
Small, powerful, Chinese bee

author:Heart and sword guts

#Media People Weekly ##Sannong Squad ##Agriculture##Sannong Farming ##蜜蜂 #

Small, powerful, Chinese bee

Apis cerana

The Chinese honey bee (referred to as the Chinese bee) is a native bee species in China, which has a strong adaptability to the climate and honey source in various parts of China. For thousands of years, the Chinese bee has been accompanied by the historical process of Chinese national civilization, providing people with precious food and medicine. The bee is widely distributed, and has long been a pollinating insect for most plants and crops in China, so don't look at the small size of the bee, but it has great power in enriching people's diets, ensuring human health, promoting crop yields, and maintaining ecological balance!

Nutritional value of honey

1. Honey contains about 35% glucose and 40% fructose, both of which can be directly absorbed by the body without digestion.

2. Honey contains a variety of inorganic salts with similar concentrations to the human serum, and also contains a certain amount of vitamin B1, vitamin B2, iron, calcium, copper, phosphorus, potassium and other substances.

3. Enzymes can help the human body digestion, absorption and metabolism, and honey contains amylase, lipase, conversion enzyme, which is the most enzyme containing enzymes in food.

Small, powerful, Chinese bee

Bee worm health care effect

1. Protein is an important component to maintain the normal immune function of the human body, but also an important nutrient component of white blood cells and antibody production in the human body, and the bee bee worm just contains a large amount of high-quality protein, so people will be improved to a certain extent after eating immune function.

2. Bee worms also have diuretic and anti-edematic effects. The effective substances in bee bee worms can quickly excrete excess water in the human body, accelerate the metabolism of human blood and water, and play a role in diuresis and eliminate edema.

3. Qi and blood is also one of the important roles of bee bee insects, it can accelerate the regeneration and division of human hematopoietic cells, so that the human body hematopoietic function is strengthened, play a role in preventing anemia, for people due to insufficient qi and blood and the appearance of limbs cold and yellowish complexion and other symptoms have a good conditioning effect.

Small, powerful, Chinese bee

Bees ecological value

As an important member of the ecosystem, bees have a pollination role that cannot be replaced by other organisms. Numerous studies have demonstrated the importance of bees in the promotion of biodiversity and the maintenance of ecological balance. People are also paying more and more attention to the role of bees in the restoration of ecosystems, the protection of rare plants, and the development and utilization of highland desert areas.

The bio-pollination of bees can not only greatly improve the yield and quality of crops, reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, but also save labor and accelerate the development of modern agricultural production, so beekeeping is considered an indispensable part of the construction of modern ecological agriculture.

Small, powerful, Chinese bee

Beeswax Cultural values

Batik, known as "wax valerian" in ancient times, is one of the traditional folk printing and dyeing processes. It is a traditional hand-dyeing technique that uses wax as an anti-dye material for anti-dyeing. The basic principle of batik is to apply wax (ancient beeswax, modern paraffin, beeswax, wood wax and other mixed waxes) where white flower patterns are needed, and then dye to dye and dye the places that are not waxed blue, and the waxed places appear white because they are not colored, and the jargon is called "white". When people examine and evaluate this traditional cultural artwork from the perspective of modern civilization, it has actually transcended itself and entered the modern art life as an artistic element, realizing a leap to a new cultural atmosphere and aesthetic realm, and showing new cultural significance.

Small, powerful, Chinese bee

In addition, the chinese honey bee in China's distribution areas, mostly remote mountainous areas, most of these areas are poor and the causes of poverty are complex, infrastructure and public services are large gaps, the incidence of poverty is high, the poverty alleviation work in these areas is "the short board of the short board", is difficult to gnaw the "hard bones". In order to consolidate the hard-won achievements in poverty alleviation, we must make great efforts to support the industrial development of ethnic minority areas. The unique biological characteristics of bees make them very suitable for moderate large-scale breeding by ordinary farmers. Carrying out bee breeding and promoting the industrialization of honey, royal jelly, propolis, etc. of bees can achieve scientific development in China's mountainous areas according to local conditions, so that more farmers can rely on bee breeding to run towards a well-off life in an all-round way, so that the bee industry can truly become a pillar industry of "stabilizing the border and enriching the people".

Small, powerful, Chinese bee

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