
Chinese why the "poison king" Fushou snail, who did not dare to eat, was tragically killed by Waterloo at the third brother of India

author:Michael Chan sent it all the way
Chinese why the "poison king" Fushou snail, who did not dare to eat, was tragically killed by Waterloo at the third brother of India

Mention the Fushou snail, that is really to make Chinese foodies shake their heads, gourmets shed tears, fat Fushou snail although there is a lot of meat, helpless is a "poisonous king", a parasite. Although there are many foodies in China, and the variety of patterns is even more varied, but foodies are also principled, that is, their own lives are still more important than food.

However, in india next door, the Fushou snail suffered the biggest Waterloo since becoming an invasive species, and the Indians flocked to it as a delicacy, was the Indian third brother really drinking the water of the Ganges, and even the Fushou snail was not afraid?

The name of the Fushou snail is very "Chinese", but it is not a Chinese thing, it is in the Amazon River, in the 70s of the last century, Asians began to introduce and use it as a edible snail, why prefer to raise it? There is a folk proverb - Qingming snail race fat goose, snail meat tendon road Q bomb, full of meat, is a delicious dish on the table, especially in the night market.

Fushou snail and field snail are similar in appearance, even better than field snail, and it is clear when it is put together with the Chinese field snail. An adult Fushou snail is as big as three or four field snails, with a thin shell and many meats, a high meat production rate, and easy to raise, just feed some duckweed cabbage.

According to records, in 1980, an Argentine overseas Chinese surnamed Huang brought a box of Fushou snail eggs to Taiwan to start breeding, and then in 1981, Shaxi Town in Zhongshan, Guangdong Province, also began to introduce, and since then it has spread rapidly throughout the country. Officials on both sides of the strait vigorously promoted the Fushou snail, but the Taiwanese peasants soon viciously changed the name of the Fushou snail to a name--you-shou luo.

Because this thing just arrived in Taiwan in 1980, it became a disaster in Tainan in 1982, and the spawning of Fushou snails is not limited by water, and can climb to the shore to lay eggs, which is easy to spread across ponds. A few years later, the mainland also began to have reports of fushou snail invasion.

The most terrible thing about the Fushou snail is that there are a large number of parasites in its body, and a Fushou snail can parasitize at least about 3,000 parasites, and at most it can reach more than 6,000. And these parasites are not as long as cooked and eaten into the stomach, in fact, after cooking the Fushou snail will still have live parasites in the body, in the process of human use, it will enter the human body, in severe cases will cause death.

From the data point of view, the mainland first began to realize the harm of Fushou snail in 2006, when a restaurant in Beijing launched a "cold snail meat", which was supposed to use conch meat, but because the price of conch was expensive, this restaurant replaced the conch with Fushou snail, but did not expect that a cold snail meat actually infected more than 160 people with parasites.

After that, restaurants throughout Beijing also banned the sale of Fushou snails, and people also began to realize that Fushou snails are an unpalatable animal, but there is no explicit rule in the mainland, and all restaurants, aquatic vendors, etc. are not allowed to sell Fushou snails. Therefore, although Fushou snails are dangerous, there are still many merchants who are secretly selling Fushou snails, after all, eating illness is also a case.

The appearance of Fushou snail and field snail is similar, and some consumers have difficulty distinguishing or eating Fushou snail as field snail, resulting in tragedy. First of all, it can be distinguished by the tail of the vertebra, the tail of the snail is pointed, while the rear-end of the Fushou snail is short, and the screw cover of the field snail looks round and round, and it is relatively small, but the screw cover of the Fushou snail is large and flat.

In addition, the size of the Fushou snail is generally larger than the field snail, if you see a merchant selling a very large field snail, this time you must be more careful and carefully distinguished. Finally, we also need to remind everyone that even if you don't eat Fushou snails, don't keep them at home, because they have strong reproductive ability, and they are the carriers of many parasites, and it is possible to infect "Guangzhou Tube Schindrichomycetes" after playing with their hands.

