
Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

author:73 Divine Cow

#Summer life punch card season # "cold in sanjiu, hot in three volts", after entering the volt day, high temperature and high humidity "sauna day" will appear frequently, this time heat prevention and cooling and pay attention to diet adjustment has become the top priority.

"Winter supplement three nine, summer supplement three volts", after entering the three volt days is the best period for the body, according to traditional customs, this time is a good time for "winter disease summer cure", pay more attention to eating less cold food in the diet, eat some mild and light food to regulate the body to prevent dryness and fire caused by summer heat.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

Mung beans and ginger have always been the more popular foods in Futian, mung bean cold can help prevent heat and cool down, ginger can remove moisture and cold, can help the body because of blowing air conditioning and fans caused by cold discomfort.

However, although mung beans and ginger have many benefits, but there are also pros and cons, some people with bad stomach and people who often take medicine, drinking mung bean soup on the day is not necessarily a good thing; And ginger is also easy to cause body dry heat, especially ginger spicy and stimulating taste, as a frying pan can also be used, if it is used as the main ingredient, many people can not adapt to its taste.

After entering futian, eat less mung beans and ginger, these 5 kinds of food are seasonal delicacies, nutrition to cool off the heat is not on fire, the elderly and children can eat, today I will share it with you.

1. Duck

Duck belongs to the waterfowl, so its meat is cool, hot three volt days can not not eat meat, cool duck meat can be said to be a very good choice, delicious nutrition and not on fire.

Recommended recipe: Curry potato duck

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

Ingredients required: White duck, potatoes, shallots, curry, white wine

1. After the duck is cleaned, chop into small pieces, the potatoes are scraped off the skin, washed and cut into hob pieces.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

2. Duck cold water into the pot, a few drops of white wine in the pot, after the water boiled, skim the foam out and clean it.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

3. Add oil into the pot, sauté the duck with blanched water, always sauté over low heat, sauté the fat in the duck, sauté until the skin of the duck is golden and wrinkled, and pour out the excess oil.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

4. Stir-fry the shredded shallots and duck together in the pot to create the aroma, then add enough water, bring the soup to a boil on high heat and then reduce the heat and simmer.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

5. Simmer until the duck can be inserted with chopsticks, add potatoes and a curry, continue to simmer over low heat until the soup is thick and the potatoes are soft and rotten, then turn on the high heat to collect the soup and get out of the pot.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

Tip: Curry has a taste for everything, so there's no need to add other seasonings, this dish is rich and fresh, and the soup is particularly popular for soaking rice.

2. Clams

Clams are common small seafood, it is also called "flower shell" or "clam", fishermen on the sea side of the saying "cold water oysters, hot water clams", indicating that when the temperature of the Sea is the highest, it is also the time when the meat of the clams is the most plump and fat.

Recommended recipe: Cucumber egg clam meat dumplings

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

Ingredients required: Green-skinned cucumber, fresh clam meat, egg, minced green onion and ginger, salt, a pint of fresh soy sauce, cooking wine, pepper

1. Rinse the clam meat with water, add cooking wine and pepper to marinate for a while, wash the cucumber to remove the root, cut open and remove the melon.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

2. Rub the cucumber into a thin wire with a rub, then chop it into pieces, add salt and mix well to kill the water, drain the water and set aside, add salt and cooking wine to the egg, and then fry in the pot until solidified, then knock out with a hand spoon and take it out for later.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

3. Put the cucumber, egg and clam meat together, add salt, a poinsettia of fresh soy sauce and pepper, drizzle with pepper oil and mix well.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

4. Wrap the dumpling skin into the prepared filling, pinch the mouth and cook three times in a pot of boiling water, and the dumplings can be fished out and enjoyed after the dumplings are puffed up.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

Tip: Clams must be purchased fresh, you can ask the stall owner to help shell the meat, Shandong coastal and Liaodong coastal clam vendors do not give the scene meat, almost no business.

3. Wood ear fungus dish

Wood ear fungus is a common leafy green vegetable in the market this season, the flesh of the fungus is thick, smooth and fragrant to eat, and rich in chlorophyll and a variety of trace elements, it can be said to be a particularly popular green leafy vegetable in the three volt days.

