
Can't eat watermelon with a bad stomach? The doctor repeatedly reminded: If you don't want stomach cancer to come to your door, don't be greedy for this fruit

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"Mr. Zhang, do you have a stomach ache because you eat chilled watermelon every day?"

Doctor Li Lili looked at the medical records in her hand and frowned. Mr. Zhang is a hard-working bus driver who shuttles the streets of the city every day. In the scorching summer, his favorite weapon is chilled watermelon.

Recently, however, he heard that he couldn't eat watermelon if he had a bad stomach, especially chilled watermelon. So, he decided to come to the hospital and ask the doctor if the watermelon in this person with a bad stomach could not be eaten.

Can't eat watermelon with a bad stomach? The doctor repeatedly reminded: If you don't want stomach cancer to come to your door, don't be greedy for this fruit

After inquiring about Mr. Zhang's eating habits and symptoms in detail, Dr. Li found that Mr. Zhang was indeed suffering from stomach problems caused by long-term consumption of chilled watermelon.

"Mr. Zhang, do you know? Chilled watermelon, although delicious, is really bad for the stomach. ”

Can't eat watermelon with a bad stomach? The doctor repeatedly reminded: If you don't want stomach cancer to come to your door, don't be greedy for this fruit

Dr. Li said as he made a note in his medical records, "Especially for people like you who already have stomach problems, eating chilled watermelon is even worse. ”

Mr. Zhang scratched his head, a little puzzled, "But Dr. Li, watermelon is so delicious and can relieve the heat, why is it not good?" ”

Can't eat watermelon with a bad stomach? The doctor repeatedly reminded: If you don't want stomach cancer to come to your door, don't be greedy for this fruit

Dr. Li smiled and said, "I know that watermelon is indeed very relieving of the heat, but it is also very irritating to the stomach. The low temperature of chilled watermelon will cause blood vessels in the stomach to constrict, affect blood circulation, and then affect the repair of the gastric mucosa. Eating chilled watermelon for a long time can easily lead to stomach ulcers and even increase the risk of stomach cancer. ”

Can't eat watermelon with a bad stomach? The doctor repeatedly reminded: If you don't want stomach cancer to come to your door, don't be greedy for this fruit

"So serious?" Mr. Zhang's mouth opened wide in surprise. "Long-term consumption of chilled food increases the probability of stomach problems, especially if there are already stomach problems, and this risk is higher."

Dr. Lee paused and continued, "Actually, watermelon itself is a very healthy fruit, but the key is how and when to eat it.

Can't eat watermelon with a bad stomach? The doctor repeatedly reminded: If you don't want stomach cancer to come to your door, don't be greedy for this fruit

For example, if you like to eat watermelon, it's best to eat it at room temperature rather than chilled. In addition, eating watermelon after a meal can increase the pressure on the stomach, and it is best to eat watermelon between meals. ”

Mr. Zhang nodded, and seemed to understand a little, "Then I will eat less chilled watermelon and more room temperature in the future, it should be no problem, right?" ”

Can't eat watermelon with a bad stomach? The doctor repeatedly reminded: If you don't want stomach cancer to come to your door, don't be greedy for this fruit

Dr. Lee nodded in agreement, "Yes, in addition to that, you need to pay attention to the regularity of your diet. For example, breakfast, lunch and dinner should be eaten on time to avoid overeating, and patients with stomach problems should also avoid spicy, greasy and other irritating foods. ”

Mr. Zhang listened carefully, and he finally understood that eating chilled watermelon is not only a matter of cooling off, but also about the health of the stomach.

Can't eat watermelon with a bad stomach? The doctor repeatedly reminded: If you don't want stomach cancer to come to your door, don't be greedy for this fruit

Dr. Li continued to educate Mr. Zhang more: "There is another important point that you may not expect, that emotions can also affect the health of the stomach.

People who are in a state of stress and tension for a long time have a much higher incidence of stomach problems than the general population. Therefore, we should pay attention to regulating our emotions and maintaining a happy mood. ”

Can't eat watermelon with a bad stomach? The doctor repeatedly reminded: If you don't want stomach cancer to come to your door, don't be greedy for this fruit

"And what does this have to do with chilled watermelon?" Mr. Zhang asked curiously.

In fact, these two seem not to be directly related, but they are both triggers of stomach problems. Chilled watermelon is a physical stimulus, while emotional tension is a psychological stimulus. When the two are combined, the health of the stomach will be worse. ”

Can't eat watermelon with a bad stomach? The doctor repeatedly reminded: If you don't want stomach cancer to come to your door, don't be greedy for this fruit

Mr. Zhang nodded thoughtfully, and he suddenly remembered a question, "Dr. Li, do you think my situation will develop into stomach cancer?" ”

Dr. Lee replied, "As long as you pay attention to your diet and lifestyle habits from now on, stomach problems can be completely controlled and improved. Although stomach cancer is scary, not all stomach diseases will develop into stomach cancer. The key is that you have regular check-ups and aggressive treatment. ”

Can't eat watermelon with a bad stomach? The doctor repeatedly reminded: If you don't want stomach cancer to come to your door, don't be greedy for this fruit

Mr. Zhang couldn't help but ask, "Dr. Li, are there any other fruits that I should pay attention to besides watermelon?" ”

Dr. Li thought for a moment and said, "People like you who have a bad stomach should also eat less persimmons, especially on an empty stomach. Persimmon contains a lot of tannin and pectin, which are easy to combine with stomach acid to form bezoars. We'll talk more about that later. ”

Can't eat watermelon with a bad stomach? The doctor repeatedly reminded: If you don't want stomach cancer to come to your door, don't be greedy for this fruit

Mr. Zhang smiled and nodded, left the hospital satisfied, and began to plan his new life of healthy eating.

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Can't eat watermelon with a bad stomach? The doctor repeatedly reminded: If you don't want stomach cancer to come to your door, don't be greedy for this fruit

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