
Can't "durian" be eaten casually? Doctor: These 5 types of people try not to join in the fun, do not ignore

author:Physician Zhao Ping

Strange and smelly durian, many people refuse to stay away, but there are also some people who take durian as a superior delicacy, in fact, durian is also more famous in the fruit world, can be called "king of fruits".

The shell is hard, the flesh is soft and sticky, the smell is strong, the durian taste is soft and sticky, and the ripe durian tastes sweet and delicious, with a faint smell of alcohol in the smell.

Durian nutrition is also very rich, the pulp contains a lot of starch, sugar, fat, carbohydrates and protein, but also contains vitamin b1, b2, c and other vitamins and calcium, iron, magnesium (mei), phosphorus, zinc and other rich minerals, is a high nutrient density and balanced tropical fruit.

Can't "durian" be eaten casually? Doctor: These 5 types of people try not to join in the fun, do not ignore

Enhance the body's ability to resist diseases

Durian not only contains plant protein but also contains some glutamic acid and accounting for these substances, which can accelerate human metabolism and promote the regeneration of human immunoglobulins, and they can also maintain the internal acid-base balance of the human body, can regulate the body's immune function, and significantly improve the body's own disease resistance.

Improves digestive function

Durian has a large amount of dietary fiber, which can absorb water and expand after entering the woman's body, which can soften the stool, but also produce mild stimulation to the intestine, can accelerate intestinal peristalsis, shorten the time of human defecation, and maintain the stability of human gastrointestinal function.

Can't "durian" be eaten casually? Doctor: These 5 types of people try not to join in the fun, do not ignore

Prevention and treatment of hypertension

The physiological function of vitamins in durian fruit and the therapeutic effect on certain diseases can not be ignored, durian fruit also contains essential mineral elements, of which, potassium and calcium content is particularly high, potassium is involved in protein, carbohydrate and energy metabolism and substance transport, help to prevent and treat hypertension.

Tonify the spleen and benefit the yang

Durian has the effect of strengthening the spleen and replenishing the yang, because the durian contains 11% starch, 13% sugar, 3% protein, as well as a variety of vitamins, fats, calcium, iron, phosphorus and other nutrients, friends with weak physique, you can eat durian to supplement the energy and nutrition required by the body, so as to achieve the effect of healthy spleen and yang.

Appetizing and appetite-promoting

Although the special taste of durian is very controversial, but you don't know, the nutritional value of durian is also reflected in this special taste Oh, this rich smell has created a major effect of durian, that is, appetizing, promoting appetite.

Can't "durian" be eaten casually? Doctor: These 5 types of people try not to join in the fun, do not ignore

1. People with weak gastrointestinal function

Because durian contains more sugar and fiber, excessive consumption may lead to irritation of the gastric mucosa or gastrointestinal peristalsis affected, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms of indigestion, gastrointestinal tract itself is weak people should pay attention to a small amount of consumption when eating durian, so as not to aggravate the symptoms of discomfort.

2. People with a hot constitution

People with hot constitution are not recommended to eat durian, because durian itself belongs to a very dry and hot fruit, if their physical constitution itself is relatively hot, and too much consumption of durian, then it will only heat up, adversely affecting their own body, resulting in dry fire rise or wet poison and other symptoms, especially sore throat, cough.

Can't "durian" be eaten casually? Doctor: These 5 types of people try not to join in the fun, do not ignore

3. Patients with coronary heart disease

However, patients with coronary heart disease should pay attention to the appropriate amount of durian, because durian also contains high sugar and fat, coronary heart disease patients should have a low-salt, low-fat diet, too much sugar and fat in durian, which may lead to the increase of blood lipids, which is unfavorable to patients with coronary heart disease.

4. Durian allergists

For some people who are allergic to durian, it is not recommended to eat more, because such people are sensitive, and if they are exposed to allergens, they are prone to itchy skin, hives and other problems.

Therefore, in normal times, we must pay attention to reducing the intake of durian, avoid aggravating allergies, in severe cases, shock may occur, endangering personal health.

5. People who lose weight

Since durian is a high-sugar, high-calorie fruit, if you want to lose weight, it is generally not recommended to eat durian, if you want to eat less, you can also eat less, but do exercise to digest the calories of durian.

Can't "durian" be eaten casually? Doctor: These 5 types of people try not to join in the fun, do not ignore


(1) Durian should not eat too much at one time, otherwise it will cause the body to be hot, and its rich nutrients will also cause fire due to the inability of the stomach and intestines to fully absorb it.

(2) After eating durian, it is not advisable to drink alcohol, durian contains sulfur-containing substances such as hydrogen sulfide and ethylhydride disulfide, and after eating a large amount, it can inhibit the activity of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in the liver, resulting in slower alcohol metabolism, which is more prone to drunkenness.

(3) Durian can not be eaten with tea, durian contains the ingredient of bradykinin, the ingredient is likely to have an allergic reaction when it meets tea, if you eat durian, you need to drink tea at an interval of more than one hour.

(4) If you smell the ripe durian has a wine smell, it means that it has deteriorated and cannot be eaten, and the durian that naturally cracks after the durian matures should not be stored for too long, and when it smells of wine, it must not be bought.

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