
22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

author:Military fan big handsome guy

Sprinkle a few rays of light,

The long lines are elusive.

Since ancient times, human beings have been full of reverie about the vast deep space, and the pace of exploration of it has never stopped.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

In the face of the vast universe, human beings are as small as dust, the rise of science and technology, and various scientific tools for exploring the universe have been developed one after another, and we have taken the first step to explore the universe.

In Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, China, there is a radio telescope looking up at the starry sky, which can see through 13.7 billion light years at a glance, and is a super celestial eye of a 500-meter diameter spherical radio telescope.

The developer of this Tianyan is Nan Rendong, the leader of the country who has made countless people sincerely admire and regret it.

The Fast China Sky Eye Telescope, which he was responsible for building, is a veritable Sky Eye and an unquestionable national heavy weapon.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

Nan Rendong was born on February 19, 1945 in Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province, the son of an engineer in the Mining Bureau.

When Nan Rendong was a child, he liked to run to Longshou Mountain to see the stars, and was full of curiosity and reverie about the vast and mysterious starry sky.

Nan Rendong's enthusiasm for exploration is very high, and he is full of curiosity about many new things.

And as he grew older, he developed a strong interest in oil painting, and his art skills were very good.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

He was obsessed with pursuing art in college. In 1963, at the age of 18, Nan Rendong took the college entrance examination, aiming at Tsinghua University.

After the college entrance examination results were released, Nan Rendong's score far exceeded the admission line, and he entered Tsinghua University as a science champion in Jilin Province that year.

But at the time he was transferred to the Department of Radio Science majoring in vacuum UHF technology, rather than the fine arts major.

Nan Rendong can only reluctantly study this major, in the eyes of others, although the art dream is hastily folded, but Nan Rendong has never put down the brush.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

He regularly participates in various school painting competitions, and he has won the Grand Prize in painting competitions for non-painting majors.

In 1968, after graduation, rendong was assigned to work in his father's workshop in Changbaishan, Jilin Province, married his girlfriend Guo Jiazhen and gave birth to two daughters.

After that, Nan Rendong became an artist in Changbai Mountain, keeping his hair very long, indulging in painting, and also working as a craftsman, opening mountains and firing cannons, electroplating, and forging everything.

After the state resumed the college entrance examination in 1978, Guo Jiazhen encouraged the 33-year-old Nan Rendong to apply for graduate school.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

Because he was familiar with the names of the stars in the sky since he was a child, Nan Rendong decided to apply for astronomy, mainly because he felt that the information for the astronomy test would be easier to test because the information was very thin.

Later, he was admitted to the Chinese Academy of Sciences as a graduate student in astrophysics, and after Nan Rendong devoted himself to the study of astronomy, he developed a strong interest and tried to follow the footsteps of world astronomy.

In September 1993, the 24th General Assembly of the International Radio Science Union was held in Tokyo, Japan.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

Astronomers from many countries have pointed out that a new generation of radio telescopes must be built to receive more information from outer space before the global radio wave environment continues to deteriorate.

At that time, China did not have any say in this field, because the aperture of the domestic radio telescope was only 25 meters.

After nan Rendong participated in this conference, he deeply felt the backwardness of science and technology on the mainland, especially in radio telescopes.

So in his heart, he secretly resolved to build a large-caliber radio telescope belonging to the continent, just so that the continent could also have the right to speak.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

He often put this sentence on his lips, in my eyes, knowledge has no borders, but the country must have knowledge.

Nan Rendong decided to choose the most basic thing first, the international radio telescope built with steel structure caliber exceeded 100 meters is already the limit of the project, if you want to build a larger caliber telescope, you have to choose a large and round pit.

With the help of topography, the Karst landform in Guizhou has countless potholes, which naturally became a natural candidate target, and not many people at that time were optimistic about Nan Rendong's idea.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

In 1994, Nan Rendong carried more than 300 satellite remote sensing maps and trekked through the mountains of southwest China, selecting more than 100 from field expeditions, and then each of them personally went to the field survey.

It is to find a depression that can be drained automatically, the terrain should belong to the non-seismic zone, and there are no important mineral deposits underground, etc.

NanRendong is in the Wanda Mountains of Guizhou, led by local county, township cadres and farmers.

At this time, Nan Rendong was like Xu Xiake, crawling all over the Custer landform of Guizhou, he wore a raincoat, liberation shoes, used a wood knife, and crutches to disclose in the jungle.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

In 1995, Nan Rendong stood in the middle of Da Wo Tai and excitedly said that this place was so round, and finally found Da Wo Tai, and after getting off the bus, he had to walk more than 3,000 meters of mountain road, saying that it was a mountain road, in fact, there was no road, it was temporarily arranged for people to cut it out with a knife.

As the chief scientist, Nan Rendong led and participated in every engineering problem of the project, leading everyone through one crisis after another.

In March 2015, Providence made people, Nan Rendong fell ill, and the doctor examined it as a terminal lung cancer.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

During his family's recuperation, he was still worried about the Ten Thousand Mountains in Guizhou.

On September 25, 2016, Pingtang, Guizhou, announced that the world's largest single-aperture radio astronomical telescope was officially completed and put into use, and Nan Rendong's 22 years of hard work will not be in vain.

