
#2022 Morning Run Punch Card##July Day Run 7km##Weight Loss Goal 150 Pounds #Sun Out Disperse Dark Clouds in the Rain Running Plan Empty Stomach Desire is the most difficult to get a small wine to drink and lose weight

author:Morning run Ade

#2022 Morning Run Punch Card ##July Day Run 7km ##减肥目标150斤 #

As soon as the sun came out, the clouds were dispelled

The run plan in the rain fell through

Appetite is the most difficult to get

It is too difficult to lose weight by drinking small wine

Why worry about running 7 miles in the morning

7.1 Morning run 7 km punch card. [Yay] [Yay] [Yay]

Before running, it weighed 165.9 pounds. (PS: Minimum yesterday 164.6). Drink a small wine, gain 1.5 pounds. [Tear Run] [Tear Run] [Tear Run]

Yesterday afternoon I watched the QQ weather forecast, there will be rain in the coming week, I thought I could run in the rain, secretly happy. In the morning, there is no rain, and the showers are not reached. Today I took 1 sky photo of each of the 4 southeast, northwest, and wildflowers, puppies, and wildflowers.

The 7km run felt a bit challenging. Here is the flag: july must run 7 kilometers a day. If the state is not good, it will start with a few hundred meters of stride to warm up, and the last few hundred meters will also take a big stride, and indeed the morning run is less than 7 kilometers, then run 2 kilometers at night to make up. The flag can't be thrown down. [Nose picking] [Nose picking] [Nose picking]

It rained for 2 days, and the wild grasses and wildflowers by the river grew wildly.

#Figure 3# Unknown wildflowers bloom.

#Figure 7# Mimosa is also crazy.

#Figure 9# Is the morning glory flower past the flowering period?

#2022 Morning Run Punch Card##July Day Run 7km##Weight Loss Goal 150 Pounds #Sun Out Disperse Dark Clouds in the Rain Running Plan Empty Stomach Desire is the most difficult to get a small wine to drink and lose weight
#2022 Morning Run Punch Card##July Day Run 7km##Weight Loss Goal 150 Pounds #Sun Out Disperse Dark Clouds in the Rain Running Plan Empty Stomach Desire is the most difficult to get a small wine to drink and lose weight
#2022 Morning Run Punch Card##July Day Run 7km##Weight Loss Goal 150 Pounds #Sun Out Disperse Dark Clouds in the Rain Running Plan Empty Stomach Desire is the most difficult to get a small wine to drink and lose weight
#2022 Morning Run Punch Card##July Day Run 7km##Weight Loss Goal 150 Pounds #Sun Out Disperse Dark Clouds in the Rain Running Plan Empty Stomach Desire is the most difficult to get a small wine to drink and lose weight
#2022 Morning Run Punch Card##July Day Run 7km##Weight Loss Goal 150 Pounds #Sun Out Disperse Dark Clouds in the Rain Running Plan Empty Stomach Desire is the most difficult to get a small wine to drink and lose weight
#2022 Morning Run Punch Card##July Day Run 7km##Weight Loss Goal 150 Pounds #Sun Out Disperse Dark Clouds in the Rain Running Plan Empty Stomach Desire is the most difficult to get a small wine to drink and lose weight
#2022 Morning Run Punch Card##July Day Run 7km##Weight Loss Goal 150 Pounds #Sun Out Disperse Dark Clouds in the Rain Running Plan Empty Stomach Desire is the most difficult to get a small wine to drink and lose weight
#2022 Morning Run Punch Card##July Day Run 7km##Weight Loss Goal 150 Pounds #Sun Out Disperse Dark Clouds in the Rain Running Plan Empty Stomach Desire is the most difficult to get a small wine to drink and lose weight
#2022 Morning Run Punch Card##July Day Run 7km##Weight Loss Goal 150 Pounds #Sun Out Disperse Dark Clouds in the Rain Running Plan Empty Stomach Desire is the most difficult to get a small wine to drink and lose weight

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