
During my 13 years abroad, I was cheated of more than 800,000 people and traveled from Ghana to Tanzania

author:Home abroad

Romain Rolland said: There is only one kind of true heroism in the world, that is, after recognizing the truth of life, still love life.

Many people ask me what is the truth of life, I am not a wise master, nor do I have those profound insights, I only have my understanding of all the sufferings that life has experienced, that is, while suffering, while loving.

I was born in a remote mountain village in China, where there is poverty and backwardness that we can all imagine, and of course, there is our simplest simplicity; The lack of materials and the lack of education, so that it is no exaggeration to say that I was the only college student in our village at that time; Since I was a child, I have said to myself that I must go out of this mountain, out of this barren land, and meet the world beyond the mountain.

I am not a very good reader, to be precise, I even sometimes feel that I am quite stupid, many times I need to spend 2-3 times more time than the average person to learn a math problem, to memorize English words, and finally even will not be the kind; But I really thank myself for my desperate efforts at that time, and for my persistence and diligence, I made myself the only college student in the village at that time.

I always thought that as long as I worked hard, I could live the kind of life I wanted; I always thought that as long as I was admitted to college, I could find a good job and have no worries about food and clothing; But reality hit me hard...

During my 13 years abroad, I was cheated of more than 800,000 people and traveled from Ghana to Tanzania

When I graduated in 2008, the financial crisis caused the employment environment in the entire market to be not very good, and because I was the first time to come to a strange big city to work, so that I had not found a job, in order to repay the student loan and forced to make a living with Yu, I rented a bed shared by more than twenty people (at that time, only a dozen yuan a night), while working part-time while looking for a job, serving plates, handing out leaflets, fried fries fried chicken...

I always thought that no worse than this, until once when I was cheated into a pyramid scheme organization looking for a job, and when I reacted and fled but was besieged by several people, I was afraid but pretended to be calm and said to those people: I am not afraid to wear shoes barefoot, and then stop me, either live together or die together, you choose one yourself. When those people decided to let themselves go, they were afraid that they would rebel, and on the way to desperately escape, their minds were full of despair, and they felt that their lives were really terrible.

This state of life lasted for about half a year, fortunately finally found a job in a foreign trade company, after working in a domestic company for half a year, due to his excellent English proficiency, he was sent to Ghana in West Africa by the company, this is my first time abroad, is the longing is yearning, is finally able to have a stage to show their excitement, but it is also the beginning of all the tribulations.

During my 13 years abroad, I was cheated of more than 800,000 people and traveled from Ghana to Tanzania

Arrived in Ghana, only to know that the company only has its own employees, there is no boss in the country when the so-called Ghanaian office space and employee accommodation, and that time because the life is not familiar, eating, drinking, living visas, etc. are all problems, and all this can only rely on themselves, can not turn back and complain, and there is no money to buy a ticket back to China; So at that moment, I could only force myself to go forward.

Finding accommodation, developing customers, developing business, etc. are all handled by themselves, and it is better to say that they are the pioneers of the Ghanaian market than that they are sent by the company to handle the business in Ghana. The company mainly engaged in timber, so it was common to go to various villages to order woods, supervise workers to cut and cut wood, and then escort them to the port to pack containers.

During my 13 years abroad, I was cheated of more than 800,000 people and traveled from Ghana to Tanzania

I thought that after three years of the initial difficult time, the company's business in Ghana will be thriving, and its career will slowly be on the right track, but suddenly received a notice from the domestic company, asking to return to work in China, and the company will send another employee to take over its position, this employee is a relative of the boss, the reason for this can be imagined by everyone...

Since I have been working in Ghana for more than 3 years, I feel that my own era has just begun, and I am not willing to return to China like this; With my knowledge of the market and resources, the idea of going it alone intensified, using the three years of work savings as start-up capital, so I started my first business in my life...

In order to reduce expenses, food, housing and travel I choose to live in the countryside, living in two or three hundred tile houses a month, eating the same food as the locals, I think about staying up again, staying up, life will become better, it must be like this.

