
Transcript of famous female spies of World War I: The "sister flowers" of the Civil War - Mrs. Graham and Wangyou

author:Red Wall Says History

In the spy kingdom, there are all kinds of characters, each with their own skills, each with its own characteristics, each with different skills. Among the vast number of spies, there are two women, they are the same identity, but also the same spy, but their means are not the same, which also led to one of them become a hero respected by everyone, while the other is just an ordinary spy who is proud of the moment.

They were Mrs. Greenham and Elizabeth Wangyou, who lived during the American Civil War.

The two of them made the already war-torn battlefield even more tense, becoming one of the few spy stars among female spies.


At a time when the Civil War was raging, in an apartment near the White House in Washington, there was a lot of noise and laughter, and it turned out that Mrs. Greenham, a famous local, was holding a family dinner. She is the widow of a very leading figure in Washington social circles, and she looks very sexy.

Transcript of famous female spies of World War I: The "sister flowers" of the Civil War - Mrs. Graham and Wangyou

Since her husband's death, far from being sad at all, she was happier than ever. She often held banquets at her home and invited some celebrities to her home.

Today she is celebrating General Lee, who won the battle between the Southern and Northern armies. From time to time, there was a hint of triumph in her feminine eyes. Only she understood how excited she would be as a spy in the South after seeing her intelligence take effect. So today she showed twelve points of enthusiasm, beckoning everyone to drink freely, and she was also publicly promoted as "the most optimistic widow in the world".

Mrs. Greenham, with her handsome stature, went around getting to know the top people in Washington. Her mansion became the most popular place for a while. Here, the dignitaries were so satisfied that they had to make an appointment to mrs. Greenham's apartment. But the dignitaries who indulged in the pleasure of sleeping with Mrs. Graham did not expect that some of their words that they felt indifferent had led to a series of tragedies.

It was with these upper-class officials that Mrs. Greenhan gathered a great deal of intelligence about the Northern Army and sent it to the South. As a result, the Northern Army's repeated operations were unsuccessful due to the destruction of the Southern Army. Mrs. Greenham was very comfortable seeing her "masterpieces" one by one.

Mrs. Greenham, who is complacent about her performance, becomes frustrated by the failure of one thing. This failure was the worst she had ever lost since she had been in espionage, and instead of achieving her goal of fame, she had exposed her identity and was likely to be arrested.

This failure may be normal. Because her operation was to assassinate then-President Abraham Lincoln, it was not easy for this super operation to succeed. At a banquet, Mrs. Greenham met a colonel who could always grasp the whereabouts of the president, and he had been salivating over Mrs. Greenham's body, but had never had the opportunity to show Mrs. Greenham.

Mrs. Greenham, also recognizing the usefulness of this womanizer, deliberately told him that she would only become his lover if he came up with valuable information.

The colonel dug up some information, but it was all scorned by Mrs. Greenham, until one day he suddenly brought the date list of the president's southbound journey, which really pleased Mrs. Greenhan, who would be famous for assassinating the president, and thinking of this, she immediately planned the murder of Lincoln.

As President Lincoln's car passed through the street, she had several agents pretend to fight, bringing the president's car to a halt, and then having several death squad members rush forward to shoot Lincoln to death. It all seems to be going seamlessly. But she never dreamed that among the daredevils participating in the operation was a northern spy, there was no doubt that her plan of action was completely in vain, and she also attracted the attention of the northern counter-espionage agency.

Transcript of famous female spies of World War I: The "sister flowers" of the Civil War - Mrs. Graham and Wangyou

Around the leak, the North's counter-espionage agencies conducted a comprehensive surveillance of Mrs. Greenham's home. Finally, they discovered that the colonel in charge of the president's schedule had a close relationship with Mrs. Greenham, and that every time the Colonel came out of Mrs. Greenham's house, Mrs. Greenham came into contact with several merchants who had business dealings with the South.

The colonel is usually and knows best about the president's visit, and it seems that he has serious suspicions.

