
Such a Russian-Finnish border no longer exists. In the 1980s, the Soviet Border Guard and the Finnish Border Guard had a picnic together at the border. During the Cold War, he faced Soviet-American tensions as a neighbor of the Soviet Union

author:The brilliance of brightness

Such a Russian-Finnish border no longer exists.

In the 1980s, the Soviet Border Guard and the Finnish Border Guard had a picnic together at the border. During the Cold War, in the face of Soviet-American tensions, Finland, as a neighbor of the Soviet Union, firmly implemented a policy of neutrality, so that Soviet-Finnish relations have been stable, and Finland has also gained a good opportunity for development, becoming one of the richest countries in Europe.

Finland's choice to join NATO has officially bid farewell to the tranquility of the past on the Russian-Mongolian border, and there will be more tank roars, fighter jets and missiles tearing through the night sky.

Many people talk about the Soviet-Finnish Battle that year, Finnish soldiers died about 48,000, Soviet troops died about 74,000 people, which is a very normal offensive and defensive casualty ratio, and finally the Soviet Union gained 57,000 square kilometers of territory lost during the time of Peter the Great, forcing Finland to surrender.

The key choice at a critical moment is important, whether to be willing to be lonely or to be a Prancing Horse in the sky, will determine the fate of a country. Stay away from gambling, from Finland.

Such a Russian-Finnish border no longer exists. In the 1980s, the Soviet Border Guard and the Finnish Border Guard had a picnic together at the border. During the Cold War, he faced Soviet-American tensions as a neighbor of the Soviet Union
Such a Russian-Finnish border no longer exists. In the 1980s, the Soviet Border Guard and the Finnish Border Guard had a picnic together at the border. During the Cold War, he faced Soviet-American tensions as a neighbor of the Soviet Union
Such a Russian-Finnish border no longer exists. In the 1980s, the Soviet Border Guard and the Finnish Border Guard had a picnic together at the border. During the Cold War, he faced Soviet-American tensions as a neighbor of the Soviet Union
Such a Russian-Finnish border no longer exists. In the 1980s, the Soviet Border Guard and the Finnish Border Guard had a picnic together at the border. During the Cold War, he faced Soviet-American tensions as a neighbor of the Soviet Union

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