
Vine makes courtyard walls this season, and regrets it more and more! Why not change to it, not only has a high appearance, but also saves places

author:Mr. Zong's home

There is no doubt that the monthly flowers in the garden are loved by many professionals, such as some garden designers or gardening experts, who like to use the monthly flowers to design.

It is undeniable that many small landmarks in the city, or some courtyards, with the embellishment of the moon season, are indeed very beautiful.

Vine makes courtyard walls this season, and regrets it more and more! Why not change to it, not only has a high appearance, but also saves places

Just like next door to me, there is a monthly garden, there are hundreds of monthly seasons, when it first opened, it was really overcrowded, and there were too many people to play.

But a few years later, whether it was this Moon Season Garden or some small landmarks, the Moon Season became the biggest failure, full of vines and thorns.

Vine makes courtyard walls this season, and regrets it more and more! Why not change to it, not only has a high appearance, but also saves places

From the beginning of the management is not in place, the appearance of the monthly season flower has regressed greatly, and in the end, it is even out of control.

Although the lack of professional gardeners to manage this is the main reason, the shortcomings of monthly flowers are also exposed.

Vine makes courtyard walls this season, and regrets it more and more! Why not change to it, not only has a high appearance, but also saves places

It's like many people use rattan as a courtyard wall this season, but it is also rare in the first few years, and the more you look at it, the more you regret it, and many people have directly replaced it!

First, the reasons for eliminating monthly seasonal flowers:

Vine makes courtyard walls this season, and regrets it more and more! Why not change to it, not only has a high appearance, but also saves places

1. Do not approach people

The vine grows very well this month, and in the spring, the monthly season will grow very vigorously, and it must be pruned from time to time, otherwise it will become flowery.

Don't think it's a good thing, a careless one will make people prohibitive, after all, there are many thorns in the vine this season, and if you don't take good care of it, it's really hard to approach.

Vine makes courtyard walls this season, and regrets it more and more! Why not change to it, not only has a high appearance, but also saves places

2. Waste of space

Flower friends with courtyards know that within tens of centimeters inside and outside the wall, a small vegetable field can be carved out,

Or use flowers as a decoration, which can not only highlight the beauty of the wall, but also echo the flowers on the wall. But if the seasonal flowers are planted on the courtyard wall, it is difficult to say.

Even if it is a pruned monthly flower, it will not be long before the monthly flower becomes hideous again, making it difficult to approach, let alone use this area.

Vine makes courtyard walls this season, and regrets it more and more! Why not change to it, not only has a high appearance, but also saves places

3. There are many diseases and pests

There are many advantages of the vine this season, but the disadvantages are also obvious, such as the pests and diseases that the vine cannot resist this season.

In summer, it is rainy, once the disease occurs, the leaves will fall off, and in a few days, the walls in the yard will become bare, not to mention beautiful, even privacy.

Moreover, these pests are not only diverse, but also continue to attack, destroying the entire yard.

Vine makes courtyard walls this season, and regrets it more and more! Why not change to it, not only has a high appearance, but also saves places

Second, the courtyard wall plants that replace the monthly flowers:

1. Clematis

But in the north, clematis is the best alternative, both beautiful and occupies place. Although the number of vines is not as good as that of roses, when it comes to privacy, there is no problem.

Clematis can generally be more than two meters tall, and the name of Empress Fujimoto is not a wasted name.

Vine makes courtyard walls this season, and regrets it more and more! Why not change to it, not only has a high appearance, but also saves places

Now there are many kinds of flowers and trees in clematis, he can plant whichever one he likes, not only bloom big and bright, but also the flowering time will be very long, and when he fills the courtyard wall, it is simply more beautiful than the moon season.

More importantly, this clematis vine is flexible, easy to prune, and thornless, and can be used to grow around clematis with other flowers to form a beautiful landscape...

Vine makes courtyard walls this season, and regrets it more and more! Why not change to it, not only has a high appearance, but also saves places

Clematis is not resistant to sunlight, but resistant to cold, so it is very suitable for planting in the north, in summer, too much sunlight, the leaves will be damaged by the sun, so it must be shaded.

In winter, they will be able to survive in peace. In terms of planting and maintenance, clematis is best planted in autumn, because summer is not resistant to high temperatures, so planting in autumn and next summer, you can safely spend summer.

Vine makes courtyard walls this season, and regrets it more and more! Why not change to it, not only has a high appearance, but also saves places

2. Lingxiaohua

Lingxiao flower, which is a plant that is very suitable for northern cultivation, has a wide variety and different colors. This is a very hardy plant that can survive the winter outdoors in the north.

However, seedlings like Ling Xiao are not very resistant to cold, so when they are in the north, as long as they take protective measures, the seedlings will grow up in the second year, and there will be no problem.

Vine makes courtyard walls this season, and regrets it more and more! Why not change to it, not only has a high appearance, but also saves places

The flower grows quickly, and when planted in spring, it can grow several meters tall in winter, but in order for it to grow better, it must have enough time to take care of it and let it grow more branches.

There is nothing special about the cultivation of Lingxiaohua, but in order to make it grow faster, you can sprinkle some organic fertilizer around its roots, or dry sheep manure.

Vine makes courtyard walls this season, and regrets it more and more! Why not change to it, not only has a high appearance, but also saves places

If the land is too hard, some gravel can be mixed to make the land soft and air circulating, which is conducive to the growth of the root system, and the root system is developed, and the vine growth rate will be faster.

Lingxiaohua has extremely high resistance to diseases, but there are many pests, which is also a bad place, but it will not be like the monthly season, pests and diseases are frequent.

Vine makes courtyard walls this season, and regrets it more and more! Why not change to it, not only has a high appearance, but also saves places

The reason why Lingxiao flower has become a gathering place for insects is because it grows quickly and has many leaves, which is a paradise for insects such as aphids and red spiders.

However, it is not difficult, as long as you prune it, let the plants ventilate well, and spray some chemicals regularly, there will be no problem.

Vine makes courtyard walls this season, and regrets it more and more! Why not change to it, not only has a high appearance, but also saves places

3. Fragrant vine

The flowering speed of this fragrant vine is needless to say, where there is it, there is its flower.

Moreover, its vines have good climbing ability and are very resistant to sunlight and temperature, even in hot summer,

Vine makes courtyard walls this season, and regrets it more and more! Why not change to it, not only has a high appearance, but also saves places

It also survives the hot summer days well and is very suitable for planting on southern balconies. Because of these advantages, this plant is also a good choice for climbing walls, building arches and so on.

Moreover, this plant has the characteristics of good management, long flowering time, small footprint, and will not be affected by pests and diseases.

Vine makes courtyard walls this season, and regrets it more and more! Why not change to it, not only has a high appearance, but also saves places

Fragrant vine not only blooms for a long time, but also blooms very beautifully, a flower can last for five days, a flower can bloom for five days, when flowering, flowers everywhere,

Moreover, this flower is very resistant to the sun, unlike roses, one by one, it will turn into a rag and will be scorched by the sun.

Vine makes courtyard walls this season, and regrets it more and more! Why not change to it, not only has a high appearance, but also saves places

The vine grows very quickly, and in two months, it has already crawled the entire yard, and it will continue to bloom until winter. Around the wall,

Planting some fragrant vines will not only protect your privacy, but also get a romantic flower wall, why not?

But in the north, if you want to plant, it will be more difficult. Maybe there is some way to protect yourself from the cold.

Vine makes courtyard walls this season, and regrets it more and more! Why not change to it, not only has a high appearance, but also saves places


What kind of flowers grow in your yard? Ever thought about changing it?

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