Guizhou Tianyan has great influence and has also raised the status of the mainland in the astronomical community a lot.

The celestial eye reflector is equivalent to 30 football fields, and the sensitivity is nearly three times greater than that of the world's second largest telescope.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

The main body of the telescope consists of two parts, one part is 250,000 square meters, an area equivalent to 30 football fields.

The other part is the six-hundred-meter-high tower towering around the reflective surface, which has ten times the comprehensive performance of the famous radio telescope Arecibo.

There were once two major celestial eyes in the world, one is the Pingtang Spherical Radio Telescope in Guizhou, China, and the other is the American Tianyan Arecibo Telescope.

In 1963, the United States, the world's largest scientific and technological power, built the Arecibo Telescope, but unfortunately, the Arecibo Telescope did not reach 2022.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

In August 2020, the Feeder Platform for the Arecibo Radio Telescope in the United States collapsed in an accident.

The reflector of the telescope was smashed by a falling steel cable to create a 30-meter hole, but the disaster was not alone, and in November of the same year, the rupture of another steel cable made them worse.

Although there were no casualties, the once world's largest radio telescope has completely lost its maintenance value.

At present, only china's sky eye is left in the world, and it is the only one in the world, and its detection capability is difficult to achieve by any other detector in the world.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

Theoretically, the celestial eye could receive electromagnetic signals 13.7 billion light-years away, a distance almost close to the edge of the universe.

This alone could keep China at a decades-long lead in telescope programs.

The interior of the telescope is composed of many modules, although the whole can not be flexibly rotated, but the modules that make up the whole can be adjusted and rotated within 100 meters, which can achieve observations at different angles and different directions.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

It is worth mentioning that this radio telescope is independently designed by mainland scientists, and the research and development and manufacturing are all independently completed by the mainland, and this radio telescope is a tiger for the development of the continental space industry.

China's Sky Eye has found more than 300 pulsars, most of which are our newly discovered pulsars.

Some foreign astronomers believe that at present, China's Tianyan technology can lead the world by 20 years.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

And in the next five years, the number of pulsars discovered by China's Sky Eye may exceed 1,000.

Including pulsars from extragalactic galaxies in the Milky Way, it is even possible to find extraterrestrial civilizations and a second planet suitable for human habitation.

China Tianyan mainly consists of active reflector surface system, feeder support system, measurement and control system, receiver terminal and observation base and other important components.

Active reflective surface systems are primarily designed to form an instantaneous parabolic surface in the direction of observation.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

The feeder support system uses a mechatronic supported lightweight feeder platform, which enables the feeder and reflective surface to achieve accurate tracking of the target without rigid support.

The 30-ton feeder module is at an altitude of 140 meters and can be operated with only six steel cables within a range of only 200 meters.

Xiaobian here has to praise china's spirit of building roads and bridges between mountains and seas.

Many people may not understand the role of the Chinese Tianyan discovery pulsar, to be precise, the pulsar is equivalent to cosmic navigation, is a very stable cosmic star, can stably and continuously send signals.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

We can build a cosmic navigation system based on this characteristic of pulsars, which will play an important role in our future entry into space.

To know that in deep space, the navigation signals on the earth cannot be used, and the satellites above the earth are only used by using the navigation system over the earth.

If left Earth, this navigation system would not work, and the role of pulsars could establish a stable route of operation.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

Pulsars are uninterrupted signals emitted in the universe, and the stability is very strong, we can establish cosmic navigation according to the location of the signals emitted by pulsars, in case the future is lost in deep space.

In addition to the discovery of pulsars, the Chinese Celestial Eye has more uses, such as drift scanning survey, neutral hydrogen galaxy survey, Milky Way polarization survey and so on.

Just like the magnetic field on the earth, the star also has a magnetic field, the earth rotates, the star also rotates, and the direction of the star's magnetic field is not necessarily on the same line as his axis of rotation.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

Every time a star rotates, the magnetic field draws a circle in space and may sweep across the Earth, as if finding a navigation map of the universe.

Just when the first results of China's Tianyan run for a year were about to be released, the 72-year-old Nan Rendong quietly passed away.

This Nanlao, who had dedicated his life to the Heavenly Eye, and was revered as the father of China's Heavenly Eye, could no longer see all this.

On October 10, 2017, less than a month after Nan Rendong's death, China's Tianyan discovered pulsars for the first time.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

On October 15, 2018, the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced that the asteroid with the international permanent number 79694 was officially named Nanrendong Star.

22 years of preparation, just to see through the edge of the universe at a glance, the father of China's heavenly eye - Nan Rendong

Nan Rendong spent 11 years traveling to more than 300 places in China to explore the most appropriate and unique location of the Heavenly Eye.

Since the launch of Tianyan, gratifying achievements have been made, and it has also brought new breakthroughs and opportunities for Chinese's research in the field of astronomy.

The fruitful results belong to chief engineer Nan Rendong and all the scientific researchers who continue to fight for Tianyan.

One day, the eye will live up to expectations and get more astronomical observation results to repay the selfless dedication of astronomers, as long as they dare to fight, the dream will eventually come true.

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