
Summarize the 50 kinds of ornamental fish commonly found in the market, each with its own characteristics, easy to raise, and have a personality

author:Flower bird fish worm small turtle

If you want to count the types of fish in the world, there are too many, and it is said that there are 30,000 to 50,000 species. The so-called ornamental fish is to select good-looking, easy-to-raise, and personalized fish from these fish and raise them as human pets.

Today, I would like to share with you the common ornamental fish in the market, which have their own characteristics and are loved by the general public.

First, easy to raise small tropical fish

Summarize the 50 kinds of ornamental fish commonly found in the market, each with its own characteristics, easy to raise, and have a personality

Most of the colorful small fish in the flower and bird market are small tropical fish. Because of their good color, small and durable, they are very popular with the public. Most of the small tropical fish have a particularly strong reproductive ability, a short maturity cycle, and many small fish can be born in a few months, and a fish tank has several generations of fish in the same pond, reaching the state of bursting tank, and raising it is particularly rewarding.

1. Peacock fish. The male peacock fish has a super-good-looking stretched tail, like a peacock. Good breeding, egg fetus raw fish, can directly give birth to small fish, raise it can enjoy the pleasure of reproduction.

Summarize the 50 kinds of ornamental fish commonly found in the market, each with its own characteristics, easy to raise, and have a personality

2. Mary fish. There are red, black, silver, yellow and other colors. The pregnant Mary fish has a round belly that rolls like a small ball, directly giving birth to a small fish.

3. Zebrafish. It has zebra-like stripes. Strong reproductive ability, very suitable for novice breeding.

4. Tiger skin fish. Small, prefer high temperature and high oxygen environment.

Summarize the 50 kinds of ornamental fish commonly found in the market, each with its own characteristics, easy to raise, and have a personality

5. Moonlight fish. Very good to raise, especially able to give birth, egg fetus raw fish, direct raw small fish. There are many kinds of colors. Mild personality, can be polycultured with other fish.

6. Red swordtail. The whole body is red and the color is very bright. The male's tail fin is slender, like a sword, very distinctive.

7. Traffic lights. The body is slender, generally blue and red divide the body into upper and lower parts.

8. Pauline lamp. It is larger than the traffic light fish and has a more vivid color.

Summarize the 50 kinds of ornamental fish commonly found in the market, each with its own characteristics, easy to raise, and have a personality

9. Black lotus lamp. Small, crystal clear, and likes to swim in groups. It is a smart elf in a straw jar.

10. Head and tail lights. When swimming in the water, the tail of the head will refract a golden light, and two small flashing lights are very agile.

11. Glass cat. The whole body is transparent, like a crystal, and the skeletal veins of the body can be seen.

Summarize the 50 kinds of ornamental fish commonly found in the market, each with its own characteristics, easy to raise, and have a personality

12. Kiss the fish. This fish likes to say hello mouth to mouth, round and rolling, and looks very small and cute.

13. Lili fish. 5-6 cm, like clear old water, timid, will take care of their offspring, very interesting.

14. Mini parrot fish. Oviparous. Has a nesting habit, will take care of their offspring, has a strong sense of territory, and will drive away foreign fish. Very homely fish.

2. Medium-sized tropical fish

If you think small tropical fish are too small to satisfy your love of tropical fish, try these medium-sized tropical fish.

15. Colorful angelfish. Super fairy, super good looking. The body is flattened and the body is perfect. He is known as the Emperor of Tropical Fish. Will take care of their own baby and is super loving.

Summarize the 50 kinds of ornamental fish commonly found in the market, each with its own characteristics, easy to raise, and have a personality

16. Red-tailed cat. I like small fish and shrimp, eat a large amount, and grow very fast.

17. Ruby fish. Red, as good looking as a gem.

18. Flying Phoenix. It is often mixed with dragon fish, which has the meaning of dragon and phoenix.

Summarize the 50 kinds of ornamental fish commonly found in the market, each with its own characteristics, easy to raise, and have a personality

19. Blood Red Parrot. The color is gorgeous, the whole body is rose red, and it is very beautiful.

20. Luohan fish. Luohan fish like to eat meat, one bite after another small fish. However, it is a super smart fish, with a round and rolling bag on its head, can know the owner, the interaction is very good, but it is very fierce to strangers, which is also a manifestation of its intelligence.

Summarize the 50 kinds of ornamental fish commonly found in the market, each with its own characteristics, easy to raise, and have a personality

21. Jade Crown. Looks a bit like a headless luohan fish.

22. Blue shark. Temperament is milder. Omnivorous fish, eat a large amount of food, grow rapidly.

23. Golden pineapple. Golden all over. Omnivorous fish, mild.

3. Ferocious ornamental fish

Some people prefer fierce, fast-growing fish, which are more rewarding to raise. However, these fish have high requirements for water bodies, require large equipment to raise, and also require a lot of money. Suitable for local tycoons to raise.