Recommended recipe: Pork liver soup with fungus

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

Ingredients required: fungus, fresh pork liver, goji berries, cooking wine, pepper, minced green onion and ginger, salt, dry starch

1. Pluck off the old roots, soak in light salt water and rinse for a while, shave off the white fascia, and use a blade to form a thin slice.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

2. Soak the pork liver slices in water to remove blood, drain the water, add salt, cooking wine, pepper and dry starch to marinate and sizing.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

3. Sauté the chives and ginger in the pan, sauté the fungus until it changes color, and cook the cooking wine to volatilize the incense.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

4. Add water to the sautéed fungus, bring to a boil over high heat, skim off the foam, and then reduce the heat.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

5. Put the pork liver into the pot piece by piece, and push the pork liver into the pot with a hand spoon.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

6. After the pork liver changes color, turn to high heat, add salt and pepper to taste and then come out of the pot.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

Tips: When choosing a fungus dish, choose dark green leaves, no insect moth as well, the taste of the fungus dish is slippery, comfortable and smooth to eat, and it belongs to a very good Futian ingredient.

4. Beans

After entering the three volt days, it is the time when a large number of various beans are listed on the market, and the beans in this season are tender and delicious, and are rich in a variety of nutrients, so people have the saying that "summer eats meat, better than meat".

Recommended recipe: Pork belly roasted golden hook

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

Ingredients required: pork belly, golden hook beans, green onion, ginger and garlic, star anise, cooking wine, salt, a pint of fresh soy sauce

1. Golden hook beans are plucked and cleaned, dried and watered, and the pork belly is cut into strips about the same thickness as the beans.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

2. In the pot into the oil into the star anise to fry out the aroma, and then put in the pork belly section sautéed, pork belly fried until the color changes out of the oil, down into the onion ginger garlic stir-fry fragrant, cooked in cooking wine and a poinsettia of fresh soy sauce to fry the pork belly colored, and then add the golden hook beans sautéed.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

3. After the beans are fried until they change color, add water that is level with the beans, bring to a boil on high heat, turn to low heat and simmer until the soup is thick, add salt to taste and then get out of the pot.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

Tip: No matter what kind of carob is cooked, remember to cook it thoroughly and eat it, otherwise the bean smell is heavy and it is likely to cause food poisoning.

5. Tofu

Tofu is Chinese invented cuisine, it was born more than 2,000 years has been loved by people's affordable food, tofu calcium content is particularly high, not only its nutrition is also more comprehensive, and tofu is a cool food, especially suitable for Futianli to eat.

Recommended recipe: Tofu roasted apricot abalone mushrooms

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

Ingredients required: old tofu, apricot abalone mushrooms, green onion, ginger and garlic, cooking wine, a poinsettia of fresh soy sauce, oyster sauce, a little sugar

1. After cleaning the apricot abalone mushrooms, cut into thick slices, cut the tofu into slightly thicker slices, and blanch the cut tofu in a pot of boiling water.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

2. Add oil into the pot, when the oil temperature is 50% hot, put the tofu and apricot abalone mushrooms into the pot separately, fry until golden and floating, and then fish out the oil control.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

3. Add oil to the pan and fry chives, ginger and garlic, cook in cooking wine and a pint of fresh soy sauce, add soup, add the apricot abalone mushrooms after oil, add a little sugar to freshen.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

4. After the soup in the pot is fragrant, add the tofu slices, then turn the heat down to simmer until the soup is thick, add salt and oyster sauce to taste, turn on the high heat to collect the soup juice and get out of the pot.

Tomorrow into the ambush, it is recommended that everyone: eat less mung beans and ginger, eat more than 5 samples, nutrition to cool off the heat and not on fire

Tips: Buy tofu after the ambush, be sure to remember to smell whether there is a sour taste, buy back the tofu if you are not in a hurry to eat, to put it in the refrigerator refrigeration or soak in light salt water to prevent deterioration.

After the ambush can also eat more loofah, bitter melon and winter melon, for ginger and mung beans or eat less, the above 5 kinds of food are also very good food in the volt weather, heat nutrition is not on fire, you can choose to eat more according to your own preferences.

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