After the assassination failed, Mrs. Greenham was so angry that she threw out the colonel who still wanted to be with her, and she thought that she had countless important members of the federal government and generals as her backers, not caring about the flaws revealed by this failure, and continued to collect intelligence even more frantically.

The surveillance of Mrs. Greenham did not relax for a moment. Finally, one day, the surveillance officers found that The Military Police Officer Stephenson had entered Mrs. Greenham's mansion with a large bag, but when he came out, there was no bag, so the agent who was monitoring Mrs. Greenham immediately followed, and as a result, Captain Stephenson found out and arrested the agent into the military police station.

Stephenson was arrested anyway, but he did not give Mrs. Greenhan the slightest word. It seems that after the arrest, he has reached an offensive and defensive alliance with Mrs. Greenham and will not say anything of value again.

When Mrs. Greenham heard that Stephenson had been arrested, she was surprised to see that she had been suspected by the authorities. The imperative was to get rid of Stephenson, and once he did, it was all over. Mrs. Greenham told Stephenson, through an acquaintance of the Military Police, that he would not say anything about her and that he would be rescued soon. Stephenson was also well aware of this woman's strength, and as long as he didn't recruit her, there would be no danger.

After Mrs. Greenhan stabilized Stephenson, she secretly stabbed Stephenson with a lover who was a senior officer in the military police department, and caused Stephenson to commit suicide. Half a month later, Stephenson died in prison. Mrs. Greenham let out a long sigh of relief, at least not too dangerous for the time being, and could safely do espionage work.

After a long period of surveillance, the counter-espionage agencies in the North confirmed that she was a spy in the South, so they organized a comprehensive search of Mrs. Greenham's home. Mrs. Greenham was caught off guard and found a number of classified federal documents and guns and ammunition in the walls of her bedroom and basement. So the authorities arrested her.

Transcript of famous female spies of World War I: The "sister flowers" of the Civil War - Mrs. Graham and Wangyou

Most incredibly, after her arrest, there was an endless stream of dignitaries who came to visit her in prison, and they ran around for Mrs. Greenham, so that the trial of her was postponed again and again, and finally she was acquitted. This also shows from another aspect the ability of this female spy, she can make these high-level officials work for themselves, for a female spy, this is undoubtedly the greatest success.


Another female spy of Mrs. Greenham's contemporary, Elizabeth Wangyou, differed from Mrs. Greenham in that she did not trade hue and flesh for intelligence, nor did she serve the great slave owners and plantation owners of the South, but for the federal government.

Wangyou is a woman of cultivated and social status. She was a brainchild of the Richmond charity, and she could have lived a quiet life all the time with her wealthy possessions. But war finally broke out, and her husband, who was then the commander of the Southern Artillery Regiment, went to the front. Worried about her husband, she finally saw something she didn't want to see: her husband was blown up by a shell and was transported back in a car. She passed out.

When she woke up, she became very cold, vowing all day to take revenge, to start a war, to avenge the South that made her lose her husband! Wangyou endured the pain of losing his loved ones, and gave speeches and propaganda everywhere, so that those soldiers who were still fighting on the battlefield would lay down their weapons and stop making innocent sacrifices for the authorities. As a southerner, she often went to prisoner-of-war camps to medicate and treat wounded soldiers in the north. This naturally aroused the resentment of the southern authorities, and she had to stay at home all day, silently hating the people of the south.

Her actions quickly reached the ears of the Northern Counter-Espionage Agency, who immediately decided to develop her into a Northern spy if feasible through secret observations of Wangyou.

Transcript of famous female spies of World War I: The "sister flowers" of the Civil War - Mrs. Graham and Wangyou

Finally, one day, Wangyou, who was suffering from no way to avenge, was lying at home thinking about it, when suddenly a very mysterious man came in. The man hinted at Wangyou not to squeak, and then went into the next room with Wangyu, who was an agent sent by the Northern Counter-Espionage Agency, who was ordered by the headquarters to persuade Wangyou to collect intelligence from the south. Wangyou was anxious about the shame of the snow, so he agreed very happily. What surprised the agent even more was that Wangyu was adamant that she did not want any reward, saying that she was only doing it to get revenge on some people.

