
The money string cutting method is here, simple and easy to learn

author:Fruit grower Little Ziggy

Cut a string of money, choose a strong branch, and leave 3-5 cm. The branches are selected to be full and robust, easy to survive, and the branches are cut into 5 cm sections, leaving two leaves for each section, so that the water loss when cuttings is relatively small, and photosynthesis can be carried out.

The money string cutting method is here, simple and easy to learn

The soil of the cuttings can be planted using one part humus, one part perlite, and one vermiculite. Money skewer cuttings generally use this soft, breathable soil, although the nutrient content is low, but breathable and moisturizing, very suitable for cuttings of succulent plants. Vermiculite can also be used with river sand cuttings.

The money string cutting method is here, simple and easy to learn

Before cutting, soak the money skewers in rooting water for ten minutes, let them dry and you can cut the cuttings. If there is no rooting water, you can soak it in clean water, mainly to supplement the water in the body of the money string, which is convenient for rooting.

The money string cutting method is here, simple and easy to learn

Be sure to protect from light when cutting, and spray daily. In the process of cuttings, do not water, because now the money string has not yet grown roots, can not absorb a lot of nutrients, most of the water is still absorbed through the leaves, so through the spray to supplement the soil and money string water, under normal circumstances, two weeks can take root.