
Four foods containing "parasites" are recommended to be eaten less often, and some people still buy them in large quantities today

author:Pediatrician Shang Yun

With the improvement of living standards, our diet has also been greatly improved, but there are still some diseases, because of the relationship between diet, rising year by year, in fact, there are many foods containing a large number of parasites, if we eat regularly, it will lead to a large number of parasites into the body, causing serious harm to the body, thereby inducing various diseases. #爱乐养生指南 #

For those foods containing parasites, it is recommended that everyone should eat less in daily life, let's take a look at it.

Four foods containing "parasites" are recommended to be eaten less often, and some people still buy them in large quantities today

Four foods containing "parasites" are recommended to be eaten less often, and some people still buy them in large quantities today

1. Field snail:

Drinking beer and eating barbecue in the summer, and then ordering a plate of field snails, it can be said that life is enough, and the methods of field snails are varied and delicious, so they are loved by people.

However, the structure of the snail is complex, it is likely to lead to a large number of parasites inside, even after high temperature cooking is difficult to get rid of these parasites, so it is recommended that everyone in daily life should reduce the intake of snails to avoid any harm to the body.

Four foods containing "parasites" are recommended to be eaten less often, and some people still buy them in large quantities today

2. Drunken Crab :

Drunken crab is mainly made of white wine, this food tastes extremely delicious, can greatly satisfy people's appetite, and proper consumption can also promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and accelerate metabolism.

However, the crab growth environment may also lead to a large number of parasites and bacteria attached to the crab surface, if the crab is not handled carefully, or without high temperature heating, it is likely to lead to a large number of bacteria and viruses on the crab surface into the human body, causing damage to the stomach and lungs, and may cause food poisoning when serious.

Four foods containing "parasites" are recommended to be eaten less often, and some people still buy them in large quantities today

3. Marine fish:

Like some deep-sea fish contains a lot of parasites, they may also be infected by some unknown substances, so there are a large number of parasites, like our common salmon, eel, cod, etc. are not recommended to eat everyone often.

Four foods containing "parasites" are recommended to be eaten less often, and some people still buy them in large quantities today

4. Drunken shrimp:

In fact, the production process of drunken shrimp and drunken crab is extremely similar, and now the heating process tastes cooked thoroughly, it is easy to infect Helicobacter pylori and parasites, resulting in serious damage to the body, when these harmful substances enter the body, it is easy to cause infection of the digestive tract and digestive system.

Four foods containing "parasites" are recommended to be eaten less often, and some people still buy them in large quantities today

To avoid parasitic infections, diet should be taken care of:

1. Purchase from regular sources

When we buy food, we must buy those raw meat or farmed aquatic products through formal channels, do not buy three no products in order to covet small and cheap, and must pay close attention to whether there is a quarantine certificate when purchasing, as far as possible to ensure the safety of food, which will help reduce the harm to the body.

2. Sterilized and processed until fully cooked

Most of the parasites are not resistant to high temperature and frost, through heating or low temperature sterilization can be effective to kill germs, usually heated to 60 ° C to 70 ° C five or six minutes can kill parasites, if the use of low temperature methods, it is recommended to place aquatic products in an environment below -20 ° C frozen for 7 days.

Four foods containing "parasites" are recommended to be eaten less often, and some people still buy them in large quantities today

At present, low-temperature sterilization is mainly aimed at seafood, and the freezing specification of freshwater aquatic products has not yet been established, so it is still the safest and most effective way to cook food after cooking it.

3. Separate raw and cooked

Some people in the storage of food, often raw food and cooked food mixed together, so that it is convenient and convenient, but this practice is very wrong, so it is easy to lead to cooked food is contaminated by parasites in raw food, and people in the process of eating cooked food basically will not carry out secondary processing, but also will lead to a large number of parasites into the body, serious harm to the body, so when storing food, it is recommended that everyone store well.

Four foods containing "parasites" are recommended to be eaten less often, and some people still buy them in large quantities today

4. Do not drink raw water

In the process of transporting raw water to various households, it is likely to breed a large number of bacteria and parasites, so it is usually necessary to boil the water as much as possible when drinking water, so as to help the production of parasites.

With parasites in the body, what are the abnormal manifestations of the body?

1. Weight loss

When the parasite appears in the body, usually leads to a significant weight loss of the patient, if there is weight loss in a short period of time, weight loss, it is best to go to the hospital in time to check to see if it is caused by parasites, because after parasite infection, intestinal function may be seriously damaged, resulting in a gradual decline in the ability of the intestine to absorb nutrients, over time it will cause nutrient loss, the phenomenon of physical wasting.

Four foods containing "parasites" are recommended to be eaten less often, and some people still buy them in large quantities today

2. Itching of the anus

When the body appears parasites, there will be a variety of adverse symptoms, the more common skin itching around the anus and financial worm infection has a certain connection, when the human body is infected by parasites is likely to cause local bad, causing itching and other issues, then need to go to the hospital in time to check, see if it is caused by parasites, the right medicine, alleviate the condition.

Four foods containing "parasites" are recommended to be eaten less often, and some people still buy them in large quantities today

3. Abdominal pain

Parasites into the body, will cause serious irritation to the stomach and intestines, the first obvious symptom is stomach pain, if the patient feels that the stomach has some abnormalities, there is obvious pain, it is best to check in time and take reasonable deworming measures for the parasite, so as to reduce the harm to the body.

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