
Admit it! Anyone who encounters this situation can only do this! Choosing sacrifice is a last resort, but who has the means to do everything at once? No one to help the double job

author:Post-95 working mother orange orange

Admit it! Anyone who encounters this situation can only do this! Choosing sacrifice is a last resort, but who has the means to do everything at once?

Dual-career families with no help really can't balance work and family. These days, the repeated entanglements, reluctant to work to bring the salary and growth, but can not bear the pressure and overtime brought by work, balance work, childcare, take care of the family makes me physically and mentally exhausted.

I am a young mother after 95, my parents are divorced, and my in-laws can't help. After giving birth to a child, I worked full-time until the child was 1 year and 2 months old, and then compromised back to the rural area where my in-laws were located, and my in-laws took the children to work during the day and took the children myself at night. When the doll was 2 years old and 2 months old, I returned to the city and sent my child to a private kindergarten of 60,000 yuan a year, and the doll was out of school at 18:40 every day, and I could pick up and drop off the children while going to work.

In order to earn money, my dad often works from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and also works on Saturdays. The responsibility for caring for the family and childcare all fell to me.

Every day in addition to facing the chores at work, but also to pick up children, cook, do housework, I do not wash the dishes, the dishes will always lie in the sink ...

The other day I went to the hospital for a check-up, and the doctor said that I had nerve pain, excessive fatigue, and I should pay attention to rest. But people have so much energy, who doesn't want to rest well?

Every Saturday, I have to take my baby all day, and I can only breathe a little when my dad rests on Sunday, but I also have to buy vegetables non-stop, clean up, and prepare for the next week.

In the past two days, the child has repeatedly had a high fever because of inflamed teeth. There was no one in the family who could take the handle, and my dad and I took the baby to the hospital all night, and our eyes didn't close. The next day I had to take time off to stay at home with the kids. In order to make a living, the father who has a heavy cold can only continue to go to work.

For the in-laws who can't help, I can only comfort myself, you just ask me, I don't ask you! I don't morally kidnap you to help me with my children, and you don't morally kidnap me to retire to the end.

Now, after finally making up my mind to leave my job, my mother-in-law has been a stranger to me ever since. In this world, no one is obliged to lend you a helping hand, but people's hearts are all human, and I will treat you as you treat me.

Finally, I would like to ask the stay-at-home moms online, how do you all make ends meet? How can I have children and still have a certain income? Sometimes if you don't push yourself, you may really not know what potential you have?

Admit it! Anyone who encounters this situation can only do this! Choosing sacrifice is a last resort, but who has the means to do everything at once? No one to help the double job
Admit it! Anyone who encounters this situation can only do this! Choosing sacrifice is a last resort, but who has the means to do everything at once? No one to help the double job
Admit it! Anyone who encounters this situation can only do this! Choosing sacrifice is a last resort, but who has the means to do everything at once? No one to help the double job

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