
Qian skewer "home grown" a plant with excellent feng shui

author:Mu Mu's cat
Qian skewer "home grown" a plant with excellent feng shui

Copper money grass, also known as water money, the leaves are round, like mini lotus leaves, the leaves are like ancient copper coins, meaning reunion, good luck, and the name is stained with the words "copper" and "money", the meaning is naturally different: the family has copper money, rolling money, so it is considered a symbol of wealth. Copper money grass is planted at home, chic emerald green, and shows a fresh and unworldly style.


Prefer humid environmental conditions, suitable for aquarium pools, wetlands and other environments. The environmental requirements are not high, suitable for aquatic life, strong to the light, will grow in the direction of light

Qian skewer "home grown" a plant with excellent feng shui

Copper money grass is strong, easy to plant, and rapid reproduction. Copper money grass likes warm and humid, should be placed in the semi-shade maintenance, avoid direct sunlight, cultivated soil is not limited, soft and well-drained cultivated soil is better, or directly cultivated with water. The optimal cultivation temperature is 22~28°C,


Qian skewer "home grown" a plant with excellent feng shui

Copper moneygrass is often curled into clumps. The whole body is emerald green, the roots are cylindrical, 2 to 4 cm long, and about 1 to 1.5 mm in diameter. The stems are slender and curved, yellowish brown, with fine longitudinal wrinkles, and often have whisker-like roots on the nodes.


The propagation of copper moneygrass is quite simple and can be expanded by creeping stems. The bottom of the copper moneygrass grows with creeping stems, and leaves emerge from each stem node. When propagating, it is only necessary to cut a section of stem node with four or five leaves, put it into the environment that needs to be cultivated, and it will expand and grow. Generally, when we buy copper money grass at the local flower market, we buy some creeping stems of copper money grass and put them in a water basin, and after half a month, they can grow branches and leaves.

Purify the air

Copper money grass can purify indoor air, it can not only absorb formaldehyde and methanol in the air, but also absorb carbon dioxide in the air when photosynthesis, so that they can be converted into oxygen, released in the air, can make the indoor air more fresh and pure.


Copper money grass does not require large pots to be planted, and can also be planted in larger bowls, and shallow daffodil pots are enough. The soil is generally selected from the vegetable garden soil, and the appropriate amount is mixed with some river sand, and some small amount of organic fertilizer is added as the bottom fertilizer.

Copper money grass is afraid of cold, and the copper money grass placed outdoors in winter can pour out all the water and put it in a place facing the south sun leeward, which can safely survive the winter. However, in the winter, the leaves will gradually wither, and the roots of the underground will re-sprout in the spring of the following year. If there is no heating in the cold areas of the north, you can cover it with a cover, pour out the water, keep it moist, as long as the room temperature is not less than 0 ° C, the next year will also continue to grow.

Hydroponic copper money grass, long time without changing water or frequent water changes will cause the leaves to turn yellow. The water change time should be set at once a week, and half of the water should be discarded during the water change, so that the ecosystem in the water can be relatively stable.

Feng Shui effect

Generally speaking, copper money grass mostly uses water cultivation, and in feng shui there is such a saying as "mountain master Ding, water master wealth", that is to say, in feng shui, water is wealth, copper money grass and water combined together have a good fortune and good luck, which is conducive to fortune.

The propagation of copper moneygrass is quite simple and can be expanded by creeping stems. The bottom of the copper moneygrass grows with creeping stems, and leaves emerge from each stem node. When propagating, it is only necessary to cut a section of stem node with four or five leaves, put it into the environment that needs to be cultivated, and it will expand and grow.

Fish tank culture

Qian skewer "home grown" a plant with excellent feng shui

Hydroponic copper money grass can be fish farming, and fish farming in it also has certain benefits for copper money grass. However, pay attention to the choice of fish species, do not choose large fish, and do not choose carp and other fish that can eat grass. It is recommended that you raise mosquito fish, salmon and other small fish, their excrement can be used as a source of nutrition for the plant, in addition, copper money grass can also purify the water body during growth, helping and better growth. In addition, this small fish feeds on the larvae of mosquitoes, which prevent mosquitoes from forming in the water.