Fortunately, everything is developing in the direction of my expectations, and slowly, in more than 2 years, I earned the first pot of gold in my life; The expansion of wealth suddenly floated up and began a lot of life that he had never experienced before; With many local bosses or Chinese bosses to go to KTV for eighteen thousand consumptions a night, the casino loses 2-3W overnight without blinking an eye; The joy of wealth made me lose myself and let my guard down, so much so that my first bucket of gold faded at the speed of light. (PS: Many times, I always think that it is important that people will make money, but more importantly, people must be able to control money; People should be in charge of money, not let money dominate people, unfortunately they didn't understand it at that time)

I never thought that I would be deceived by others one day, even more so that I was deceived to be penniless, through the identity of acquaintances again and again let me relax my vigilance, in the name of advance payment again and again to knock, until I reacted to it was too late, the amount of up to more than 80W made me feel suffocated, I even fantasized and expected, this is my delusion, maybe the truth is not what I thought; However, the unconnectable phone calls and the vacated accommodation dashed my remaining hopes.

For the next six months I broke through the door of the police station, still finding nothing; But I stumbled upon the scammer, and thanks to the help of the locals, I was able to catch the scammer; Since then, the road of litigation has been carried out for more than a year, exhausting all my possessions, and it is no exaggeration to say that I could not even get out hundreds of pieces on my body at that time, and spent every day in torment, in order to win this lawsuit, until finally, I even sold all my machinery and equipment, but still did not return a penny.

During my 13 years abroad, I was cheated of more than 800,000 people and traveled from Ghana to Tanzania

The ups and downs of life are in a flash, it is a blow, it is a destruction, during that time I was particularly depressed, I felt that my life was lifeless, I relied on working in Chinese restaurants to be able to feed my stomach, I really thank them very much for taking them in, so that I had a safe haven, and even let myself meet nobles, phoenix nirvana, and once again rewrite my life.

All the way back, still moving forward

Life rekindled new hopes, and I joined the team of nobles, who came to Ghana for the first time on his own, very much like his original self; In this way, the 2 of us joined hands to create the market, still doing our own old business, the only difference is that this time I became low-key and cautious, learned to watch people's hearts, and worked harder to earn money and cherish all this.

In order to let domestic customers receive the goods as soon as possible, I am almost non-stop rushing, but life seems to be full of magic, when it is smooth, you will feel that everything is going smoothly, but when it is not smooth, you feel that the whole world seems to be against you; Eating and living in a container in the woods, bitten by poisonous mosquitoes to allergies leading to fever infection and malaria Lying in the hospital for more than half a month, driving at night by the police with a gun and robbing, was caught by the immigration bureau as illegal and went to a small black house to squat...

It seems that the luck of the first 6 years in Ghana has been exhausted, and the next few years will always encounter various other tests of all sizes, which are very depressed and helpless; But I have never been deceived again, and the business is going well, which can only be regarded as the only comfort.

During my 13 years abroad, I was cheated of more than 800,000 people and traveled from Ghana to Tanzania

In 2016, using the money I earned, I bought myself a suite in a third-tier city in China, and I was very pleased in my heart, which is also a sign that I have walked out of the mountains; Maybe one of my material worlds is not as rich as others, but my spiritual world is also experienced in hundreds of battles compared to my peers; Fought, had, lost and regained.

In Ghana continue to fight for more than 2 years or so, due to the saturation of the domestic timber market and the local government of Ghana for timber export restrictions, resulting in a timber import and export trade is difficult to continue, I think that maybe this place belongs to my era has passed, I need to shift my battlefield; So in 2018 I moved from Ghana in West Africa to Tanzania in East Africa.

During my 13 years abroad, I was cheated of more than 800,000 people and traveled from Ghana to Tanzania

At present, I have been in Tanzania for about 4 years, everything is fine, I enjoy life here, blue sky and blue sea. A lifetime is a practice, a short one is a journey, and a long one is a life. I thought or I should settle down here.

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