
Hardcore! The golden python hovered in the rear of the car, and its huge size frightened everyone: take your pet to the highway?

author:Scientific black holes

Snakes are one of the more widely distributed species on Earth, especially in some southern provinces of the continent, snakes are more common, but you never imagine that one day you will see snakes in this way.

I saw a fast-moving white SUV on the highway, there was an object moving on the body, and when the rear car approached, he found a picture that made him very frightened, a huge golden python appeared on the body, and it was also moving when the car was driving at high speed.

Hardcore! The golden python hovered in the rear of the car, and its huge size frightened everyone: take your pet to the highway?

The whole picture looks hairy and upright, and some netizens commented: If I experience this kind of scene, the throttle will stand up and step on. It just so happened that today I drove the highway for nearly 4 hours, combined with the golden python that appeared on the hot search in the high-speed SUV, I felt that most people did not want to see that picture.

Hardcore! The golden python hovered in the rear of the car, and its huge size frightened everyone: take your pet to the highway?

This python that appears on the top of the high-speed vehicle looks very scary, not only to the driver who witnessed the picture, it is likely to cause damage to other vehicles after it falls, after all, it is a huge size, it is difficult for general vehicles to cross this big python, from the body configuration is not very like a wild python, most likely is a pet that is fed privately.

With the development of science and technology, we are no longer satisfied with just filling their own stomachs, human beings choose more spiritual food, such as pets, and the scope of pets is getting wider and wider, such as spiders and lizards, etc., and today it is more common to raise snakes as their own pets, especially in the United States, they are more like the huge pythons, raise them from small to large.

Hardcore! The golden python hovered in the rear of the car, and its huge size frightened everyone: take your pet to the highway?

In fact, as can be seen from the picture, this huge python is most likely to climb out of the white SUV driving at high speed, crawling along the side wall of the car from the front window, according to the recollection of witnesses, the speed of this python movement is not slow, due to the influence of the wind speed on the side of the car, it is moving towards the rear part of the vehicle, and finally when most of the body climbs out of the window, it falls to the ground.

According to eyewitness recollections, the python was finally rescued in time by the maintenance personnel of the highway, after all, the presence of such a large creature on the highway itself has a safety problem.

About the Golden Python

There are more than 3400 kinds of snakes on the earth, of which there are two impressive categories, the first is the poisonous snake that everyone fears, human beings are afraid of snakes, after all, in ancient times they will pose a threat to the ancestors of human beings, so that this sense of fear is carved into genes and bones, which is also the reason why most people are afraid of snakes, even non-venomous grass snakes, as long as they see them meandering forward, they will give us goosebumps.

Hardcore! The golden python hovered in the rear of the car, and its huge size frightened everyone: take your pet to the highway?

The second is a huge python, the existing snake in the reticulated python is the real giant, generally can grow to 3-5 meters, the larger can reach 7-8 meters, and even the largest time to reach 10 meters, such a size of python for humans or a certain danger.

The golden python is a large python and is mutated, in some countries in Europe and the United States, the golden python as a pet to breed has been completely legalized, but in China the golden python is not allowed to buy and breed privately. In general, the golden python can grow about 5 meters, and sometimes the length may reach about 7 meters, because the unique color is liked by some people.

Hardcore! The golden python hovered in the rear of the car, and its huge size frightened everyone: take your pet to the highway?

The special color of the golden python is actually not conducive to their survival in the wild, and it is a genetically mutated species, mainly distributed in India, Myanmar, Thailand and Sri Lanka, and is not distributed in China.

As a mutated Burmese python, their survival in the wild has actually become very difficult, but because of commercial interests, they are collected and bred together to breed offspring, and eventually let this "pathological" continuous inheritance, the golden python will gradually become its own.

Where does the golden python on the highway come from? Will it bite?

Generally speaking, golden pythons are very docile and rarely initiate attacks on humans, which is one of the reasons why they can become human pets. This python is not actually distributed in the wild in China, only in some zoos in the country, and it is imported from abroad.

According to the relevant laws, golden pythons are not allowed to be purchased and farmed privately in China because they are protected animals. Of course, in some countries in Europe and the United States, golden pythons are regarded as pets, and in China they are still a frightening existence. Then the golden python that appears on the highway is most likely a pet bred by an individual.

Hardcore! The golden python hovered in the rear of the car, and its huge size frightened everyone: take your pet to the highway?

The golden python is docile and does not take the initiative to attack humans, so in some scenic spots, the golden python will be used to introduce some projects, such as putting the golden python on the neck of the person and feeling its existence in different ways.

Although this mutant Burmese python is a protected animal in China and is not allowed to buy and breed privately, there are still many people who steal to raise, so there are often golden python escapes, although they are very docile, but rabbits are anxious to bite people, so pay special attention to their existence.

Text/science black hole, image source network intrusion deletion.

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