Because the Fushou snail grows very large and is easier to distinguish in the paddy field, many farmers will search their rice fields after planting the sewers, collect the Fushou snails one by one, and break them to feed the ducks. In addition, destroying the eggs of the Fushou snail, so that it is fundamentally reduced, the Fushou snail likes to lay eggs on the rice stalk, the color is pink or bright red, it is easy to find, the farmer will peel it off and crush it after seeing it, and the smaller Fushou snail will also be eaten by ducks placed in the field.

These methods are very simple and rough, so the efficiency is not high, Fushou snail not only has strong reproductive ability, its reproductive speed is also very fast, in the humid and warm southern region, Fushou snail twice a year, once laying thousands of eggs, small snails can mature in two to three months, such a reproductive speed is not afraid of human annihilation at all.

Since ancient times, when all things have been born together, has there been no natural enemy of Fushou snail? Yes, but it is too far away from us, Fushou snail in the hometown of America has a natural enemy - snail kite, also known as snail kite, is a bird of prey, the mouth is more curved than the general eagle hook mouth, it is precisely because it specializes in Fushou snail, directly use a move "dig the heart and lungs" can pull the flesh of the Fushou snail out of the shell.

It is precisely because of its existence, Fushou snail in the hometown has been very honest, unfortunately the snail is a Central and South American animal, there is no distribution in China, and we can not learn from the unlucky egg in Australia, the introduction of snails to suppress the Fushou snail, otherwise wait for the snail to come, find that other things in China are more delicious, it will directly change the menu.

Therefore, it is obviously not ideal to use snails to subdue Fushou snails, but don't worry too much, Chinese turtles are also called Wang Ba, Tuanyu, it will eat Fushou snails. Originally turtles were to eat small fish and shrimp and small snails, but this Fushou snail is so fat, turtles do not want to miss, and the holding itself is a delicacy, so farmers simply raise turtles in their own rice fields, both can eat Fushou snails, after the end of the rice harvest, the suffocation also grows almost the same, you can also take it to sell, the best of both worlds.

But still that problem, Fushou snail is born too fast, turtle and their relatives turtles, do everything slowly, it eats Fushou snail speed can not catch up with the speed of Fushou snail to give birth to children, so raising turtles can only play a controlling role, really to eliminate or unlikely. However, there is really a country in the world that can eat the breeding rate of The Happy Snail, that is, India.

India is a country with a strong religious atmosphere, their vegetarians account for more than 40% of the national population, even if they eat meat, they also eat the most chicken, such as pigs and cattle, large livestock, Indians rarely eat. However, human beings are also omnivores, always so vegetarian, the body will protest, so the Indians themselves are very eager for protein, but India has a lot of taboos in the diet, a lot of meat they can not eat, especially native animals, such as fish in the Ganges, cattle walking on the street, etc., have their special meaning.

Coupled with the large number of poor people in India, some of them can not afford to buy chicken meat on the market, look around, the meat that can be eaten is only the invasive species of Fushou snail, which is large and meaty, and can quickly make up for the lack of protein caused by the long-term vegetarian diet of Indians. Indians like to stir-fry Fushou snails with various condiments, and then add curries to make "Fushou snail curry rice", clean and hygienic, and suddenly became a delicacy sought after by Indians, especially the poor in India.

So they took the pockets and went to their own rice fields to catch Fushou snails, with india's population base and density, such fishing soon made Fushou snails overwhelmed, once in India in short supply, some people will wonder if the indian third brother will not be infected with parasites when he eats Fushou snails? This has to mention the cooking method of the ancients, the food of the Indians is usually a variety of mushy things, this kind of cooking will generally cook things thoroughly or even boiled.

When cooking Fushou snails in India, they also have to fry in the pot for a long time, in order to let the curry fully enter the snail shell to taste, so this cooking method kills the parasites in the Fushou snails. More critically, because of the perennial exposure to "clean and hygienic" food and the "baptism" of the Ganges River, the intestines of the indian bottom people have been tempered.

Needless to say, there are more than 100,000 E. coli per 100 ml of Ganges water, and there are many kinds of parasites. In contrast, the Curry-filled Fushou snail, the little bit of bacterial parasite that is left is really nothing, after all, what parasites have not been seen?

Dry this bowl of Ganges water, plus a plate of Fushou snails, in the next life to be Indians, I don't know if you have the courage to eat Fushou snails?

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