
It was once the most precious animal in the world, and when there was only one left in the world, it was guarded by people with guns 24 hours a day


Due to the increasing human activity, many organisms have been endangered or extinct.

For example, the northern white rhinoceros that this article is going to introduce.

It was once the most precious animal in the world, and when there was only one left in the world, it was guarded by people with guns 24 hours a day

Northern white rhinos live in the north African steppe and savannah woodlands, and because of the outstanding value of their rhino horns, this has led to the "scourge of killing".

Coupled with its limited reproductive capacity, its number has been decreasing.

According to the charity Save the Rhinos, there were about 2,000 northern white rhinos in Africa in 1960, but that number fell sharply, and by 1984 there were only 15 left.

In the end, in 2015, only one male northern white rhino called "Sudan" and two female northern white rhinos remained.

As a result, Sudan was once called "the most precious animal in the world".

It was once the most precious animal in the world, and when there was only one left in the world, it was guarded by people with guns 24 hours a day

The Opageta Nature Reserve in Kenya, once the site of Sudan, is home to more than 40 rangers, armed with guns 24 hours a day, to keep wildlife safe.

One of them was James Mwenda, who told the camera his story with the Sultan.

One early morning in 2015, after a routine check-up, James Mwinda sat down next to The Sultan carrying a bucket of carrots as usual.

It was once the most precious animal in the world, and when there was only one left in the world, it was guarded by people with guns 24 hours a day

But when he began to feed, the "sultan" burst into tears.

I just sat there looking at it, very close to it, and saw tears suddenly fall from its eyes. "

James was deeply touched, and later, in an interview, he recalled the scene and said excitedly: "I can feel the emptiness in the heart of the 'Sultan' as the last male of this species, and feel that it has too much to say but can't say." I said to it, from this day forward I will speak for you. "

James did what he said, and he began to insist on social media, sharing some intimate moments with the northern white rhinoceros, as well as other wildlife on the African land.

It was once the most precious animal in the world, and when there was only one left in the world, it was guarded by people with guns 24 hours a day

When the story of Sudan first came into the spotlight, bad news came.

On 19 March 2018, Sudan was euthanized due to old age and worsening of illness, and the northern white rhino population was declared functionally extinct.

James was clearly mentally prepared:

"Although I can no longer greet him as I used to say, 'Brother, how are you feeling today,' the Sultan is not just a rhinoceros or a single being, he is a legend, a representative of his species."

It was once the most precious animal in the world, and when there was only one left in the world, it was guarded by people with guns 24 hours a day

As James said, the story of the "Sultans" is not unique, and perhaps everyone should really reflect on it: they have not hurt us, but we are constantly hurting them for our own selfish interests.

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