
The meaning is good, similar to the skewers of copper coins, do these 5 points, raise simple

author:Inspector Flower

Money skewers are a kind of succulent plants shaped like a string of copper coins, the meaning is also very good, the appearance is also very cute, so many people like to raise money skewers of this succulent plant, how the money string should be raised, in fact, it is very simple.

The meaning is good, similar to the skewers of copper coins, do these 5 points, raise simple

This plant is very well farmed, and it is less fragile than other succulents. If the bottom of the leaf dried up during the breeding process, it means that you have less watering, but many flower lovers dare not water when they raise succulents, for fear of drowning it. The solution I will bring to you next.

The meaning is good, similar to the skewers of copper coins, do these 5 points, raise simple

Watering: Before stringing money on the basin, you must pay attention to whether there are small holes in the basin that increase drainage performance, and if there is no need to replace it quickly. The soil is also very important, you must choose the soil to be transported, and you can add some sand to increase the permeability and drainage. Some small pebbles and rain stones can also be placed on the top of the pot, which is not only beautiful, but also can play a drainage role.

The meaning is good, similar to the skewers of copper coins, do these 5 points, raise simple

Don't water too little to make the money string dry to death, if the money string rots roots, its entire plant will fall down, there is no ornamental effect. So we can water not to be stingy, afraid of drowning, causing the plant to dry up and die. Most of the causes of death of the money string are water shortage, and we wait until the soil is slightly dry, and we will not make the money string watered and too bad roots.

The meaning is good, similar to the skewers of copper coins, do these 5 points, raise simple

The benefits and disadvantages of sunbathing, reasonable sunbathing: money strings are very fond of sunshine succulents, usually must be more sunshine to promote the growth of money strings. But also can not be exposed to the sun, especially now that it is summer, be sure to move the money to a cool place at noon, and then put it under the sun in the afternoon when the sun is not so strong. And always in the shade will also lead to the shrinking of the money string, and the leaves can not change color is not bright and beautiful, so we have to be diligent to change the environment.

The meaning is good, similar to the skewers of copper coins, do these 5 points, raise simple

The importance of fertilization: Before talking about watering, let's talk about the indispensable operation - fertilization. The money string is very beautiful when it bursts, but some people only have a few lonely money strings, which is why. It is because there is not enough nutrients and no fertilization. Strings of money do not grow slowly.

The meaning is good, similar to the skewers of copper coins, do these 5 points, raise simple

Fertilization should be applied every two weeks to supplement the growth and development of the money string, preferably using a compound fertilizer suitable for succulents. When fertilizing, you also need to pay attention to many things, fertilization should not be too much, a small amount of multiple times, and the temperature is too high do not fertilize, causing root burns.

The meaning is good, similar to the skewers of copper coins, do these 5 points, raise simple

Regularly change the pot of the money skewer: Because the money skewer is different from other succulents such as first love, otome heart and other small, it can grow very large, we need to buy a larger pot, if it is longer and more prosperous, we need to change the pot. In the winter, we move the outdoor money string to the warm room to prevent it from being eroded by the cold and frozen alive, as long as the indoor temperature is above five degrees, the money string can grow unharmed.

The meaning is good, similar to the skewers of copper coins, do these 5 points, raise simple

As I said before, in the summer to avoid exposure, but sometimes the outdoor sun is not strong, but the temperature is still very high, we need to move the money string indoors to cool down, or spray some water mist around to cool down, so as to ensure that the money string for temperature physiological needs.

The meaning is good, similar to the skewers of copper coins, do these 5 points, raise simple

Pruning the money string: When the money string grows, we must carry out appropriate pruning to maintain the beauty and health of the money string, so that it grows straight enough, we need to prune off those branches that grow out, so as not to disperse the nutrients of the money string. This ensures that the money string thrives and grows faster and more beautifully.

The meaning is good, similar to the skewers of copper coins, do these 5 points, raise simple

Do you know the way to raise money strings, it turned out that I didn't dare to water the money strings more before, and I didn't expect to kill it. As long as we follow this method to raise a good money string, it will definitely burst the pot, grow into a cute little copper money string, I hope this article can help the flower friends who like the lovely plant of the money string, more forwarding so that people around can also learn these methods.

【Some of the pictures come from the Internet】