
The cholera epidemic in Afghanistan is serious, killing 20 people in 24 hours! So how terrible is it?


In Afghanistan, there was a cholera outbreak that infected 120 people

Recently, according to media reports, 120 people infected with cholera in Afghanistan, and even 20 people died of cholera, just in one day. It is reported that the current cholera epidemic situation in Afghanistan is grim, the Helmand province area is particularly critical, and the local authorities have sent medical teams to support.

The cholera epidemic in Afghanistan is serious, killing 20 people in 24 hours! So how terrible is it?

It is really a leak in the house that rains overnight, a wave of uneven waves, the new crown pneumonia epidemic is still repeated in the world, and the monkeypox virus is also affecting many countries in the world. For public health incidents such as cholera, the local authorities in Afghanistan are actively carrying out prevention and response measures, and at the same time, they are also sounding the alarm bell for all countries to attach great importance to. But where did the cholera epidemic in Afghanistan come from? What exactly is its original origin? Pay attention to Amu first time to take you to the latest information.

Where did the outbreak in Afghanistan come from? What exactly is the source?

Unexplained emergencies are all attributed to the US imperialists, just like the question will not choose C, just kidding, we return to the truth. On June 22, local time, Afghanistan suffered the worst earthquake in nearly 20 years, killing and injuring more than 1,000 people, and the number of casualties was staggering.

The cholera epidemic in Afghanistan is serious, killing 20 people in 24 hours! So how terrible is it?

Because the core area of the epicenter is located in a mountainous area, the earthquake caused landslides and caused rockfalls. In addition, the houses in the area are dilapidated, the buildings are old and of poor quality. Coupled with the fact that when the earthquake struck, most of the people were sleeping and the population was dense.

For various reasons, the Earthquake in Afghanistan caused serious casualties and property damage. The earthquake destroyed basic sanitation facilities, the sanitary conditions in the disaster area were worrying, and there was no pure water source to ensure the safety of people's living water.

The cholera epidemic in Afghanistan is serious, killing 20 people in 24 hours! So how terrible is it?

If the remains of people and animals crushed to death by the collapse of houses in the earthquake are not treated in time, the environment after the earthquake is not effectively cleaned up and disinfected, and it is extremely easy to breed bacteria and spread the virus. There will be a pandemic after the catastrophe, and the severe cholera epidemic in Afghanistan does not rule out the cause of the earthquake disaster. So, how viral is cholera? What are the symptoms after infection?

So, how toxic is it?

Cholera is due to the invasion of vibrio cholerae through the digestive tract, is one of the class A infectious diseases, and needs to be reported immediately after diagnosis. It mostly occurs in summer and autumn, and this is the season of high incidence of cholera outbreaks. Once infected with cholera, there will be severe diarrhea and vomiting, which is what we often call vomiting up and down diarrhea, so severe that it is dehydrated. If left untreated, severe cases can be fatal. Therefore, we need to attach great importance to the prevention and control of cholera outbreaks.

The cholera epidemic in Afghanistan is serious, killing 20 people in 24 hours! So how terrible is it?

So how do we prevent it?

The first is to control the source of infection. During the high incidence of cholera, hospitals should establish corresponding diarrhea clinics, and fecal screening is required for severe diarrhea. After the diagnosis is confirmed, the source of infection should be isolated in a timely manner, and the source of the epidemic should be actively investigated. The second is to cut off the transmission route. Relevant health departments should establish good basic sanitation facilities, strengthen water source protection, avoid diseases entering the mouth, and pay attention to food hygiene.

The cholera epidemic in Afghanistan is serious, killing 20 people in 24 hours! So how terrible is it?

For the excrement of patients who have been diagnosed with cholera, the relevant departments should thoroughly disinfect and eliminate it. The last is to improve personal immunity. In daily life, we should pay attention to a balanced diet, have a good attitude, strengthen exercise, improve self-immunity, and if necessary, vaccinate against cholera.

Afghanistan's long-term instability has led to the country's economic backwardness, the difficult life of the people, and the hot weather in the local area, which provides a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. The current cholera epidemic in Afghanistan is in dire straits and in urgent need of relief, and it is believed that the countries of the world will lend a helping hand to Afghanistan to help the Afghan people tide over the difficulties.

The cholera epidemic in Afghanistan is serious, killing 20 people in 24 hours! So how terrible is it?

After all, the world is a connected community, no country is an independent existence, if the spread of cholera epidemic is not stopped in time, it may bring greater harm to the people of the world.

At the end of the video, what do you think of the cholera epidemic in Afghanistan, welcome to leave a comment in the comment area!

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