
Friends, do you like the scented moon season? Tell you a little secret, I like the scented moon flowers [sneaky laugh] Today to share with you a beautiful, generous, fragrant moon

author:Reiko who loves to take pictures

Friends, do you like the scented moon season? Tell you a little secret, I like the scented moon flowers [sneaky laugh] Today to share with you a beautiful, generous, fragrant moon flower, that is, Sophie Rosa. Some people say that it is a shrub moon season, and some people say that it is a vine this month season, and it is good to look at and smell. What do you say?

#Headline Flower Photo Gallery#

#就浅过一下夏天吧 #

#夏日生活打卡季 #

Friends, do you like the scented moon season? Tell you a little secret, I like the scented moon flowers [sneaky laugh] Today to share with you a beautiful, generous, fragrant moon
Friends, do you like the scented moon season? Tell you a little secret, I like the scented moon flowers [sneaky laugh] Today to share with you a beautiful, generous, fragrant moon
Friends, do you like the scented moon season? Tell you a little secret, I like the scented moon flowers [sneaky laugh] Today to share with you a beautiful, generous, fragrant moon
Friends, do you like the scented moon season? Tell you a little secret, I like the scented moon flowers [sneaky laugh] Today to share with you a beautiful, generous, fragrant moon
Friends, do you like the scented moon season? Tell you a little secret, I like the scented moon flowers [sneaky laugh] Today to share with you a beautiful, generous, fragrant moon
Friends, do you like the scented moon season? Tell you a little secret, I like the scented moon flowers [sneaky laugh] Today to share with you a beautiful, generous, fragrant moon
Friends, do you like the scented moon season? Tell you a little secret, I like the scented moon flowers [sneaky laugh] Today to share with you a beautiful, generous, fragrant moon
Friends, do you like the scented moon season? Tell you a little secret, I like the scented moon flowers [sneaky laugh] Today to share with you a beautiful, generous, fragrant moon
Friends, do you like the scented moon season? Tell you a little secret, I like the scented moon flowers [sneaky laugh] Today to share with you a beautiful, generous, fragrant moon

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