
34% of children and adolescents suffer from adenoidal hypertrophy, how exactly should it be treated?

author:Pediatric Dr. Chunyan Zheng

Recently, more and more moms who have consulted me about adenoidal hypertrophy have been asked, and one of them is very anxious:

"The baby sleeps at night with his mouth open to breathe, he will make a purring sound, and he often has a runny nose, sleeps unsteadily, and cries at every turn.

34% of children and adolescents suffer from adenoidal hypertrophy, how exactly should it be treated?

According to the description of this mother, it can be speculated that the baby is most likely adenoidal hypertrophy.

Studies have shown that 34% of children and adolescents suffer from adenoid hypertrophy. It is not only a health killer for babies, but also causes many other related ear and nose diseases.

If you do not get timely treatment and conditioning, it will make the child's brain lack of oxygen, including the child's attention, memory will be greatly affected and damaged, and even affect the child's growth and development, becoming an adenoid face more and more ugly.

34% of children and adolescents suffer from adenoidal hypertrophy, how exactly should it be treated?

Can you imagine your baby becoming like this? So how exactly should it be conditioned?

The adenoids are actually an immune organ of the human body, similar to the tonsils, but the location of the adenoids is in the back wall of the throat, and our naked eye cannot observe its presence.

But aren't immune organs meant to protect us? Why do so many children suffer from adenoid hypertrophy?

1, are the scourge of spleen deficiency

The child's adenoids are hypertrophied, mainly spleen deficiency.

34% of children and adolescents suffer from adenoidal hypertrophy, how exactly should it be treated?

Chinese medicine says that "the spleen is native to lung gold", the spleen is the mother of the lungs, when the spleen is weak, the lungs will also have problems, and the natural respiratory system will also have various problems.

When the spleen's ability is weak, it is unable to transport food normally, it is easy to accumulate food, accumulate food and heat, rise to the stomach, and form a stomach fire. Without the suppression of the spleen, the stomach fire will continue to rise, along with the lung heat, and attack the pharynx together.

Attacking the nose is easy to cause rhinitis, attacking the throat is easy to cause inflammation of the tonsils, and attacking the adenoids is easy to adenoidal hypertrophy.

And most parents have widespread problems with feeding styles:

Most parents are always worried that their children are not nutritionally enough, giving their children too much meat, eggs, milk and other high-nutrition and indigestible foods, grandparents are also worried that the children will not have enough to eat, and chase after the children's butts to feed.

34% of children and adolescents suffer from adenoidal hypertrophy, how exactly should it be treated?

As a result, after this operation, the child often accumulates food, and large and small problems follow. In the long run, the spleen will only become weaker and weaker, and the child's resistance will become weaker and weaker, so that the child's adenoid problems will increase day by day.

2. Repeated illness, adenoids are getting fatter and fatter

Adenoids are the body's immune organs, and once they are invaded by external evils, they will produce lymphocytes to resist, during which the adenoids themselves will become hypertrophied.

If the original hypertrophy has not completely subsided, the child will become sick again, and it will continue to grow, and in the long run, the adenoids will grow larger and larger.

So I often tell parents with adenoidal hypertrophy that they should pay attention to keeping their children warm, don't let their children catch colds, and frequent colds are also a kind of harm to adenoids.

How to care for adenoidal hypertrophy?

1. Nourish the spleen and stomach and eliminate all diseases

For children with adenoidal hypertrophy, the most important thing is to conform to the digestive capacity of the spleen and stomach and avoid accumulation of food!

Through the following figure, we can simply determine whether there is accumulated food when the child is:

34% of children and adolescents suffer from adenoidal hypertrophy, how exactly should it be treated?

Eliminate accumulation of food, drink scorched three immortals

For children with serious accumulation of food, you can drink Jiao Sanxian to assist in conditioning, but Jiao Sanxian is not a panacea, and its effect is only temporary and cannot be relied on for a long time.

34% of children and adolescents suffer from adenoidal hypertrophy, how exactly should it be treated?

In order to fundamentally regulate your child's adenoidal hypertrophy, proper daily feeding is key!

Eat less meat and don't chase it

Some parents may ask: children do not eat meat, do not eat enough, then how to supplement nutrition? How do children grow tall and long meat?

I understand everyone's worries, but in fact, in addition to eating meat, there are many foods to choose from, such as grains, soy products, and root ingredients, which can be digested very well.

34% of children and adolescents suffer from adenoidal hypertrophy, how exactly should it be treated?

Secondly, you can also give your child more foods that nourish the spleen and stomach, such as yam, millet, corn, pumpkin, peanuts, sweet potatoes, etc.

2, usually you can cook this bowl of water for the child to drink, you can take honeysuckle, dandelion, mung beans, chrysanthemums, lotus seeds each 5 grams to the child boiling water to drink, drink 1 to 2 times a week can be, this taste is a little bitter, you can add less rock sugar to the child to taste.

34% of children and adolescents suffer from adenoidal hypertrophy, how exactly should it be treated?

When the child's condition has affected the normal life, we must take the child to seek medical treatment in time, do not delay the disease ~ parents usually have to observe the child's tongue, stool, breath, sleep and other conditions, before getting sick can be timely intervention.

When the child is less sick, all aspects are adjusted, and the child's adenoids will gradually become smaller until they return to normal.