.

In the hot summer, the fruit shops in the streets and alleys will be filled with watermelons, whether they are eaten directly or cut into pieces, which are very delicious.

Eating watermelon, is it a blood sugar rise or a lower blood sugar? You might as well find out earlier

However, this year's 61-year-old Uncle Wang because of the watermelon matter made a difficulty, it turned out that Uncle Wang was diagnosed with diabetes in the early two years, diagnosed with diabetes has been two or three years, since the diagnosis of his disease, for the daily diet or pay special attention, no matter what fruit does not dare to eat.

A few days ago, Uncle Wang's son-in-law said that the weather was hot and eating watermelon could relieve the heat and quench thirst, and specially bought a basket of watermelon for Uncle Wang, at first Uncle Wang insisted that he did not want to, but Uncle Wang's son-in-law said that he had checked the information, the sugar content of watermelon was not high, and diabetics could also eat some appropriately.

Eating watermelon, is it a blood sugar rise or a lower blood sugar? You might as well find out earlier

Although Uncle Wang's son-in-law is kind, but Uncle Wang still has some fears, after all, he has suffered from diabetes for several years, in the matter of eating things can not be sloppy, looking at so many watermelons, Uncle Wang eats and worries about the impact on his blood sugar, do not eat it and are afraid of wasting people's kindness, which makes Uncle Wang worry for a while and do not know what to do.

What are the symptoms of diabetics?

In clinical medicine, the most typical symptom of people with diabetes is three more and one less, they refer to eating more, drinking more, and urinating more, but the weight will decrease.

Eating watermelon, is it a blood sugar rise or a lower blood sugar? You might as well find out earlier

Some patients will also feel tired limbs, and even individual patients will gain weight, which is also a common phenomenon, if diabetes continues to develop, it will also cause some long-term damage to the body, especially microvessels and nerves.

There will be some corresponding manifestations, such as diabetes, hypertension, diabetes, kidney disease, diabetic periocular disease, etc., including poor skin peripheral circulation, mouth ulcers, diabetes virus may appear.

Eating watermelon, is it a blood sugar rise or a lower blood sugar? You might as well find out earlier

In the folk, people praise watermelon as a summer fruit, the queen is sweet and juicy, clear heat and relieve the heat, and the nutrients rich in glucose vitamin C are more sufficient, in the ancient "Benjing Fengyuan", "Dietary Recipes with The Rest" and other books, there are records of watermelon's therapeutic effect.

Eating watermelon, is it a blood sugar rise or a lower blood sugar? You might as well find out earlier

In most people's cognition, watermelon has a low sugar content, and diabetics can eat some watermelon appropriately, but some people feel that watermelon has a higher glycemic index, so diabetics are best not to eat watermelon.

For people with diabetes, does eating watermelon raise or lower blood sugar? In fact, as long as it is not overeating the method to get its patients eat watermelon will not cause too much blood sugar abnormality, the main reasons can be analyzed from the following points:

1, watermelon itself contains sugar and calories are not high

Eating watermelon, is it a blood sugar rise or a lower blood sugar? You might as well find out earlier

When eating watermelon, I feel that watermelon is sweet and delicious, and I conclude that watermelon is a high-calorie and high-sugar fruit, in fact, this idea is somewhat one-sided, and cannot be judged by the sweetness of the fruit, the sugar content of the fruit itself, watermelon is very sweet, but the sugar and calories contained in watermelon are relatively low.

Under normal circumstances, we will praise fruits with more than 10% sugar as high-sugar fruits, and fruits with less than 10% sugar content are called low-sugar fruits, but the sugar content of watermelon is only about 5% of low-sugar fruits, and then watermelon does not include cholesterol and fatty substances.

Eating watermelon, is it a blood sugar rise or a lower blood sugar? You might as well find out earlier

Eat some watermelon appropriately, supplement other nutrients for the body, diabetics or people with high blood sugar, eat some blood vessels appropriately, and will not cause blood sugar abnormalities.

2, watermelon also has a lot of water

Under normal circumstances, fresh fruit contains about 85% to 92% of the water, but the water content of watermelon is higher than 90%, for blood sugar fluctuations are small, diabetics can also eat some watermelon appropriately, but to control the intake at one time.

Eating watermelon, is it a blood sugar rise or a lower blood sugar? You might as well find out earlier

Experts pointed out that people with diabetes eat watermelon at a time is best to keep it below 200 grams, that is to say, 1 to 2 pieces, if you eat half a watermelon at a time, even if the sugar content is low, it will also have a certain impact on blood sugar, and even cause diabetes complications.

How should people with high blood sugar eat watermelon safely?

1, do not consume too much at one time

In the summer, every household will cut a watermelon in half and take a spoon to dig and eat, but for people who love watermelon, the cake is not more than a day, and it is normal to eat 1 to 2.

Eating watermelon, is it a blood sugar rise or a lower blood sugar? You might as well find out earlier

However, for people with high blood sugar, the sugar content of watermelon is reduced, but the glycemic index is high, and the case of excessive one-time intake will cause violent fluctuations in blood sugar, and even cause blood sugar disorders, which will have a certain impact on diabetics themselves.

2. In the case of elevated blood sugar, it is best not to eat watermelon

When people with high blood sugar are unstable, it is best not to eat watermelon, watermelon glycemic index is higher, GI value is 72, watermelon is rich in fructose and glucose is easily absorbed and utilized by the small intestine.

Eating watermelon, is it a blood sugar rise or a lower blood sugar? You might as well find out earlier

In this case, it quickly enters the blood to raise blood sugar, so try to eat less watermelon when the blood sugar is unstable, not only watermelon, but also other sugary fruits.

3, eat watermelon to pay attention to good time

In the summer, everyone will not be able to eat, and some people will take watermelon as an after-dinner dessert, and immediately eat fruit after eating, which is not a habit for normal people.

For people with high blood sugar in the body, these behaviors are not advisable, eating fruit immediately after meals will lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar within two hours after a meal, doctors recommend that diabetics or people with high blood sugar eat watermelon in two meals.

Eating watermelon, is it a blood sugar rise or a lower blood sugar? You might as well find out earlier

For example, the time between breakfast and lunch, about 9:00 to 10:00 a.m., or the time of lunch and dinner, eating watermelon around 3:30 p.m. can promote the secretion of insulin in the body to stabilize blood sugar.

Watermelon is rich in carbohydrates, about 100 grams of watermelon is rich in carbohydrates in about 5.5 grams, 200 grams of watermelon is rich in carbohydrates more than 11 grams.

Eating watermelon, is it a blood sugar rise or a lower blood sugar? You might as well find out earlier

Therefore, after people with high blood sugar eat watermelon, they should reduce the intake of other carbohydrates in the next meal to avoid excessive intake of carbohydrates in the body, causing blood sugar and calories to rise.

Under the premise of hungry stomach, it is also appropriate to eat less watermelon, but after eating, diabetics should check their blood sugar in time to avoid some abnormal fluctuations in blood sugar.

Everyone says that eating more fresh fruit helps good health, but not all people are suitable for eating watermelon, like people with high blood sugar should eat less fruit, especially fruits with high sugar content.

Although watermelon contains low sugar, but the glycemic index is higher, eating some appropriately will not pose a substantial threat to blood sugar and blood vessels, and when eating, you must control your appetite, do not eat, otherwise it will cause some damage to the body.

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