24, large pencil fish. It is easier to raise, but it requires a lot of water space. Looks a lot like a blackfish, very fierce, but afraid of strong lights and sounds.

25. Thunder Dragon Fish. Very fierce, carnivorous fish is very similar to blackfish, pay attention to like jumping tank, must be covered.

Summarize the 50 kinds of ornamental fish commonly found in the market, each with its own characteristics, easy to raise, and have a personality

26. Map Fish. It grows fast and can reach a body length of up to 35 cm. The fish body is very large, and the lines of the body are scattered with irregular patches, like a swimming map.

27. Fortune fish. He has a short temper, likes to fight, and is often polycultured with large fish such as maps and silver dragons.

28. Finches. Long and domineering, with a long mouth like a crocodile, can grow very large, and is extremely destructive.

Summarize the 50 kinds of ornamental fish commonly found in the market, each with its own characteristics, easy to raise, and have a personality

29. Arowana, silver Arowana. Very expensive, very fierce, very domineering.

30. Three crown rooms. Physically strong, he grows very fast and eats a lot of food.

31. Zebra dog head. The bite force is strong, and eating shells and snails is as simple as sniffing melon seeds. It is best to raise it alone. Looks cute.

32. Anti-heavenly knife. Temperamental, aggressive, high water quality requirements, more difficult to raise.

Summarize the 50 kinds of ornamental fish commonly found in the market, each with its own characteristics, easy to raise, and have a personality

Fourth, common easy to raise cold-water fish.

If you just want to raise fish, don't want to go to such trouble, don't want to buy heating devices, these cold-water fish are too suitable for you.

33. Koi fish. Fish with a good meaning, very beautiful, very smart, and have a long lifespan.

Summarize the 50 kinds of ornamental fish commonly found in the market, each with its own characteristics, easy to raise, and have a personality

34. Grass gold. The goldfish closest to the original crucian carp, the tail is very beautiful.

35. Lan Shou Fish. Chubby, short, lots of variety, cute.

Summarize the 50 kinds of ornamental fish commonly found in the market, each with its own characteristics, easy to raise, and have a personality

36. White cloud gold wire. Small fish. It is a native fish, small and cute.

37. Look at the medaka on the back. Small fish that are easy to raise do not have high space requirements, tenacious vitality, good looking, and strong reproductive ability.

Summarize the 50 kinds of ornamental fish commonly found in the market, each with its own characteristics, easy to raise, and have a personality

38. Chinese Fighting Fish. Easy to raise small fish, low environmental requirements, very beautiful.

39. Rock-climbing loach. Likes to adsorb on stones, very small fish.

40. Porcupine. Native fish common in rural areas.

Summarize the 50 kinds of ornamental fish commonly found in the market, each with its own characteristics, easy to raise, and have a personality

Five, ten good to raise marine fish.

Those who can raise marine fish are all advanced players, and summarize several good-looking marine fish.

41. Blue hanging. The color is super nice, like a blue gemstone, very elegant and beautiful.

42, clownfish. The skin is good-looking, naughty and cute.

43. Gold hanging. A smiling fish, golden, will make you feel better.

Summarize the 50 kinds of ornamental fish commonly found in the market, each with its own characteristics, easy to raise, and have a personality

44. Blue Devil. It can be used as a "tank fish" in the marine fish, and it is very skinny.

45、 Strawberry fish. Looks very distinctive. Rose red on the front and yellow on the back. Very gorgeous, mischievous and cute fish.

Summarize the 50 kinds of ornamental fish commonly found in the market, each with its own characteristics, easy to raise, and have a personality

46. Cannonball fish. It is very good to raise ornamental fish from the sea. It looks a lot like a cannonball and looks very distinctive.

47, three points of white. Juvenile fish will have three white spots on their bodies and are excellent "tank fish".

Summarize the 50 kinds of ornamental fish commonly found in the market, each with its own characteristics, easy to raise, and have a personality

48. Three finches. Very good feeding, not very demanding on the environment.

49. Stone Beauty. Juveniles are divided into two segments, with a yellow front and a blue back.

Summarize the 50 kinds of ornamental fish commonly found in the market, each with its own characteristics, easy to raise, and have a personality

50, coral beauty. The color is mainly blue, with yellow and red stripes, which is very gorgeous.

The above is my own summary of the common ornamental fish, there will be omissions, welcome to add exchanges.

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