The northerners made this decision wisely. Wangyou was a celebrity in the southern social circles, where she made many friends, and her husband's subordinates and friends were very respectful of her, which was undoubtedly the most favorable condition for her to be a spy.

Wangyou can finally realize the plan of revenge that has been buried in his heart. Her estate consisted of hundreds of black slaves and servants, and among them she had selected more than twenty honest, reliable, and able men and women. These individuals are then divided into groups, each with its own mandate, generally without private contact, based on their talents and strengths. As soon as Wangyu made a shot, she showed extraordinary talent, she was cautious and decisive, and she was very thoughtful about everything.

She varies from person to person and divides labor according to talent. She sent a few tall, burly slaves to work in the vineyards near the Southern Shell Depot, keeping a close eye on the number and regularity of the army that came to pull the shells, and having them change shifts so that the surveillance of the shell depots would not be interrupted. She asked her maid to take advantage of the opportunity to buy bread every day, counting the number of military vehicles that came and went to pull bread every day. In short, everything was very organized, showing a high degree of organizational talent.

What made Wangyou most proud was that she installed an internal line for the "Presidential Palace". The female director of the "Presidential Palace" was once her friend and later broke off relations with her because of her "extreme behavior", but Wangyou's maid still knew the female director. Wangyou then came up with a clever plan, she asked her maid to pretend to be abused by her and then went to the headmistress crying and crying, saying please see that Wangyou and her former friends had taken her in. The female director also thought that Wangyou had been his closest friend, so he took her in with a soft heart.

Under the secret instructions of Wangyou, Wangyou's maid was very pleasing to the female governor, and soon won the unanimous favor of the "Presidential Palace", and was promoted to a senior handmaiden, with more room for activities, often sending cigarettes and tea to some important meetings, so as to continuously provide Wangyou with a lot of valuable information.

One day, Wangyou suddenly received an urgent letter from the maid, and opened it, which said that the "president" had received several senior generals the day before, as if to start some war. Wangyou did not hesitate to send this important information to Washington, and the Federal Army Staff, after analyzing it, thought that it was a military operation to be launched by the enemy on the Western Front, so it urgently deployed to destroy this operation in one fell swoop. Wangyou was also highly praised by northerners for this incident, calling her a "great woman".

Transcript of famous female spies of World War I: The "sister flowers" of the Civil War - Mrs. Graham and Wangyou

With Wangyou's help, the northern army won several victories in succession. At this time, there was panic in the south, and the dignitaries in the "presidential palace" were well aware that there were people who collaborated with the enemy inside, and Richmond's counter-espionage agency also began to conduct a comprehensive investigation here. As a result, Wangyou's situation became more and more unfortunate, but fortunately, her men were loyal and loyal, allowing her to escape from dangerous situations after danger.

Bad things have happened. A black slave arranged by Wangyou near the arsenal was captured while drawing a map of the arsenal, but the black man did not say a word until he was hanged on the gallows. Then something happened that made Wangyou break out in a cold sweat, and when a servant she arranged to go to the joint was on a mission, he suddenly found that the person who came to the joint was not the original person. The inexperienced servant foolishly turned his head and ran home. Wangyu listened, bad, the police will definitely catch up, she is ready to abscond at any time, fortunately the police did not catch up, but Wangyu felt that her situation was very bad.

Wangyou was not discovered by the southern authorities until the end of the war, which was the result of her only use. Every time their men were captured, those people did not spit out half a word and were loyal to Wangyou. Wangyou was grateful to those people, even though they were his own slaves. Of course, she is also different from ordinary people, her husband's friends during her life are protecting her everywhere, even if there is a little thing, they will not embarrass her. These two points have always put her in the aura of success, and she is also sincerely pleased that she can avenge her husband.