
Chinese medicine says that "the kidneys are long, the spleen is absolutely lipless, and the lungs are hairless", what do the three sentences represent?

author:Dr. Yunyun talks

China has two systems in health, one is traditional Chinese medicine and the other is Western medicine, and the two medicines go hand in hand to escort health.

Chinese medicine and Western medicine have their own advantages in treating diseases, and Western medicine has advantages when rescuing patients, because it comes relatively quickly and can quickly alleviate symptoms, but the effect on chronic diseases is not particularly ideal.

Chinese medicine can treat chronic diseases, long-term maintenance and health care has a good advantage, Chinese medicine mainly pays attention to the balance of yin and yang, so it is necessary to go through a long process, you can achieve the balance of yin and yang in the body to treat diseases, and Chinese medicine treatment basically has no side effects.

Western medicine has certain side effects and harms to the body, so Chinese medicine and Western medicine have their own advantages.

The human body is a whole, involving a hair and moving the whole body, what do the three sentences of "kidneys and teeth are long, spleen and lips are reversed, and lungs are hairless" mean?

Chinese medicine says that "the kidneys are long, the spleen is absolutely lipless, and the lungs are hairless", what do the three sentences represent?

This sentence means the relationship between the kidneys and the teeth, and after the kidneys have problems, the length of the teeth will change accordingly.

Chinese medicine says that "the kidneys are long, the spleen is absolutely lipless, and the lungs are hairless", what do the three sentences represent?

This phenomenon occurs because the main bone of the kidney is marrow, when the human kidney lesions, such as kidney stones or kidney deficiency, the kidney function declines, resulting in the loss of kidney moisture in the gums.

After the gums lose nourishment, they will shrink and more roots will be exposed, but this will also cause the teeth to loosen, and if you find that the teeth are inexplicably elongated, be careful that there is a kidney problem.

〓How to deal with it?

After eating, remember to rinse your mouth with light salt water, because there are some special substances in the salt that can play a role in disinfection and sterilization, and can also make the teeth stronger.

You can drink more black food, but also can play a good kidney tonic effect, common black rice, black beans, black sesame and so on.

Chinese medicine says that "the kidneys are long, the spleen is absolutely lipless, and the lungs are hairless", what do the three sentences represent?

Timely medical treatment, a lot of dental diseases when the treatment will be very easy, do not be afraid, long-term drag, and finally cause very large damage to the gums, to know that "good teeth do not deteriorate, from now on less extraction."

The ancients said that if the temper is desperate, the lips are reversed, and the so-called lip reversal refers to the swelling of the parts in the person, and the original pit is not obvious.

For this, the "Meridian" in the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic, Lingshu" said it well: "Those who are too yin and qi are exhausted, then the pulse does not honor the muscles."

Lips and tongues, the origin of the muscles, the pulse is not proud, then the muscles are soft; If the muscles are soft, the tongue will wilt and the person will be full; When the person is full, the lips are reversed; The lips are reversed, and the flesh dies first."

Rosy lips represent a person's spirit better. But the spleen and stomach will also affect the condition of the lips, when the spleen and stomach are hot and humid, the internal fire in the body surges, and the lips will become red, swollen and cracked, this is because the fire is gushing, the qi and blood are steamed dry, and the lips lose the nourishment of the qi and blood, and naturally appear dull.

Chinese medicine says that "the kidneys are long, the spleen is absolutely lipless, and the lungs are hairless", what do the three sentences represent?

Spleen deficiency will also lead to "people in the flat", that is, the lip reversion referred to here, there will be some small grooves in the human lips, but people with long-term spleen and stomach weakness, these grooves will slowly become flat, almost invisible.

〓How to deal with it?

1, medicinal therapy: spleen and qi medicines have four gentlemen pills, party ginseng, poria, white art, licorice is a more classic formula;

2, dietary therapy: such as fried yam, fried barley, fried lotus seeds, fried lentils, fried must be fried, in order to play a healthy temper effect, stir-fried with a healthy spleen and qi effect, raw use has the effect of nourishing the spleen and yin.

When strengthening the spleen, the drug is best stir-fried, boiling porridge or boiling soup medicine can get a better effect, and avoid eating raw cold greasy, spicy, irritating things;

3, avoid anger: after anger, liver qi accumulation will lead to liver depression spleen, liver depression spleen deficiency, spleen and stomach weakness, improve bad living habits, spleen and stomach can get better nourishment.

Chinese medicine says that "the kidneys are long, the spleen is absolutely lipless, and the lungs are hairless", what do the three sentences represent?

In the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic, Lingshu", there is a summary like this: "If the hand is too yin and qi, the fur is scorched." Those who are too yin, those who travel to the fur are also. If the anger is not proud, the fur is scorched; Fur scorch, then jin liquid peel joints; If the liquid is peeled, the claws are folded; If the hair is broken, the hair will die first."

Chinese medicine believes that the lungs are the organs that control the human body hair, the lungs transport nutrients and subtleties throughout the body through the capillaries, through which to nourish the hair on the surface of the body, if the lungs appear abnormal, the lungs are exhausted, the skin hairs can not be nourished by the lungs, and the hair will naturally dry out and fall off.

Therefore, if you have hair loss and gray hair, you can also check your lungs to see if there is lung lesions. Instead of struggling with which brand of hair water to use, it is better to solve the cause of hair loss.

Chinese medicine says that "the kidneys are long, the spleen is absolutely lipless, and the lungs are hairless", what do the three sentences represent?

〓How to deal with it?

1. Drink more boiled water, eat a light diet, and keep the lungs and respiratory tract normally moist;

2. Inhale deeply, exhale, reduce lung damage, and laugh to help keep the airway open;

3. Appropriately increase physical exercise, you can practice yoga, swimming, tai chi, five birds play, etc., do chest expansion exercises to increase lung capacity;

4. Quit smoking, quit alcohol, stay away from second-hand smoke, wear a mask when going out, avoid environmental pollution and smog damage, and avoid inhaling harmful gases;

5. Eat more white fungus, lilies, honey, fungus and other foods that nourish the yin and moisturize the lungs;

6. Breathe fresh air in the park or in an environment with more green vegetation and sufficient oxygen content;

7, eat more vegetables, fruits, supplement vitamins and promote the metabolism of urine, spicy, stimulating food do not eat;

8. Prevent colds, avoid cold air irritation, cross infection, and try not to enter and exit public places.